Which is your preferred sleeping position? What does your sleeping style say about you?

  • Good sleep is essential for your body’s ability to perform at its best. 
  • The position we are in when we sleep could have an impact on our bones, spines, and breathing.  
  • Our stomach, side and back are the three most common positions that we sleep in.
  • Side sleeping, stomach sleeping, and back sleeping are the best.

An expert on sleep has shared the health benefits and effects of every sleeping position. 

According to Wowbeds founder Gary Ginsberg, side sleeping reduces pain and sleep disturbing behaviour while back sleeping supports the spine and reduces wrinkles.  

People who sleep on the stomach are more likely than others to develop back and neck problems, along with wrinkles. 

A sleep expert has revealed the benefits of each sleeping position and the impact each has on your health

An expert on sleeping has shared with us the advantages of each position as well as the effects they have on our health. 

Sleepers on the back 

The ideal position to support your spine is back sleeping. It can reduce the risk of developing fine lines or wrinkles on your face, as well as chronic pain and allergies.

Although this position can be very supportive, many people find it difficult to sleep in it. It is also important that you do not move your arms around as it could affect the alignment of your spine. 

Avoid snoring, sleep apnea, and acid reflux if pregnant.

The ideal position to sleep in for spine support is back sleeping (stock photo).

Your sleeping habits can reveal a lot about who you are.

Side sleepers 

It could signify that you are willing to accept what life gives you. According to surveys, side-sleepers are considered healthy and social. 

Stomach sleepers  

If you sleep on your stomach, it can signify a secretive and protective state.  Protective and secretive positions can be indicated by the body tucking into their pillow, with the head hidden. 

Sleepers on the back 

The sleeping position could be an indication of confidence and a casual, carefree attitude.   

Sleeping Fetus

People feel more comfortable and safe in the fetal sleep position. If you’re feeling vulnerable, this is the position that may appeal to your need for self-comfort. 

Various position sleepers

It could be a sign that you are open to new possibilities and willing to try different things. But you might be guilty not finishing the things that you have started.  

Side sleepers

It is an ideal position for acid reflux sufferers and pregnant women.

There are three common sides: ‘left-versus-right’, ‘curled up fetal position’, and ‘yearner. This is where you extend your arms in front.  

Although this position is popular, it is not the best for those with shoulder pain or lock jaw, as well as people who are concerned about wrinkles. 

Sleeping on your side is a position with great benefits, it can reduce pain sleep disturbing behaviour, is ideal for pregnant women and those with acid reflux

The position of sleeping on one’s side has many benefits. It can help reduce the symptoms of acid reflux.

Stomach sleepers 

Stomach sleeping can lead to more harm than good.

While the spine of the body is stretched out in an abnormal position, the stomach and hips sink beneath the mattress. The pressure applied to the skin can cause wrinkles. 

If you have trouble letting go of your stomach when sleeping, you can choose to use a thicker pillow or a firmer mattress.  

Although it takes practice to keep a good sleeping pattern, it’s possible.   

While quality bedding is important for getting a restful night’s sleep, it will also make a big difference if you have the correct mattress, pillow, and support depending on how your sleeping position. 

Stomach sleeping unfortunately comes with more negatives than positives as it can throw your body out of alignment

Stomach sleeping can lead to more harm than good.
