According to a psychologist, the following 15 questions should be answered honestly by couples to identify if they are a long-term partner.

American author, Dr Carmen Harra Committed: Finding Love and Loyalty Through the Seven Archetypes, has revealed exclusively to FEMAIL how to discover if your partner is really ‘the one’.  

We should seek a partner that reflects honesty, integrity and reliability. This will ensure a long-lasting relationship. “The one” will not be a perfect person, but they will be perfect for you,’ explained Dr Carmen.

Additionally, the quiz questions can be used to help predict the durability and compatibility in your relationship.

Here, Dr Carmen reveals the questions every couple should consider if they want to go the distance…  

A psychologist has revealed the 15 questions all couples should be able to answer honestly to recognise whether they are one another's 'long-term match' (stock photo)

One psychologist revealed 15 questions that couples need to be honest about in order to determine if they’re a long-term match (stock photo).

1. Where do you see your future? 

Imagine building this together. Is it possible to imagine yourself living with the person you are building? 

You may be unable to see the future with your partner if they have serious character flaws, such as addiction, abuse tendencies or pathological lying. 

Imagine your relationship five years, ten or 20 years from now. Is it possible for your relationship to evolve? What do you think it will look like in the future?

2. What does your partner think of family? 

3. Can you both compromise? 

It is called compromise. Are you and your partner open to the idea of compromise rather than separation? 

Is it possible to have a good relationship with them? Uncompromising in a relationship can lead to a dead-end.

Does their relationship with family members remain strong? Are family and friends a top priority for them? Have they tried to make things work, even though your partner may have experienced family rifts? 

A person’s attitude towards their family will speak volumes about their willingness to treat you well if you are invited into their home.

4. Is it possible to share the same language? 

In language I mean systems of belief or perspectives that address the larger themes of life. What are your common views and goals? Are you averse to the same morals? 

If one wants to travel and the other desires to be settled down, it can cause problems. 

It is more likely that partners who share the same goals will stay together than those who pursue different ambitions.

5. Is it possible to be emotionally intimate? 

It goes far beyond physical intimacy. Emotional intimacy is being in touch with your partner’s innermost essence; it is the magnet that brings and keeps two people together. 

Does this person just “get” you without you having to explain yourself? If you weren’t feeling well, would they know what to bring you before you even asked? 

To be emotionally close to another person is to get along with them without any effort.

6. How do your emotions trigger in your partner? 

If you are unable to feel anxiety or worry without triggering pain, then this person is probably not the right person. 

A partner that can calm your emotions and bring harmony to you is something you should look for. 

The greatest gift any person can give is their peace of mind.

Dr Carmen Harra, American author of Committed: Finding Love and Loyalty Through the Seven Archetypes, has revealed exclusively to FEMAIL how to discover if your partner is really 'the one' (stock photo)

FEMAIL has exclusive access to Dr Carmen Harra (American author of Committed, Finding Love and Loyalty through the Seven Archetypes), who reveals how you can determine if your partner really is ‘the one. Stock photo

7. They are trustworthy. 

Without trust there can be no relationship. Do you feel reassured and confident around this person? Do you question their motives or claims? 

While everyone makes mistakes, a genuine partner will acknowledge them and make the necessary steps to correct them. You will feel unwavering trust in a person who’s your true match.

8. Are you in need of them? 

Partner who have been meant for each other don’t only want one another, but they also need the other. They are a couple that can swim a great ocean together. 

After a hard day, they yearn for each other’s embrace. They need the consoling words of their other half, their partner’s healing presence and unique touch. 

This kind of love transcends wanting – it’s a longing from the seat of the soul. Ask yourself this question: Do you really want or need your partner? 

9. Which are their strengths and weaknesses? 

Have you brought into your life a partner who’s a copy of a former love? Are there positive traits that this person possesses? 

If you don’t completely heal from and resolve the karma of past relationships, it’s likely that you’ll attract a similar companion again. 

To ensure you are making progress, compare the ex-relationship patterns with your current love interests.

10. Are you able to tolerate the weaknesses of each other? 

You will be tested patience when you are in a relationship that requires a high degree of tolerance.

Do you have the strength to endure all of your spouse’s mistakes? Do you have the ability to tolerate all of your partner’s bad behavior? But, can you appreciate their tastes and adapt your taste to them? 

Unconditional love calls for us to accept our partner’s weaknesses in the same way as their strengths.

11. Is your partner trying to do better? 

Every day should be a small step towards self-improvement in all aspects of our lives, mental, physical and emotional. 

Little things, like learning to be kinder to others or working on our patience, show that we’re trying to make progress as human beings. 

Are you able to see your partner working hard on their own improvement? Are they content with their current situation and unwilling to make changes? 

It is important to see a person as able to learn and willing to do so every day.

12. Is there a deeper connection between you?

The missing piece in a puzzle is a soulmate. Although soulful relationships are rare, the signs of one another’s love and support can be seen and felt by both parties and last for a long time.

Among the telltale signs of a soulmate is feeling a strong feeling of déjà vu, having an us-against-the-world mentality, a curious intensity that doesn’t die out, and a comforting sense of security.

13. Learn from them. 

Your teacher will be twice your partner if you choose the right one. Partner who work together will benefit from each other’s experience. 

Whether they’re lessons in love, work, finances, forgiveness, or any other aspect of life, your ideal partner will motivate you to expand your mind and elevate your spirit. Which lessons has your partner shown you?

14. Is your partner generous? 

You are not only responsible for your own happiness, but also the well-being of others. While you won’t be offered everything on a silver platter, you do deserve a partner who’s fair and gives back as much as they take. 

Are they willing to give you their love, time, and compassion? These rewards are priceless.

15. What do you think? 

Sometimes you can predict how your relationship will unfold before you actually see it. You often can sense whether someone is good for you from the start. 

If you find the perfect person, beautiful things will happen. 

Genuine love is a source of hope. A partner who has pure intentions will make you believe in the blessings that are coming. You might be surprised at the miracles that await you in your relationship.