Creativity in cursive Users of social media share their most memorable handwriting examples.

  • Some people reveal some of the most beautiful handwritten calligraphy that they have seen.
  •  One snap show a restaurant sign that would tempt anyone inside the 
  • Another picture shows an unassuming customer who gets their name written on a cup 

Beautiful handwriting, from a CD with tracklists clearly noted on it, to study notes that are gathered in the most appealing way can sometimes be very pleasing to the eye. 

All over the world, people have sent beautiful handwritten notes.  

The first image is an old tape that has been covered with a very well-written script. A London Underground noticeboard makes people feel warm with an exquisitely written note.

Instructions for cooking a turkey can be found elsewhere. A food delivery is also a treat. 

FEMAIL has some great examples… 

When you finally receive your takeaway food what could be better than it being delicious? Beautifully-written information on the cartons, of course

What could possibly be more satisfying than delicious take-out food? You will find beautiful, well-written information on your cartons. 

This Bangla handwriting is gorgeous for anyone to behold, regardless of whether one can read it or not

It is beautiful to look at, no matter if you can or cannot read Bangla.

Hopefully this US waiter received a monetary tip, but this handwritten thanks definitely produced a smile

Although the waitress in America received a tip, this handwritten thank you definitely made him smile.

Giving someone a personal CD playlist in the 90s was always a special gesture, but this neatly-written tracklist definitely elevates the gesture

A personal playlist of 90s music was always an unusual gesture. But this well-written tracklist elevates it. 

If you want to learn how to bake a turkey, the first step it to make sure you don't get lost in the handwriting

You must first learn to properly bake turkeys.

The London Underground noticeboards are known for making people smile, but this one really takes the cake

London Underground’s noticeboards make people smile. But this one takes the cake.

This US menu board is likely to make the restaurant sell out instantly, purely because of how the writing makes you salivate

The US menu board will likely sell the restaurant immediately due to the way the writing makes your mouth water.

Oh Abby, you lucky so-and-so. This is enough to cheer up anyone's day, a little cursive never hurt anyone

Oh Abby, you lucky so-and-so. You are enough to make anyone smile, and a cursive can never hurt anybody.

What a treat! Dorothy really knows how to apologise. First, write a barely legible note, and second make it so pretty that it won't matter

This is a wonderful treat. Dorothy is a master at apologizing. You should first make it difficult to read and then you need to make it beautiful enough that it will not matter.

This shopping list, found on the streets of Prague is enough to stop anybody in their tracks to take a photo

The shopping list found in Prague’s streets is enough to make anyone stop from taking a picture

This US video tape is retro in two ways: its a chunky piece of technological equipment and the writing is straight out of the last century

The retro US video tape has two features: it is a large piece of technology equipment, and its writing is from the past century.

What could be better than this beautiful '3'? Sometimes simplicity is key and sometimes you write the perfect number and have to take a photo

This beautiful “3” is the best! Sometimes simplicity is the key.

Of course having clear writing in the emergency department is a useful, but having this beautiful might just be a distraction

Clear writing is an asset in an emergency department, however it can be distracting to have beautiful writing.

The nickel restaurant in the US certainly knows how to make a customer hungry, and whet their appetite for picking up a pen an practicing

A nickel restaurant in America knows what it takes to get customers hungry and make them want to practice their penmanship.

This UK student's notes are clear and beautiful enough to make anyone revising actually pay attention

These notes from a UK student are so clear and gorgeous that anyone who is revising will be compelled to pay more attention.
