RSPCA on the lookout for missing wallaby after he escaped from Lincolnshire Zoo. They made three unsuccessful attempts to catch him, but he was able to escape again.
Ant, seven-months-old, was found missing from his enclosure at Tiny Steps Petting Farm Thurlby on Wednesday January 5. This occurred in the South Kesteven region of Lincolnshire.
Dec, his wallaby companion, was left behind.
Ant, who fled with his family in Connecticut, has been reported by The Stamford Mercury as being seen running around the neighborhood.
Ant has been caught by keepers who have set up feeding stations to try to lure him.
The farm staff checked Ant’s trap on Sunday morning and discovered him eating the baited food.

Ant, the 7-month-old wallaby, ran away from Tiny Steps Petting Zoo in January 2005 and has continued to give keepers his freedom ever since.
RSPCA Inspectors were on hand to assist. Keepers removed Ant from the trap and covered it in a blanket.
The clever wallaby was able to unlock the trap and then hopped off the rescue mission.
Bret Whitcombe, volunteer for the BBC, explained how Ant managed escape from his trap early Sunday morning.
He stated that he had managed to free him from the forest area where he was hiding just in time to allow him to break the trap and kick it. So he is now loose.
“He is causing us many problems, God bless him.”

Tiny Steps shared this picture of Ant to inform the public about their attempts to catch him humanely and safely return him to his family.
Tiny Steps Petting Farm’s owner Tracey Hale posted the following on Facebook: “Words just can’t describe how frustrated and upset I feel at these events.”
The trap was made to be used on dogs, cats, and all other UK mammals.
“The metal grille door had almost been bent two times. There isn’t much demand in the UK to have a wallaby trap, as you can see.
Tiny Steps Petting Farm is continuing to try to capture Ant safely. They have also advised that the public should not chase Ant, since wallabies can be extremely stressed.
Due to their long time between taking effect and darts, tranquilisers were also ruled safe.