Inadvertently, Los Angeles television broadcast the shocking scene in which a motorcyclist was killed in a collision with a vehicle while fleeing from police.
The crash occurred on Thursday afternoon in West Hills as a news chopper from KCBS-TV was broadcasting live footage of the suspect’s wild 130mph flight from a traffic stop.
Los Angeles Police Department stated that the motorcycle had been reported as stolen. Police were following the vehicle after it was stopped by the rider, but they did not pursue the suspect.
A news anchor stated, “Oh my God!” as she held her hands up to her face and watched the biker crash head-on into a car. “We just saw – sorry, just saw the motorcycle collide with a vehicle at an intersection.”
On Thursday, a rider who fled police with an allegedly stolen bike was killed in a crash
A motorcycle crashed head-on into a car as it was passing through an intersection.
LAPD Captain Andy Neiman told the CBS affiliate: ‘It’s a very sad day here. Just another example of how reckless driving – regardless of who it is – causes death.’
Neiman maintained that, contrary to earlier reports, officers had not been following the bike at the time the accident occurred.
Many police stations have policies against motorcycle pursuits. It all depends on the situation.
“There have been some claims that we were following this motorcycle. Neiman stated, “I just want it to be very clear. At no time were they in pursuit.”
“Oh my Godsh,” said a news anchor, as she clutched her hands in her mouth and watched the rider crash head-on with her car.
According to LAPD, police reported the motorcycle as stolen. They were following it up after the rider ran from an intersection, but they did not engage in any pursuit.
Nieman claimed that the riders or the motorcycle were unusually dressed and made officers suspicious. When they checked the plates, the bike was returned as stolen.
The officer claimed that the rider fled from officers who tried to pull it over in a lot.
KCBS confirmed the footage that showed the motorcycle speeding at 130 mph during the time leading to the accident.
The motorcyclist’s identity was not immediately available from the Los Angeles Coroner’s Office.