Last night, Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president claimed that Vladimir Putin’s morale is constantly deteriorating. He made this powerful claim and said that so far his forces had killed 9000 invaders.
According to the leader of the nation under siege, he also claimed that Russia’s plans were sneaky.
We are the nation that caught the enemy’s plan in just one week. Zelensky posted a video on multiple social media sites stating that there were plans for years.
He said that he admires the ‘heroic residents’ of the cities that have stood up against the Russian advance. Moscow, however, denied that 9,000 Russian soldiers were killed in the conflict. They released the figures earlier Wednesday.
“Our military, our frontier guards, territorial defence, even ordinary farmer capture the Russian military everyday,” he stated in this video. It is similar to many others that he recorded during wartime.
“All captives can only say one thing, they don’t know why they are there. The enemy’s morale is steadily deteriorating, despite the fact they are hundreds of times larger than them.
Zelensky has been praised by both the Ukrainians as well the international community for his leadership during the invasion. However, he also claimed that Russian troops had looted out of desperate need for food and other supplies.
He claimed that Putin’s soldiers had been forced out of the grocery stores by Ukrainian civilians looking for food. He stated, “These children were not used as superpower warriors, but confused kids who were being used.”
He warned that they would not enjoy peace, food, or quiet moments here. “The Ukrainian occupiers will only receive one thing: a rebuff. It is a worthy rebuff. They will not forget that we aren’t giving up.
Zelensky posted his comments before Ukraine’s capital Kyiv was attacked by Putin’s forces. Videos in Kyiv showed at least two huge explosions light up the night sky at around 2am local time, while Kherson city in the south was reportedly brought under Russia’s complete control.
The command of Ukraine’s Special Operations Forces has warned that Russian artillerymen will no longer be taken prisoner of war as a result of their “brutal shelling” of cities. ‘Each and every gun crew… will be slaughtered like pigs,’ a statement on Wednesday evening said.
According to the United Nations Refugee Agency, over 1,000,000 refugees fled Ukraine in the first week of war. Images and videos taken in Kyiv show thousands of people trying to escape the capital city by crowding stations on trains.
The State Emergency Service of Ukraine claimed Wednesday that more than 2000 civilians had died. However, it was not possible to confirm this claim. Fears exist that this number may be even higher.
On Wednesday morning, the viral video went viral of an emotional Russian soldier who broke down while speaking to his mother over the phone as he surrendered to Ukrainians.
After he had dropped his weapon, the footage featured a young Russian fighter. The women comfort him by telling him that everything is okay and patting him on his back.
As another woman gives him her phone, he is seen sipping tea and enjoying a pastry. As his mother responds, the young prisoner-of-war blows kisses and then bursts into tears when he finally sees her. The other woman can be heard calling her, saying, “Natasha! God bless you.” You will be contacted later. He’s healthy and alive.

Volodymyr Zelensky, the Ukrainian president, claimed last night that Vladimir Putin’s morale is dropping in an address. (pictured) He also stated that Russia’s military has killed so far 9,000 invaders.

Footage captures a Putin-era soldier, a young man who surrendered to Putin after being consoled and fed by Ukrainian women.
In Ukrainian, a male voice is heard off-camera saying: “These young men it’s not your fault.” They have no idea why they’re here. Because they’re using outdated maps to get lost,
This emotional video was shared by Twitter and shows the local Ukrainians greeting him with food following his surrender.
It said: Russian soldiers, surrender. Ukrainian people will feed.
Both in Russia and Ukraine, people have praised the Ukrainian women’s compassion towards the man they ordered to invade their country.
Many others have commented on how young the man was – just like so many Russian soldiers who were captured by Ukraine forces.
This footage was released after the Ukrainian Ministry of Defence stated that Russian mothers may come to Kyiv to collect their sons, who were taken prisoner.
A verified social media post claimed that Russian officials had stated that mother could travel to Kiev from Russia, if they found their child in captivity.
It read, “It was decided that the captured Russian soldiers would be given to their mothers if it came to Ukraine, Kyiv, for them,”
Ministry provides an email address as well as phone numbers to help soldiers find their whereabouts if they are ‘in captivity’ or have died.
They would need to travel to Kaliningrad in Belarus or Minsk in Belarus to pick up the child. Then they can take a taxi to the Polish border, where they will be taken to a handover station.

A young soldier in prison is seen sipping tea and eating pasty, as another woman hands him a telephone.
Official wrote that Ukrainians are not like Putin’s Fascists and do not attack mothers and children in captivity. “We are ready to meet you in Kyiv!”
According to reports, many demoralized and tired Russian troops are fleeing combat or giving up on Ukraine.
Putin’s troops are beginning to run low on fuel and food, leading to some looting while others allegedly sabotage their military equipment to escape the conflict.
Listen to radio communications intercepted from Moscow that indicate soldiers are refusing orders to bombard Ukrainian towns and complain about not having enough fuel or food.
This video appeared after another footage had been taken of Russian prisoners in war, who were seen weeping. They claimed that they did not know that they were being sent into war zones to be peacekeepers and instead they were being sent there.
After Vladimir Putin’s heavy losses, the commanders captured the men and used them as ‘cannon fodder.’
“This is not our conflict. Wives and mothers, gather your husbands. The injured soldier, who was sitting next to a Ukrainian flag, said that he didn’t need to be there. Another footage captured a Russian prisoner in handcuffs crying while saying, “They don’t even pick the corpses up, there are not funerals.”
Ukraine has invited Russian mother soldiers captured in battle to their homes to collect their sons. It is Kyiv’s latest effort to shame Moscow. The hotline was opened for Russian parents and allows them to check if their sons have been killed or captured.
Ukraine claims that Russia has lost 5,840 soldiers during the initial days of the conflict. If the figures are correct, this is one of the largest losses it suffered since World War II. Putin’s men were humiliated by the stiff resistance of Ukrainian forces as they attempted to gain a quick victory.
Russia has slowed its advance to a crawl since commanders regrouped, changed strategy and renewed their assault. This is expected to be an ever more bloody conflict of resources, with Kyiv’s men facing overwhelming odds. According to the Ministry of Defence, Russia has fought on all fronts since Wednesday but suffered losses.
Kherson in Ukraine’s southern region was an important port. Russian tanks invaded the city center overnight. Then they began arriving in great numbers. Kharkiv (Ukraine’s second largest city) was also under attack in the morning as paratroopers arrived. This sparked gunfights at a nearby military hospital.
Mariupol is another important port city in Ukraine’s southern region. Russian forces are also believed to have attempted to surround it with heavy bombing. Putin’s men will push northwards to try to surround Ukrainian forces near Donetsk, forcing them to surrender if the city is lost.
Both US intelligence and Ukrainian intelligence believe that morale is low in the Russian ranks. However, Putin and his commandos show no signs of giving up and are determined to continue to push for key objectives.
Sergey Shoigu was Russia’s defense Minister, and he stated Tuesday that the offensive will continue to be conducted until all goals have been achieved. He said this meant the removal of West-Russian threat.
Volodymyr Zelensky claimed that Russia wants to wipe out Ukraine and its people. Vladimir Putin’s invasion began its seventh day today, with new attacks on all fronts. This includes an attack on Kiev which is home to Europe’s biggest nuclear power station.
Zelensky who is a symbol for Ukrainian courage and defiance since war started, said to his people that Russians don’t know anything about the capital. What is our past? They have an order. We must erase our country. We must all be erased.

Russian soldiers were captured describing themselves to be ‘cannon fodder and telling that everyone is going in columns, and all will die.

Video posted by the Ukraine security services on Facebook shows captured Russian soldiers speaking out in a video. They claim that they were “deceived” and that they did not know they would invade Ukraine.

Footage captures a Russian prisoner in handcuffs crying out over the destruction and death caused by war. He says: “They don’t even pick up corpses. There are no funerals.”

Telegram also posted a separate video that showed soldiers declaring they felt ‘demoralised” when they realized they were being sent overseas to fight in Ukraine. “We were told that we would be enemies and that it’s wartime could lead to us being shot. Our bodies were used as cannon fodder.

According to British intelligence agency voice recordings, Russian soldiers who took part in the invasion in Ukraine were in “complete disarray”. Above: Photos of captured Russian soldiers

According to the Ukrainian military, Russia has renewed its attack on Ukraine today, with Russian paratroopers landing at Kharkiv and tanks and trucks rolling into Kherson’s centre. There were also strikes in Mariupol, Zhytomyr, and Zhytomyr.
Unshaven, the president wore a military-inspired khaki Tshirt and said that the West’s reaction was inadequate. He called for greater international support including the backing of Ukraine’s application to the European Union. He said, “This time is not to be neutral.”
Sergei Lavrov (Russian foreign minister) tried to dissuade western powers from engaging in the current conflict, saying that any Third World War in Europe would be destructive and nuclear if it started.
While the Russian troops prepared themselves for the attack, the wounded and capturers by Ukraine during the initial stages of the conflict were forced to reflect behind enemy lines on the decisions they made. “Noone has attacked us, and what Russia wants out of the war is beyond my comprehension. The other said that he loved him and his father, Mum.
One of the soldiers asked Kyiv to send children out of the warzone, while the other warned that ‘no one wants war.’ While a prisoner of war was being handcuffed, he burst into tears. He was captured wiping his eyes as if a relative had said to him “I love you” down the telephone.

These radio messages show that soldiers are not obeying central commands to bombard Ukrainian cities and complain about the lack of fuel and food. Above: A captured Russian soldier
He went on to urge the person to call for the end to the war because ‘to these b****es it’s just a case of killing everyone’.
A young soldier appeared also to be grieving for the fallen soldiers, stating that they ‘have no funeral.
He stated, “Don’t touch any corpses. Otherwise the FSB (Russian Federal Security Service) will arrest and charge you.”
As another soldier was injured in fighting, he was placed right in front of the Ukrainian flag and spoke to the camera.
He claimed that his troops didn’t know about Ukraine invasion and called on Moscow for an end to the conflict.
He stated, “We’re killing peaceful people.” This is not our war. Women, mothers and wives: Gather your husbands. You don’t have to be there.
Telegram also posted a separate video that showed soldiers saying that they felt ‘demoralised” when they realized they were being sent overseas to fight in Ukraine.
“We were warned that we would be enemies and it was wartime so we could even be killed if we didn’t comply. They used us as cannon fodder.
He said that Russian soldiers in his unit, at the very least, did not want to be involved in this conflict. We are ready to return home and we desire peace.
Kyiv says it has captured several Russian military personnel, and there are cellphone videos online that show young unarmed men wearing uniforms, bewildered, disarmed, just a week into Russia’s incursion in Ukraine.
Kyiv is trying to discredit Russian support for the invasion. It opened a phone hotline that allows Russian parents to check if their children are alive or dead. To provide details about Russian captured Russians, the defense ministry published phone numbers as well as an email address. Mothers will then be invited to Kyiv for their sons’ recovery.
The ministry stated that they would receive and take you to Kyiv, where your son would be taken back to you. We Ukrainians do not wage war on mothers or their children, unlike Putin’s fascists.

Russian armed forces released footage Wednesday showing a group of vehicles parked on a road in Ukraine.

A street in Bucha to the south-west of Kyiv is lined with remains from a Russian military convoy.

A man is armed and stands in front of the remains of an unidentified Russian military vehicle near Bucha.

Officers remove the corpse of a pedestrian who was killed by yesterday’s attack on Kyiv’s main TV tower.

Officers inspect the corpses of people who died in yesterday’s strike that struck Kyiv’s main TV tower.

At the scene of the airstrike yesterday that struck Kyiv’s main TV tower, police officers are on guard

Without insignia the body of a soldier who, according to Ukrainian military, is believed to be a Russian Army serviceman, killed while fighting in Kharkiv in eastern Ukraine
Recordings obtained by British intelligence company ShadowBreak revealed Russian soldiers retreating after becoming frustrated with the war, indicating that Moscow’s forces are in ‘complete disarray’.
One of The Telegraph’s intercepted conversations reveals that a soldier appears to be crying during one conversation.
One soldier can be heard losing his temper while asking when fuel and food will arrive. He said, “We have been here three days!” It is not ready yet.
ShadowBreak reviewed a third message and found a heated exchange between the soldiers. The soldier had to remind his colleague from a command center that artillery cannot be used in an area until civilians have fled.
ShadowBreak founder Samuel Cardillo (26), told The Telegraph that he was sent messages from amateurs using antennas.
He stated that he had found out that Russian operatives were operating in complete chaos. They don’t have any idea where they’re going or how to properly communicate with each others.
“There were times when we heard them.” [Russian soldiers] crying in combat, a period where they were insulting each other – obviously not a sign of great morale.’
Cardillo stated that some messages contained evidence of war crimes because it revealed orders to launch missiles into cities.
These were just 24 hours worth of information obtained by ShadowBreak, an intelligence company.
A senior US defense official said Tuesday to the New York Times that troops had ‘deliberately punched through’ their petrol tanks so they could avoid combat.
Some parts of the Russian military still use analogue “walkie-talkie” two-way radios. This makes them vulnerable to interception.
According to some reports, Ukrainian forces also had no trouble jamming Russian communications or interrupting them by the sound of their national song.
ShadowBreak also obtained another recording that shows a soldier crying and pleading for his orders: ‘…it’s slow, it’s slow.
These communications also show that the soldiers received assurances they would not face resistance when entering Ukraine.
The Ukrainian resistance is now on its seventh day. Multiple videos show civilians facing the Russian invasion troops and convoys.
The new recordings come after Ukraine on Monday paraded captured Russian soldiers in dozens of online videos.
Footage posted online show tied up ‘demoralised and exhausted’ Russian prisoners of war captured after they failed to break through Ukrainian defences in Kyiv and Kharkiv over the weekend.
Many of these videos were uploaded to a Telegram channel called “Find Your Own” that was set up by the Ukrainian Interior Ministry on Saturday.
Many Russian troops stated that they believed they were training in border areas and they didn’t realize they were being sent out to invade Ukraine.