Although your bedroom is supposed to be a haven of peace and tranquility, many people don’t think it should be kept clean or tidy.
Happy Beds is a bed retailer and has revealed 10 of the worst rooms in the nation through a photo competition.
Emma, age eight from Glasgow was named the winner of the competition after her parents took a shocking snap in her bedroom. It showed all her toys, bed, and carpets.
Despite the fierce competition, some notable runners-up were also there

Winner: Emily, age eight from Glasgow, likes to spend time with her pets in what appears like a clothing jungle.

Emma, six-years old, lives in Poole and is too busy with her toys for tidying.

Neave didn’t get any pocket money this week and we aren’t surprised! A seven-year old girl from Telford turned her living room into a sea full of toys and cuddly toys.

His mess needs more storage than the few boxes he has! Jamie (10 years old), from London likes to take his scooter and get rid of the mess in his bedroom.

Who is to blame? Lillie, 10, from London, can’t even see her sister through all the mess

Giant Pikachu, we see you! Zachary, 11 years old, from Hatfield uses his top bunk to keep all his toys.

Minnie is happy that she’s there. Olivia’s 10-year-old daughter, who lives in Wigan, loves pink so much it’s everywhere!

We can just imagine how it feels to stand on that Lego…ouch! Jasper from Cardiff is eight years old and sleeps well in his bedroom.

Just looking at it makes our backs hurt! Darcy May (7 years old) from Reading has made her bed out of toys and blankets.

At least the toys will be getting a good night’s kip! Dylan, a three-year-old boy from Suffolk, donated his bed to his cuddly toys collection.