“Midlife bachelor” conjures images of an older person.Lothario refuses to lose the joy, excitement and freedom of his youth.
Famous celebrities like Leonardo DiCaprio (47), Jamie Foxx (54) and Jared Leto (49) are examples of this. Even though they’ve been in relationships with children, none of them have walked the aisle.
Relationship experts disagree with the stereotype that a bachelor is a man-child, or “Peter Pan”, who refuses growing up.
There are many reasons men might choose not to commit to something, from self-loathing or a refusal to change routines.
Most of these are about issues that the potential partners need to solve themselves and not about a possible partner who is the best or worst fit.

The term “Midlife bachelor” conjures up an image of an older Lothario refusing to let go of the joy, freedom and attention of youth. Leonardo DiCaprio (47) and Jamie Foxx (54), are both the characters. Both have been in relationships with children and had kids, but never married.
FEMAIL: Lucy Beresford (british psychotherapist, relationship expert and British psychologist) stated that bachelors are Miss Havisham more than James Bond. This is because they are filled with self-loathing which sabotage any relationship.
‘T“He is more like Miss Havisham in his midlife years,” she said. ‘He is locked in a world of apparent freedom where anything can happen – the spontaneous trips abroad, the thrill of the chase, the buzz of one-night-stands – but where nothing of any actual consequence does.
Miss Havisham, however, was not present at the wedding. Instead, she continued her days as a spinster.

Jared Leto is an Actor and A-list Bachelor.
It’s not a form or grief. But it is an act of self-sabotage that’s driven by deepest fears. Fear of the future. It might seem wonderful or amazing enough to overshadow the pain that you are currently experiencing.
Fear traps the mid-life bachelor. Fear they will not be a good husband, dad, or partner. They won’t find enough humor over the long-term. Fear they will not be sufficient all the time.
“And the fear that someone will be so connected with them that they will find the dark within.”
According to Aaron Surtees, a psychologist, some men may be reluctant to change their routine after so many years of being single.
He explained that regardless of whether the change is positive or negative, the human brain can find it difficult to deal with change and it can be a major emotional challenge. It may cause shock, anxiety and even fear.
The majority of men are happy to leave a romantic relationship or even to court one to follow other interests, including the freedom to choose what and when they like.
“It is true that our minds can lose tolerance as we age. For both men and for women. Our natural tendency to be more selfish can prevent potential romantic relationships from taking place.
Neil Wilkie is a psychologist and relationship expert who agreed with the statement that being in a committed relationship can be more difficult for bachelors.
His explanation was that mid-life bachelors might be more determined to pursue their solo life, and might not admit to being wrong in abandoning long-term romantic relationships.
“They might pretend that life is easy and fun from the outside. He said that after all, they must tell the world they made good choices.
‘But the unspoken and growing realisation that they have made a big life mistake will lead to a hardening of attitudes.
“The mental blinders will continue and they will be even more determined for the one-way path that will lead them to an unhappy and lonely old age.
“The truth is they are feeling that they have made a mistake and they can’t go back.”
Lucy stated that some bachelors are unable to love because of this degree of self-containment.
She continued, “If you had your heartbroken by a man such as this, whom your friends dismissed (when you were crying on their shoulders at three in the AM) because you are a self-indulgent men-child.
“They are too afraid to see themselves in the mirror and to learn to love them despite all of their travels abroad, multiple godchildren, hobbies obsessions, and busy sex lives.