The Texas mother-of-two who vanished three weeks ago after doorbell camera footage filmed her rushing out to work without her cellphone or medication has been found dead in the front passenger seat of her car at a strip mall four miles from her home.

A security guard at a San Antonio strip mall found Christina Lee Powell’s body after noticing a foul odor coming from a car which had been ‘parked in the same location for about a week’, police told Fox News. She has not been seen since her disappearance. 

The 39-year-old was last seen on her doorbell cam leaving home in San Antonio at 10:34 a.m. on July 5, after calling in to her job as a paralegal to let them know she was running late. The police started a three-day search after she disappeared.

Powell’s body had no visible signs of trauma and was located in her Nissan Rogue at Huebner Oaks Center. It is only a 10-minute drive from Powell’s home. 

Fox was told by a law enforcement source that she was alone when found and that all windows were shut in her car. It was 100F in San Antonio most of the week. 

The shopping plaza where she was found is located along the same stretch of interstate as her job at Sanchez & Wilson, a law firm that handles cases such as personal injury and unfair dismissals. 

The Powell’s home is eight minutes away from their offices. Websites of law firms greet visitors with messages asking for details about Powell’s disappearance.

Texas mom Christina Lee Powell has been found dead in her car parked at a strip mall three weeks after she vanished while on her way to work

Texas mother Christina Lee Powell, who was on her way home from work three weeks before she disappeared, has been discovered dead at her vehicle parked in a strip mall. 

Powell had two children, ages three and 12. Family members said that prior to her disappearance, she was involved in a dispute with the father of one of her kids

Powell, at the age of three and 12, had two children. According to family members, Powell had two children, ages three and twelve.

Powell's heartbroken mother, Claudia Mobley, wrote on Facebook on July 25 that her daughter had been found dead. Mobley had used social media to plead for information about her whereabouts after she vanished

Claudia Mobley Powell’s distraught mother wrote on Facebook that Powell had been killed on July 25. Mobley, who had taken to social media to ask for details about Powell’s disappearance, wrote that her mother Claudia Mobley was heartbroken and posted on July 25th, “My daughter has been found dead.”

This graphic illustrates where Powell was last seen and where she was found

This graph shows where Powell was last seen, and what she was doing when she was finally found.

The Huebner Oaks Center in the 11700 block of Interstate 10 West, where Powell was found dead on Saturday

Powell’s body was discovered at the Huebner Oaks Center, 11700 Block of Interstate 10 West.

The sprawling parking lot of the Huebner Oaks Center. A security guard noticed the missing mother's car and reported it to police around 7 p.m.

The huge parking lot for the Huebner Oaks Center. The car was reported to police by a security guard at 7:05 p.m.

She was found with her purse inside her car and police used her ID as proof of her identity. 

Claudia Mobley Powell’s mother, Powell, shared the information on Facebook, July 25, after she pleaded for help finding her daughter.

She wrote: ‘My beautiful daughter, Christina Powell, has been found, deceased. I am heartbroken. I am so sorry.   

While Powell’s sister, Jennifer, wrote in a Facebook post: ‘I’m heartbroken and completely devastated. The way that I expected and hoped this would turn out was different. I will forever be my sibling and she will always be there for me. 

Jennifer concluded her message with these words: “Check on your friends going through difficult times.” 

Powell’s relatives told police they heard Powell argue with one of her children’s fathers shortly before she vanished. Fox News reported that investigators have confirmed to Fox News that Powell is not a person of concern and is willing to cooperate with them.

The father of Powell's youngest child, Chris Cady. Powell posted this photo of the couple together in January 2020

Chris Cady is Powell’s younger child. Powell uploaded this picture of Powell and Cady in January 2020. 

Powell and Cady pictured with her son in December 2017 following a Christmas concert at the child's elementary school

Powell and Cady are pictured together in December 2017, following the Christmas concert held at her elementary school.

Powell's Facebook profile photo includes a badge raising awareness about domestic violence

Powell’s facebook profile photo features a badge that raises awareness about domestic violence

Mobley reported that Powell had an argument over text messages with his father. 

“He wanted them all to become a family unit again,” she stated. “He blamed her for their separation.” 

Mobley does not believe that her grandfather is responsible for the disappearance.  

Powell’s facebook profile photo features a badge that raises awareness about domestic violence.   

Two children were born to the paralegal, aged twelve and three years respectively. Powell is a New Haven native, according to Powell’s Facebook Page. 

Powell’s mother sent her initial call to help on July 23. Powell stated her daughter had gone off to work, leaving behind medication and her phone.

Mobley stated that there have not been any transactions on Mobley’s bank accounts or credit cards. We have traced her journey to work multiple times. There aren’t any bodies of water along the route. It’s not clear where she went to work.  

Fox News reported Mobley that her daughter was with Mobley the day before she vanished. 

‘We didn’t really have any kind of in-depth conversation,’ she said. She said, “Good Morning.” She said she was late. After that, she left for work and I warned her not to panic. She probably said, “I love you.”

Mobley added, ‘I felt like she was going, I believed she was going to work — and I think she felt like she was going to work.’   

The 39-year-old was last seen leaving her house at 10:34 a.m. on July 5, after calling in to her job as a paralegal to let them know she was running late, friends and family say

Friends and family report that the 39-year old was last seen at her home on July 5th, leaving after she called her paralegal job to inform them of her lateness.


Powell, who was driving a black 2020 Nissan Rouge that is also missing, left her iPhone and Apple Watch at home because she was rushing to get to work

Powell drove a Nissan Rouge black 2020 Nissan that was also missing. Powell left her iPhone and Apple Watch behind because she had to rush to get to work.

Among the pleas to find Christina Powell came from her mom Claudia who posted to Facebook asking for help locating her daughter's whereabouts

Claudia Powell, her mother posted on Facebook asking for her help in finding Christina Powell.