After her mother cancelled her Christmas invitation, a woman revealed that she was having sex with an unvaccinated friend. 

Taking to the British parenting forum Mumsnet, the user BloodyC19Xmas, asked if she was unreasonable to be ‘fuming’ over the change in plan. 

Two-year-old mother explained that her friend was experiencing a very difficult divorce. So, she invited her to come spend Christmas Eve with her. 

However, after learning about the plan, the mother of the woman who is technically clinically vulnerable and triple jabbed decided not to invite her family over for Christmas lunch. 

The daughter claimed she is often around people who are not vaccinated because her work in the public service. She also said her husband is. This left her confused and unable to see the logic.  

Some commenters disagreed with her mother, saying that she shouldn’t be held responsible for protecting herself. Others agreed with her daughter, saying that it doesn’t make any sense and that her mom is being controlling.  

Is this woman being unreasonable to not let her unvaccinated friend over at Christmas, where her elderly and vulnerable mother will be present? Mumsnet user BloodyC19Xmas is meant to spend Christmas day at her mother's house, who is clinically vulnerable, but has invited her unvaccinated friend to the event... and the mother is not happy

Does this woman think it is unreasonable not to invite her friend unvaccinated over Christmas where her vulnerable and elderly mother will also be present? Mumsnet user BloodyC19Xmas has planned to spend Christmas at her mom’s home, where she is currently clinically vulnerable. But, her friend invited to attend the event… but the mother isn’t happy

A mother from the UK has taken to the 'Am I being unreasonable?' thread of Mumsnet's communities to see what people think of her tricky festive setup

The UK mother of a child has asked, “Am I unreasonable?” Mumsnet communities thread to find out what Mumsnet members think about her complicated festive set-up

She writes: ‘My friend was going on Christmas Eve to visit Xmas Eve because it’s their first ever year following a terrible divorce. We’re dreading xmas waking without our kids and missing out on the joy of santa, etc. so I invited my dh to spend Xmas together with my kids and dh.

‘My mother discovered that my friend had not been vaxxed. It was very fair of her to say they could’t come to my house. We changed our plans to allow friend to stay over on Christmas Eve and to have lunch at my mum’s after my friend left to go home with their kids.

Mum is paranoid about omnicron acceleration and believes she will die from it. She has had three vaccinations.

“And she said that if my friend came to visit, we won’t be able to go to see them on Xmas Day because she doesn’t want it to be risky.

“My kids are young. They will not be able to spend Christmas with their grandparents. This is my main concern.

“I feel like I’m mad because my husband and I work together in key positions within the public sector. But that hasn’t bothered me before.

“My friend claimed they would have a covid check before coming to visit. We said that we’d also have one before going to mom’s, so it’s not a big deal. Apart from a controlling narrative. Am I being unreasonable?’


Many agreed with the Mumsnet user saying that it wouldn't be fair to disappoint the friend who is going through a difficult divorced, and advised her to call her mother's bluff and not go

Mumsnet users agreed that it would be unfair to disappoint friends going through divorce. They advised the friend to call her mom’s bluff, not to go.  

AnneLovesGilbert stated: “She cannot ban you from having friends in your house and given your job and children, she’s being a fool to concentrate on one thing to control.

“You don’t have to abandon your friend. Tell your mum that so you will be home, you won’t need to leave your mother.

MrsDSalvatore said, “I would tell her that it is fine. You will go home with your friend. See how fast she changes her mind.”

The Boardwalk used a “whatever occurs, happens” approach. ‘Will my mum still be there on Christmas Day? How do you think your children feel?

“I have done my risk assessment and will be meeting up with friends in the New Year.” 

Others sided with the woman's mother and said that nobody can be blamed for wanting to stay safe and avoid the virus

Some others agreed with her mother, saying that no one can be held responsible for trying to avoid getting the virus. 

GreenClock suspects that the original poster has an ulterior motive. ‘Maybe her mother wants to have a close-knit Christmas. This is a ruse. 

Soapboxqueen said that women must respect the feelings of people when they are unvaccinated or Covid.

She said, “If your mother isn’t comfortable, it’s because your mum’s uncomfortable.” She is clinically vulnerable, you’ve stated.

“I have many relatives, some sensitive, some not, some hypervigilant, and others less fussy. Each person’s level of comfort is important to me.

“Yes, you might be in direct contact with the public every day. But maybe she is able to cope because it’s your job.

If you do not want to cancel your friend’s invitation, tell your mom that you will give it time, then test and finally visit.

“Yes, it is possible that your doctor may be upset. But this is the moment we’re in.

It is not important to you whether she is controlling, or is truly scared.

Users agreed with IgneousRock. She said her kids would not notice that their grandmother was absent on such an important day.

She stated, “Personallly I would be putting mine first here – Christmas really is for children.

“If they would be devastated to miss Christmas with grandparents, I would reluctantly cancel friend.

However, some people believe the mother is trying to manipulate the situation to fit her personal preferences and not to understand her daughter’s needs in order to be accommodating to her friend.

XenoB***h said: ‘Your mum is BU [being unreasonable].

“Will your friend agree to do an LFT?” [lateral flow test]? If she doesn’t have Covid, she can’t spread it.

“I can’t understand the hyperbole that triple-jabbed people feel about unvaccinated persons.

“Do they not believe in their vaccines?” Is it possible to get the vaccines from other people if they don’t trust them? You should try to get something OP. [original poster]. Sounds difficult.’

SickAndTiredAgain stated: “Your children are young?” You are so unvaccinated that you spend days in school with other unvaccinated children. What time does the school close for Christmas?

“Surely she’s more likely to catch it from her than you after meeting with them the day before. Would you really be that contagious?