A new study has shown that women are more inclined to drink alcohol when they feel stressed than their male counterparts.

  • Experts believe that stress may increase the desire for alcohol in women than it is in men. 
  • After being under immense pressure, both men and women will consume a lot of booze.
  • Women are more likely to drink a beer than men and will often take a sip only when it is offered. 

Females may crave alcohol more when under stress than males.

A study has shown that both genders drink more when they are under pressure.

The women who tried alcohol were not as averse to it, but they did enjoy a strong drink. 

It was followed by stressful tasks like public speaking or mental maths.

Experts believe that women might feel more pressure from society to be attractive and this could lead them to crave a drink.

Researchers set up a bar-simulated laboratory in which they recruited 105 men as well as 105 women.

The group was given five minutes each to create a five-minute speech about what they like and don’t like about themselves, their appearance, and lives. They were then allowed to speak for five minutes. It was explained that psychological factors such as how offensively or defensively they talked would be used to evaluate them.

Stress may make women more likely than men to crave alcohol. Experts suggest women may face more social pressure over how they appear to others, which could leave them craving a drink (File image)

Women may be more inclined to drink alcohol when they are stressed than their male counterparts. Experts believe that women might feel more pressured by society to be attractive than men, and this could lead them to crave alcohol (File photo).

Although men drank to excess once offered alcohol, women appeared to fancy a stiff drink before having their first sip (File image)

A lot of men drink to excess when offered alcohol. However, it was not surprising that women adore a good stiff cocktail before they have their first taste (File photo).

They had to then subtract 13 and go backwards to 1,022, adding 13. If they were wrong, they could return to the starting point. They ordered nearly half as many drinks in 90 minutes than they did when volunteers were not assigned stressful tasks.

Stressed men who were given alcohol cocktails prior to spending the 90-minutes at the bar got more drunk than those under no pressure. 

However, this was not true if they were first given non-alcoholic beverages. The study published in Psychology of Addictive Behaviours found that stressed women are more likely to drink even though they weren’t given alcohol.

Also, they were more likely not to accept a request for a slowing down of their drinking. Dr Julie Patock-Peckham, who led the Arizona State University study, said: ‘Women just needed the stress, but men needed the push of already having alcohol on board.

‘This shows women may be more vulnerable to heavy drinking due to the impact of stress – which is worrying after a pandemic of home-schooling and working from home.’
