Left-leaning student leader, Tim Luckhurst, described Jeremy Corbyn and called him ‘the white king.’ He also suggested Tories need to be ‘dealt.
Seun Twins said that their goal is to “unravel the unfair power dynamics, which permeate into privilege culture” at the university.
To ‘explore, locate, and eventually deconstruct toxicology at Durham’ she has created a “culture commission”.

Seun Twins, the left-wing student leader behind a campaign to oust a Durham University lecturer, has previously described Jeremy Corbyn as ‘the white king’ and suggested Tories should be ‘dealt with’
In a leak from Miss Twins’ private Instagram, she called on Tories to be “dealt with” by ‘roadmen after her election.
Collins dictionary defines Roadman as “a young man who spends a lot time on the streets with a group and may be involved selling drugs.”
She stated that she didn’t condone violence but would sometimes feel the need to just say, “We must take these tories South London and let roadmen handle them.” But then you see you’re going to have to be the charismatic, black girl for their next year. And you’re expected to wave and smile. [sic]

Miss Twins said that the union was formed to “unravel the unjust power dynamics that permeate into privilege culture at the university.” It comes after Professor Tim Luckhurst (pictured), principal of Durham’s South College, branding a walkout by woke students ‘pathetic’ and is now facing investigation

Students staged an uncontrollable protest during Rod Liddle’s speech (pictured).
Later she stated that she was responding to bullying incident and that she was writing the post to express her feelings about how she was being treated ‘because she is racist and sexist’.
As Durham Students Union President for the second time, Miss Twins is open about her political beliefs.
She previously referred fondly to Jeremy Corbyn (former Labour leader) as “the white king”.
After serving in senior positions in both the Intersectional Feminism Society and Durham People Of Colour Association, Miss Twins was elected president of the student union.