An 102 year-old magician showed off a wonderful trick during his celebration of receiving an MBE to support charitable fundraising. 

Henry Lewis from North London was presented with the honor by Prince William, 39. He left his wheelchair at home to take part in the investiture ceremony at Windsor Castle today.

Lewis admitted that he wasn’t a magician but that he did fundraise for charities through his hobby.

He was awarded the distinction and showed his magic skills by performing a trick that saw him move a safety Pin through a white cloth, without the fabric being ripped or breaking it. 

This trick was passed on TwitterThe Duke and Duchess were on Instagram to mark today’s investiture. 

102-year-old magician Henry Lewis shared a delightful magic trick as he celebrated receiving a MBE from Prince William 39, at Windsor Castle today for the charitable fundraising he did throughout his life

Henry Lewis, a 102 year-old magician, shared a charming magic trick during Prince William’s MBE celebration. He was at Windsor Castle to commemorate his lifetime of charitable fundraising.

The magician moved a safety pin through a piece of white cloth without unfastening it to celebrate his honour

To celebrate his honor, the magician inserted a safety pin into a piece white cloth and did not unfasten it. 

Lewis said, tongue in cheek, “I don’t perform tricks. I do magic.” He stood up from his wheelchair to attend today’s event.     

The magician requested that a helping hand hold a piece of white cloth before him while attaching a safety pin at one corner. 

Once the pin was attached to the fabric it will stay put.  

Henry was able to drag the pin through the fabric, without unscrewing it or ripping it.  

The 102-yeat-old explained he was never a professional magician, but used his magic skills to raise money for charity throughout his life

At 102 years old, the 102-year-old said he never trained as a magician and instead used his skills to fund charitable causes throughout his life. 

The magician was very touched after he received his honour from the Duke of Cambridge during the ceremony

After receiving his honor from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, the magician was touched. 

The MBE smiled at the camera after completing his slide trick.  

Henry was visibly touched after he received the honour from the Duke of Cambridge and said afterwards: ‘It’s all very nice and I’m very pleased about it. I’m very surprised I ever got it.’

Henry believes that his ability to use magic in fundraising has enabled him to do so throughout his whole life.

He said: ‘Magic was a hobby of mine, it’s never been my profession, but it’s raised a lot of money all over the world.

William welcomed Henry with a warm smile as the 102-year-old stood up, out of his wheelchair, in order to receive his honour

Henry, 102 years old, was warmly welcomed by William as he stood from his wheelchair and smiled at him. 

The Duke of Cambridge exchanged a few words with Henry, who has performed magic all over the world throughout his life, all in the name of charity

Henry is a performer of magic throughout the world, and the Duke of Cambridge was kind enough to exchange a few words. 

“I was in Canada. I have performed in Israel, Denmark and Massachusetts at two huge theatres. So I’ve had a very, very good life compared to most and I’ve done a lot in it.’

When asked if magic was still his passion, Lewis replied that he had just performed a show at North London’s assisted living facility.

He joked that “They complained about it.” It was just too long.

When he was a teenager, he discovered a magic manual in Hackney. As an adult, his interest in magicians grew. 

He stated, “The best thing about magic is when people love it.”

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge shared a clip of Henry as the magician showed off his skills to celebrate the event

Henry, the magician who showed his talents to celebrate the occasion was shared by the Duke and Duchess. 

A proud Henry looked at the camera with a satisfying grin after he dazzled Windsor Castle with the safety pin trick

After dazzling Windsor Castle with his safety pin trick, Henry was proud to look at the camera and smile. 

Ask Mr Lewis about his secrets to living a long and healthy life. He replied, “Not to be deceitful.” Go to bed at night, think of what you’ve done during the day.

‘Think of what you’ll be doing the next day and when you wake up, do it.

“And never envy or be jealous about other people’s possessions.

‘If you’re like that, you’ll be happy.’

Henry, who fell in love with magic as a child in Hackney, East London, said he did not think he would get a MBE

Henry fell in love in Hackney with magic when he was a kid. He didn’t think that he would be awarded a MBE. 

Henry did not meet William for the first time.

According to him, the Prince of Wales met him while performing at The Magic Circle as honorary vice president.

Lewis was president of both the Inner Magic Circle as well as a member of Society of American Magicians.

He is a Fellow of The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and of Incorporated Society of Valuers and Auctioneers.

The magician proudly posed with his honour after the ceremony

Henry took off his glasses for the occasion in Windsor today

After the ceremony, the magician proudly displayed his honor and removed his glasses in celebration.