Star Hobson’s mother was warned that she is a “marked woman” after Star Hobson was placed on HMP New Hall’s lifers’ wings. Rose West, a serial killer and notorious criminal is also in prison. 

Frankie Smith, 20, was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment for causing or allowing Star’s death, while partner Savannah Brockhill, 28, was jailed for life with a minimum term of  25 years for her murder.

Smith will be served her sentence in one cell with ‘lifers’ at West Yorkshire’s closed-category prison.

However, Star is believed to be her target. Star was reportedly a possible target for an attack. 

A source told The Sun Online: ‘She’s a marked woman and it won’t be long before someone gets to her.

‘She’s on the lifers’ wing so there are plenty of women with very little to lose who will attack her for the price of a few bars of chocolate or some toiletries.’  

Another person posted an alarming online post: “Leave her cell doors open.” 

Smith, it is believed will share meals with Willow House inmates and use communal showers.

It’s not known if West (her husband Fred, tortured and killed at least nine young ladies between 1973-1987) is still in the same unit or on another wing. 

Brockhill is currently being served her sentence at HMP Styal (Cheshire), where she suffered two cardiac arrests, collapsed, and was then given life-saving resuscitation. 

Frankie Smith (pictured) was jailed for eight years at Bradford Crown Court for causing or allowing the death of her 16-month-old daughter Star Hobson

Frankie Smith, (pictured), was sentenced to eight years in Bradford Crown Court. She was accused of allowing or causing the death Star Hobson (16 months old)

Smith (right), 20, pictured holding her toddler daughter Star (left). The infant was murdered by her partner Savannah Brockhill

Smith, 20, is pictured with her infant daughter Star (left), Savannah Brockhill murdered her infant child Star (left),

Brockhill (pictured) was jailed for life with a minimum term of 25 years for the murder of Star

Brockhill, (pictured), was sentenced to life imprisonment with a term minimum of 25 years in prison for Star’s murder.

Star from 'utterly catastrophic' injuries at her home in Keighley, West Yorkshire in September 2020

Star suffered ‘utterly devastating’ injuries in her West Yorkshire home at Keighley in September 2020

An aerial view of HMP New Hall, Flockton, Wakefield, West Yorkshire, where Smith is serving her eight-year prison sentence

View from the air of HMP New Hall at Flockton in Wakefield, West Yorkshire. Smith is serving her eight-year sentence.

Timeline of failings: Police and social services failed to prevent the abuse of tragic Star

January 23, 2020  A referral from Smith’s friend and sometimes babysitter Holly Jones went to social services.

Star was being increasingly left with her and she raised concerns about domestic violence.

Trongs of days later police arrived but found no reason to be concerned. Smith wasn’t home when the social services visited her January 28.

The family was contacted and there were no issues. So the case closed on February 27, 2007.

May 5, 2020 – Star’s great-grandmother Anita Smith contacted social services over concerns over how the baby was being treated.

Both the mother and baby did not get any bruises when they visited.

Frankie Smith was contacted by social services, Brockhill gave permission for them to conduct police checks.

June 21, 2020 –  Jordan Hobson, Star’s father, referred Smith and Brockhill to social services after seeing pictures the couple had shared of his daughter’s bruised face.

Their home was again visited by police who found marks on the baby’s skull.

Smith claimed that Star had struck her head against the handle of a coffee-table.

Two bruises were found on her cheek, and four on her back.

Smith and Brockhill claimed that the two were playing with a puppy, which was what they thought it was.

June 23, 2020 – Social services were again contacted by Rachel Whiteley, a close friend of Smith’s mother Yvonne Spendley.

Star was being picked up by Smith, and she had worried about her treatment.

Ms Whiteley stated at that time, “I thought it was disgusting giving her barbecue food and the way she treated her.”

Although the Social Services closed this case in July it’s not known what took place.

September 2, 2020 –  Frank Smith – Star’s paternal great-grandfather – alerted social services to a video of Star with bruises on her face.

According to some reports, their mother had traveled to Scotland during the time they were visiting her.

They returned the next day unannounced, and she was at Brockhill’s house.

Star, who was unsteady on her feet, was noticed by them and she even walked in a sofa with them.

Brockhill also noted bruises on Brockhill’s cheeks and right shins, but she said that Brockhill had told her she fell down the steps.

Later, the murderer revealed to police what the social worker said. She added: “Social services came and saw Star. She checked Star’s body. Her bedroom. We chatted about Star. She said that the report was malicious.

The case was closed by social services on September 15. They concluded that the referral had been malicious.

Star was then murdered a week later.

Smith was said to be upset by the calls to have her 8-year sentence reviewed.

After the Attorney General demanded a review of her sentence, she called her grandfather David Fawcett to complain about the length of her imprisonment.  

David, aged 61, said to the Sunday People, “She called me on Thursday, and she is upset that they are reviewing their sentence.” Eight years doesn’t seem long enough, people say.

“She is very upset.” “She’s had to lose her daughter, and that is all she can talk about.

Smith, who gave birth when she was 17 at the time, became a ‘good mom’ and began to neglect Star. Star would instead drink with her mother, Yvonne Spendley, in Bradford’s pubs. 

Brockhill was a bar bouncer at the pub she worked as. She met Brockhill on one of her night outs and fell in love with her confident personality.

Brockhill was a self-described ‘psycho’ and beat Smith regularly. She threatened to kneecap anyone who “even glanced at her” when she kept attracting male attention.

Star, an amateur boxer who began to physically abuse Star as well, was eventually killed in one last act sickening violence. 

During their trial, it emerged social services received at least five referrals from numerous friends and family members worried Star’s life was in danger but social workers allowed the toddler to stay with her “terrible” mum.

Due to Brockhill’s travel history, some of Brockhill’s extended family were against the relationship.

The trial heard that these concerns would affect the way the social services dealt with the case.

Social workers were confronted by numerous family referrals and accepted Smith’s claim that the defendants were malicious and motivated to prove it. The jury was then told.

The first social services referral was made on January 23 last year – eight months before Star died.

Holly Smith, the babysitter noticed that Holly was bruising her. She raised concerns about domestic abuse and police visited Smith.

There was no action taken.

After learning of play-fights that Star had been having in her flat, Mrs Smith reached out to social services nine days later. They told Smith about a “choke-slam” wrestling maneuver.

Brockhill wanted Star to have his hair shaved according to the gipsy tradition. This may have fueled social services’ misguided belief that Brockhill was motivated by prejudice.

Star was comfortable in Brockhill when social workers visited Star.

There was no action taken.

The couple then prohibited Mrs Smith and Mister Fawcett from going to Star.

Smith’s sister Alicia Szepler, who took photos of her niece with bruises and sent them off to the police in June, was the one calling the authorities.

Officers were told by her that Star’s sibling had abused her and taken away her food.

A custody picture of Rose West, the infamous House of Horrors killer, murdered at least nine women along with her husband Fred

Rose West (the notorious House of Horrors murderer) is shown in custody. She murdered at least nine women and her husband Fred.

Smith, pictured above, is serving an eight-year prison sentence at HMP New Hall in West Yorkshire

Smith is shown above serving eight years in HMP New Hall, West Yorkshire.

Star Hobson’s biological dad, Jordan Hobson was also informed of the allegations. He had been given a picture of Star and expressed his concern with social services.

The infant was brought to Bradford Royal Infirmary. Star was examined by Star’s doctor. She claimed that Star had fallen on a coffee table while playing with her puppy.

There was no action taken.

Two more referrals – the fourth and fifth – were made to social services by friends and relatives.

There was no action taken.

The spokesperson from the Attorney General’s Office said they had received the request to review the sentences. Law officers are allowed to examine the case within 28 days of the time the terms were issued.