An employee in mental health supports has shared how her skin changed from pale to Shrek after she used dark fake tanning.
Devon Birkett was 25 years old and decided to have a pamper day at home. Devon applied fake tan for a natural golden glow to her pale skin.
Devon, Cumbria’s Barrow-in-Furness resident, admitted she is pale and resembles a ghost. So, she put one layer of St Moriz mousse on shade Darker than Dark. Then, she settled in to watch a film about murder.
Devon glanced at her feet after two hours, and she noticed that her freshly-tanned heels were khaki. Alarmed, Devon climbed up and looked in the mirror.
Devon Brikett got quite shocked when her skin turned “Shrek” green due to fake tan.
Devon has a very pale skin tone and describes her self as looking like an ‘apparition’.
A mental health professional was watching a documentary about fake tanning. After two hours, she noticed her skin color had changed to an alarming khaki shade.
Devon was shocked to find her hands, feet, and face were green. Her pals laughed and even compared her to Shrek as she video-called her.
She was laughed at by friends and then jumped into the shower to wash it off. It left her with a normal tan, though there is still some green.
Devon stated, “I am naturally very pale. It’s almost like I’m a ghost.”
“I enjoy putting on fake tan to make me feel confident. A little bit of golden glow is what I enjoy.
Devon is pictured in the same way she looks as usual. She uses fake tan every day because it boosts her confidence.
She was too fast to scrub off her horrible fake tan, but her bath water showed the exact same color she had on her skin.
Devon after getting rid of the fake tan. The fake tan was removed by Devon, but she admitted that there is still some green tint to her eyes.
I go through different phases of tanning. I might tan for just a few minutes, but I’ll usually tan at least once every week.
“I went out with my friends the next day and wanted to be nice, but instead I turned green.”
Devon began her pre-tanning regimen of exfoliating, moisturising, and then applied one layer to her body. She then settled down to watch television.
Devon stated, “When I applied the tan I did all that I do normally – exfoliating, moisturising and then applying St Moriz Darker Than Dark mousse.
Devon is pictured as she usually looks before applying fake tan. Her routine includes exfoliating, moisturizing before and after application. Devon as she is usually pictured
Her goal was to make her look nice for the next day when she planned to be out with friends.
“I put on one layer and sleep in it, washing it off the next day.”
It was the usual brown when it was squirted as a mousse. [colour]However, it began turning green on its own skin when it got onto my skin.
“I put only one layer of makeup on my face. I only put one layer on my face.
“I just watched a movie about murder and put it on at 6pm.
Devon, Shocked, video-called her friends to share her faux tan failure from an in-date, brand-new bottle. After that, Devon jumped into the shower and scrubbed it off for about 20 minutes.
Devon was shocked by the color green, but he had been using the brand for many years without any problems.
“I was standing on the coffee table, and I noticed my feet being really, really green when I looked at them.
“I leapt up to look in the mirror, and then I saw how green it was. I felt like Shrek.”
It was worse than it looked in real life.
Devon, Shocked, video-called her friends to share her faux tan failure from an in-date, brand-new bottle. After that, Devon jumped into the shower and scrubbed it off for about 20 minutes.
Devon described it as “I was shocked I couldn’t believe”
It was hilarious to me so I recorded it. Video-calling a few of my friends, they found it funny as you can see.
“I have been using it for years. It has never done that before. It was getting greener every day.
I confirmed that the tan had not expired. It took me about twenty minutes to scrub it off in the tub.
“It went well. It was just a regular tan. [colour]It did have a hint of green, though it was not as severe. [as it had been].’
St. Moriz has been reached out for comment.