Electric baby grand Piano once owned by rock band Queen and which featured on 1984 album The Works is set to fetch up to £20,000 at auction

  • The Kawai EP 308 baby grand electric piano was used to record Hammer to Fall Welsh rock band The Alarm bought the piano off Queen in 1985 for £3,000
  • Mike Peters from The Alarm sang that the piano has “certainly a kindof magic”. 
  • On December 8, the auction will take place at Gardiner Houlgate, Corsham (Wiltshire).

Next month, an auction will be held for a piano Queen once owned.

The Instrument is thought to be featured on Queen’s 1984 album The Works. It includes the smash single Hammer To Fall. It is expected to fetch between £10,000 and £20,000.

Queen utilized the Kawai E 308 baby grand electric keyboard on tours and in the studio. The piano was purchased by The Alarm, a band that emerged from Freddie Mercury’s chance encounter with Mike Peters.

Mike Peters, lead singer of The Alarm, sits in front of the EP 308 baby grand electric piano - formerly owned by Queen - which is to be sold at auction December 8

Mike Peters, lead singer of The Alarm, sits in front of the EP 308 baby grand electric piano – formerly owned by Queen – which is to be sold at auction December 8

The piano (pictured) was used by Freddie Mercury in the recording of the 1984 album The Works, which includes the hit single Hammer To Fall

The picture shows the piano that Freddie Mercury used to record 1984’s album The Works. This includes the hit song Hammer To Fall.

Queen and The Alarm performed in Switzerland at the 1984 Montreux Pop Festival. Peters was drinking in the nearby bar when a Queen crew member approached him and informed him that Mercury would like to meet him.

According to Mr Peters, Freddie said that he had been humbled and revealed to me that he loved The Alarm’s music.

Freddie Mercury performing at Wembley Stadium on Queen's 1986 The Magic Tour. Welsh rock band The Alarm supported them during The Magic Tour, which was attended by more than one million people and was their final tour with Mercury and bass player John Deacon

Queen’s 1986 The Magic Tour featured Freddie Mercury at Wembley Stadium. The Magic Tour was attended by over one million people.

“He asked lots of questions about the recording. He then gave me his phone number, and asked me to contact him for any assistance.

In 1985, when The Alarm needed a piano, they arranged to buy the Kawai from Queen for around £3,000. Roger Taylor, Queen’s drummer, collected the Kawai from The Alarm’s Road Crew.

Peters bought the piano from The Alarm after three years of touring with them. He then stored it in his recording room, which is a former chapel in North Wales.

Peters spoke out about the sale of his piano. If someone has the same joy from it, I would love to see it go.

“This year marks The Alarm’s 40th Anniversary. It is an opportunity to renew everything we do. It’s time to replace some equipment.

Queen were supported by The Alarm on their 1986 The Magic Tour, which included two nights at Wembley Stadium.

Queen was on her final tour as Queen and John Deacon were the bass players. More than a million people attended those 26 concerts.

Auction will take place on December 8 at Gardiner Houlgate Corsham Wiltshire.

Luke Hobbs, an auctioneer said of the item: “This is an extraordinary piece in rock memorabilia. A fantastic instrument.

“With the help of modern technology today’s electric pianos can be half the size as the Kawai. Collectors from all parts of the globe and Queen fans will be interested in this piano.

The Alarm was formed in Rhyll in North Wales in 1981. They had several hits during the 1980s, including Sixty-Eight Guns, Spirit Of ’76, and many more. The band broke up in 1991 and was reformed in 2004. They continue performing.

The Alarm sells other equipment including flight cases, guitar amplifiers, and flight cases.
