Here’s the moment when a wannabe acrobat loses control of practice and smashes her face.
Millie Short (22 years old) was doing stunts with aerial straps when, on December 15, she smashed into the frame to which she was attached.
The video camera was set up to allow her to watch the practice, but she ended up recording herself face-planting a pole.
Ms. Short was uninjured.
Millie Short was seen practicing acrobatics back in her Nottingham home’s backyard.
Millie Short is pictured here. She currently works at Nike and would love to work as an aerialist full-time.
Ms. Short lost her control and crashed headfirst into an aluminium pole
Millie, nervously walking across the garden in a nervous manner, said to the camera: “I must sit down.”
She stated, “I tried to turn upside down but I moved to one side and didn’t realize it – so I smacked my head!”
Ms. Short is a Nottingham native who works at Nike and hopes to one day be a professional aerialist.
It shows Ms. Short using her one-handed hand to levitate and build momentum.
The mat is thrown to the ground and she runs on it, increasing her height marginally.
Ms. Short began to hang upside-down from the rope after several swings.
She began to spin, and she started to swing diagonally.
Ms. Short set her smartphone on the table by her backdoor. This showed that she was getting closer and closer to the aluminum pole.
Ms. Short tried to turn, but instead of swinging parallel to an aluminium frame, she moved diagonally and crashed headfirst into the pole.
Ms. Short stood up on the swing and held her nose before saying, “I must sit down.”