Comedy classes could soon be prescribed on the NHS to help trauma patients ‘see the funny side’ of their experiences.
Patients can attend the Comedy on Referral program for a six-week free course in which they will create jokes about their traumas, and then perform these jokes on stage.
These sessions will feature professional comedians. They will also be available in Bristol, later in the month.
This course is available for patients suffering from anxiety and depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as people who are dealing with bereavement.
Patients suffering from anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder will have access to the course.
Comedian Angie Belcher, who worked with health advisers to develop the course, said: ‘Comedy is a force for good and people do not realise how much it can change [their] lives.’
Bristol University comedian Miss Belcher stated that initial results have suggested that this strategy is beneficial.
She added that the scheme could offer people a new perspective on their experiences and make them feel ‘six inches taller’.