Savannah Brockhill was the murderer of Star Hobson and wanted to trim all her hair in an attempt to turn her into a Gypsy baby, according to relatives.

By punching or stamping the stomach of the little girl, the killer bouncer (who proudly claimed to be the “Number 1 psycho”), the creepy victim killed the child.

Brockhill was 10 years old when she left school. The seven-week murder trial revealed that Brockhill came from a traveling background.

Five times friends and family contacted social workers, but the killer and Star’s mother made it seem that Star was loved and taken care of.

The little girl’s great-grandfather David Fawcett said this morning: ‘Savannah was slam-choking – some kind of move they do in kickboxing or karate or something – and she was throwing Star onto the bed, which was thought was a bit strange for an 11-month-old little girl to be doing.

Then, about a day later, it was revealed that she had plans to trim her hair.

Star looks terrified as the woman who would later murder her holds her in her arms

Star appears terrified as she is held in her arms by the woman who would murder her later.

Savannah Brockhill

Frankie Smith

Death partners: Savannah Brockhill (28), and Frankie Smith (20) were both convicted in the murder of Star Hobson.

“So Anita stated that she was fed up and would ring the social service to get it sorted,” he said to GMB.

Devious Frankie Smith covered the bruises and other injuries of her toddler after she was alerted by social services that they would be coming.

Smith, 20 years old, began concealing the traumas Savannah Brockhill and Smith had caused to the baby girl by using makeup. 

When the Bradford City Council social workers arrived at Hollie Jones’ Keighley house, Hollie Jones made Hollie her watch to obscure their view.

Smith did not know it was actually brave Hollie that had attempted to save Star, tipped off authorities last January 23rd.

Following witnessing the chaos inside the home, she had taken action and told this morning that social workers could have come to the rescue.

Star's mother Frankie Smith, 20, and girlfriend Savannah Brockhill, 28, have been convicted

Star’s mother Frankie Smith (age 20) and Savannah Brockhill (28) were both convicted

Police have released a harrowing picture of one of the bruises on Star's face that sparked calls to social services from family

A graphic of Star’s bruises has been released by police. This shocking picture prompted family members to call social services.

Babysitter Hollie Jones alerted social services but they told Frankie Smith they were coming

Social services were alerted by Hollie Jones, babysitter; however, they informed Frankie Smith that they would be coming.

An overview of social service and police failures to protect tragic Star

February 23, 2020  A referral from Smith’s friend and sometimes babysitter Holly Jones went to social services.

Star was being increasingly left with her and she raised concerns about domestic violence.

Police visited Smith three days later, but no suspicions were raised. Smith wasn’t home when the social services visited her January 28.

She spoke to her family and the matter was closed.

May 5, 2020 – Star’s great-grandmother Anita Smith contacted social services over concerns over how the baby was being treated.

Both the mother and baby did not get any bruises when they visited.

Frankie Smith spoke with Brockhill from social services and was granted permission by Brockhill to perform police checks.

June 21, 2020 –  Jordan Hobson, Star’s father, referred Smith and Brockhill to social services after seeing pictures the couple had shared of his daughter’s bruised face.

The police again went to their house and found the marks on the head of the baby.

Smith claimed that Star had struck her head on the coffee table’s handle.

Two bumps appeared on her cheek and four in her legs after a medical exam.

Smith’s and Brockhill’s claims that she was playing with a dog were believed.

June 23, 2020 – Social services were again contacted by Rachel Whiteley, a close friend of Smith’s mother Yvonne Spendley.

Star had been treated roughly by Smith at a barbecue.

Ms Whiteley stated that she thought the treatment of her barbecue-eater was disgusting.

Although the Social Services closed this case in July it’s not known what took place.

September 2, 2020 –  Frank Smith – Star’s paternal great-grandfather – alerted social services to a video of Star with bruises on her face.

According to some reports, their mother had traveled to Scotland during the time they were visiting her.

Unannounced the following day, they returned to Brockhill and discovered her at home.

Star, who was unsteady on her feet, was noticed by them and she even walked in a sofa with them.

Brockhill said she also had bruises to her right cheek and right shin, adding that Brockhill believed she fell from the stairs.

Police later learned that the killer had told them what she’d said to the social worker.

The case was closed by social services on September 15. They concluded that the referral was’malicious.

Star was then murdered a week later.

Brockhill, who called herself “the number 1 psycho”, will be sentenced to death today with Smith as a result of Star’s murder. 

Hollie stated that the social workers called an hour before they arrived to inform them of their arrival.

“Frankie started cleaning Star and covering up bruises.

Star was held by her so the social worker didn’t get to see as much.

“Later, they said they visited me and that they had no concern.

According to her, “She’s at home with her mom, so there is nothing they can do but it’s all fine and she feels safe,” she said to BBC.

It’s just like calling up a criminal and saying, “I’m coming after you.” It doesn’t make sense.

“I think there should be more because the parents who abuse their children don’t know how to conceal it. 

On Tuesday, the Bradford Partnership (which includes agencies that had been in contact with Star throughout her brief life) stated: “We must fully understand why we missed opportunities to better safeguard Star.”

A safeguarding partner stated that the review will be published next spring, however it regretted that not all of the warning signs had been spotted.

Bradford Council Leader Susan Hinchliffe stated that Star had been ‘let down.

Robbie Moore, Ilkley Tory MP for Keighley and Ilkley, said that Bradford Council leaders must ‘hang their heads with shame’ and should resign.

Star’s passing was “deeply concerning” according to the Department for Education. They also stated they would not hesitate to take control of Bradford Council’s children’s services if needed.

Smith was uncontrollable when Brockhill delivered the verdicts as Brockhill stood before her in the glass-fronted dock.

Star, who lived in Wesley Place with Smith, was taken to the hospital on September 22, 2020. However, her injuries proved to be ‘utterly devastating’ and unable for survival, according the two-month trial.

Jurors learned that Smith’s relatives and friends were growing concerned over the bruises they had seen on Smith in the months prior to her death.

Brockhill and Smith were able to convince social workers in each instance that Star’s marks were either accidental or maliciously made by those who didn’t like the relationship.

Star died from injuries sustained by her abdomen, according to Prosecutors.

Star also had other injuries that were revealed by jurors. This meant Star had been subject to a variety of serious injuries over the course of her life.

A series of videos from a CCTV camera were shown to the jury. They showed Brockhill performing 21 strikes at Star over nearly three hours. Some of these clips were taken while Brockhill was still in his car seat.

This footage was taken from an old camera in Doncaster’s recycling facility, where Brockhill worked as security guard. It was shot eight days prior to Star’s passing.

Brockhill appeared to punch and then slap Star, according to the prosecutor. At one point, Star fell from the car. Brockhill grabbed Star’s throat.

Another video was also shown to the jury, which Star fell off of a chair and hit the ground.

Alistair MacDonald QC, Prosecutor of the case stated to the court that the youngster had been ‘clearly exhausted’ but was still being treated with complete disregard by his family.

He stated that the toddler was subject to psychological, and sometimes even physical harms over the years. 

For causing or allowing death to a child, the maximum sentence is fourteen years.