According to new research, wormholes may be stronger than originally thought. They could potentially be used for transporting spacecraft throughout the universe.

The Einstein-Rosen Bridge is also known. This theoretical interstellar phenomenon tunnels between distant points in time – much like a wormhole.

These portals between black hole were thought to collapse immediately upon formation, except that an unknown amount of exotic matter was used as a stabilizer. 

However, a new study by physicist Pascal Koiran, from the École normale supérieure de Lyon, in France, looked at them using a different set of techniques.

His research showed that the particle can be recorded crossing into the eventhorizon and through the wormhole to reach the opposite side of the universe in a short time. 

Koiran says that if a particle is able to safely traverse a Wormhole, it may allow humans to send a spacecraft into a faraway galaxy and visit a distant planet. 

Wormholes might be more stable than previously predicted, according to a new study, that found they could be used to transport spacecraft across the universe. Stock image

According to new research, wormholes may be stronger than originally thought. They could potentially be used for transporting spacecraft throughout the universe. Image from the Stock Photo

Also known as an Einstein-Rosen Bridge, the theoretical interstellar phenomenon works by tunnelling between two distant points in space - like a worm hole. Stock image

The theoretical interstellar phenomena, also known as the Einstein-Rosen Bridge or the Einstein-Rosen Bridge is a tunnelling phenomenon that occurs between distant points in space. It’s similar to a wormhole. Stock photo


Albert Einstein proposed the Einstein-Rosen Bridge. This bridge, which Nathan Rosen designed, connects two points in both time and space.

Although it is not possible in general relativity, it has been suggested.

It would link the singularity a black hole that does not allow any matter in, to a white one that allows none. 

Previous studies have shown that the tunnel linking the two singularities will be ‘nasty,’ meaning it would experience extreme forces. This could cause it to snap and stretch like a rubberband as soon as they form.

Recent research suggests that the tunnel could be traversed if it is stable enough, at least in gravitation. 

Although they have not been seen, wormholes are compatible with Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity and are an integral part of science fiction. 

The concept of wormholes are usually studied using something known as the Schwartzchild metric, named for Karl Schwarzschild, which is used to study black holes.

This measure describes the gravitational force outside of a spherical object. It is based on the assumption of zero for the electromagnetic charge, universal cosmological consta, and the angular momentum. 

However, Koiran used the less common Eddington-Finkelstein metric to study the wormhole, as they link between a pair of black holes.

This coordinate system is used for black hole geometry and was named after Arthur Stanley Eddington (and David Finkelstein), who were both the original inventors of it.

The work by Koiran found that when using the Eddington-Finkelstein metric, a particle could be seen crossing the event horizon into the wormhole, go through the wormhole and come out of the other side.

He then was able trace the path through the wormhole with this metric much more precisely than the Schwartzchild.

The wormhole was capable of maintaining stability and didn’t require exotic matter.

Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity, which is based upon movement in time and space, determines the behavior of phenomena and objects over time because gravity.

A moving object can start at one physical coordinate and move around until it reaches another location.

Although the rules have been established, it is possible to describe how coordinates mathematically in a variety of ways. This is called metrics. Different metrics, such as Schwartzchild or Eddington-Finkelstein can be used to understand the movement.

The metrics may change but your destination is the same. 

Although the Schwarzschild metric has the most widespread and longest-running metric, it is very fragile at distances beyond the black hole event.

These portals between black holes were once thought to instantly collapse once forming, unless an unknown for of exotic matter could be deployed as a stabiliser. Stock image

The portals between black hole were thought to collapse immediately upon formation, except that an unknown amount of exotic matter was used as a stabilizer. Stock photo

It is possible that black holes may be colliding with WORMHOLES

Scientists may one day discover that spacetime ripples can be used to transport humans into other universes.

Long-held theories about gravititational waves were first discovered in 2016. They have shed light on colliding black holes, as experts believe.

New research suggests colliding wormholes might be responsible for recent readings that were picked up by several scientists.

Experts propose a way to distinguish the two: monitoring for echoes that they claim are typical of wormholes.

While current technology can’t detect these fluctuations in gravitational wave readings, this could change soon.

It can’t distinguish between points in time and space at that point, so Koiran used an alternate metric to study wormholes. 

The Eddington-Finkelstein metric, describes what happens to particles when they reach the event horizon – that they pass through it never to be seen again.

This was applied to the concept of a “wormhole”, a black hole being extended to one side and pushing out to a wormhole that has a destination point, which is a white hole.

This is an idea suggested by Albert Einstein and Nathan Rosen – that while a black hole never lets anything out, a white hole never lets anything inside.

You can make a “wormhole” by connecting a singularity of a black hole to one other point in time.

This tunnel, which is sometimes called Einstein-Rosen, can be created. However, theoretically it’s possible. 

It was predicted in previous research that the tunnel connecting the singularities between them would be “nasty” with extreme forces, causing it snap as a rubber band once it forms.

Another problem is the inability to find white holes, even though they are theoretically possible. 

When Einstein and Rosen first proposed the idea of a wormhole they used the Schwarzschild metric, and others have used the same metric.

 Koiran found that the Eddington-Finkelstein metric didn’t misbehave at any point in the particle trajectory from black to white hole and through the wormhole.

He points out that wormholes aren’t as ‘nasty’ as suggested and may be able to present stable paths, at least when it comes to gravity – although they can’t say what impact other forces or thermodynamics will play. 

These findings were published by the arXiv Preprint Server. 

Astrophysicists speculate that supermassive dark holes could be gateways to WORMHOLES, which would allow for spacecraft transport to remote parts of our universe. 

Some supermassive black holes at the centre of galaxies may actually be wormholes that link two distant parts of the universe together, astrophysicists suggest.

In his Theory of General Relativity, Albert Einstein predicted the existence of wormholes, which connect two points in space or time, but they have yet to be discovered. 

Now experts from the Central Astronomical Observatory in Russia believe the ‘black holes’ at the centre of some very bright galaxies (known as the active galactic nuclei or AGNs) could be the entrances to these wormholes.

While these wormholes are theoretically ‘traversable’, meaning spacecraft could travel through them, they are surrounded by intense radiation, meaning humans would be unlikely to survive the journey, even in the most rugged of spacecraft.  

Wormholes and black holes are very similar, in that they are both extremely dense and possess extraordinarily strong gravitational pulls for bodies their size.

However, nothing is possible to emerge from a blackhole after its ‘eventhorizon’ crosses. In contrast, any body that enters the mouth of an wormhole theoretically would be released from another’mouth’ in the universe.  

According to the researchers, matter that enters one wormhole’s mouth could collide with other matter.

The result of this collision would be plasma spheres expanding from both mouths in the wormhole at about the speed of light and temperatures of around 18 trillion degrees Fahrenheit.

This heat would allow the plasma to produce gamma-rays that have energies as high as 68 million electronvolts. Some NASA observatories, such as Fermi’s space telescope, were used to detect the explosion.