Young couples claim that they were married after just two weeks of being together. They believed it was the most effective way to be committed to one another.
Clara Bell (18 years old) and Trey Bell (20 years old) tied the knot at a Florida beach wedding. The $200 ceremony was after they had decided three hours before to wed.
A teen from Louisville, Kentucky announced her immediacy nuptials on TikTok, October 16th. She shared a video entitled “getting married within three hours”, which you can watch here.
The videos of newlyweds kissing on the beach in follow-up videos have been viewed more than 5 million times and received thousands of comments.
Florida allows you to get your marriage license and marry the next day. But, couples need to have taken a pre-marriage course or wait three days.
Clara, Trey and Trey did not explain the date or whether they had taken it.
Clara Bell (age 18) and Trey Bell (age 20), tied the knot on a Florida beach with $200 wedding service. They had already decided to marry three hours prior.
After connecting on Snapchat in September, and having spent 2 weeks as a couple for two weeks, they took a trip in Panama City to Florida. The pair ended up getting married.
Trey suggested the idea of getting married. Trey looked online to see if they were eligible.
Clara was briefly in a relationship with Trey who makes money via TikTok. They parted ways shortly after that.
After reuniting via Snapchat in September, and having spent two weeks together as a couple for two weeks, they took a trip in Panama City to Florida. The pair ended up getting married.
Clara stated that they were in a relationship for 2 weeks prior to the wedding. Trey and I spent each day together, got married the day after Trey proposed to us.
“Our families were unable to attend the event because it was too late – we were just two people. We had previously met a minister on the beach who was also a photographer. But that was all.
Clara came onboard when Trey proposed getting married, despite her being skeptical.
Through social media, snapchat (TikTok) and Twitter, the couple shared details about their marriage to friends and their followers.
Clara was briefly in a relationship with Trey who makes money via TikTok. They parted ways shortly after that.
“When Trey proposed getting married, I was very open to the idea. We did it.
“Our families were definitely surprised. Trey was something I had not told my parents. My parents didn’t know about Trey. I needed to announce that I was married.
It was shocking in a surprising way. It was surprising in a shocking way, like ‘What?!
“But they are happy now. Trey met my parents; I’ve met his parents. While they’re happy to be with us now, they were shocked and confused at the time. Although they weren’t in the least shocked by what happened, I don’t think it was a negative reaction.
They felt the same feelings when they began to talk again after being separated for three years. It felt right and natural for them to reunite after three years apart.
Clara believed that Clara’s decision to wed was motivated by a desire for the couple to ‘work it out’ after their previous attempt failed.
Parents were surprised to learn of this news and quickly expressed their gratitude for the happy couple.
Trey said, “When Trey mentioned that he was interested in getting married, we both looked online to see if we were eligible.”
“There was an option for Panama City Beach, and we chose them. We were given the minister as well as all of the documentation.
I said, “I thought we wouldn’t get married within two weeks but I was certain that it would happen at some time.”
They had first met in a Snapchat chat three years ago and had briefly dated for a while before they parted ways.
The videos of newlyweds kissing on the beach in follow-up videos have been viewed more than 5 million times and received thousands of comments.
Clara believes that Clara was motivated to get married because Clara had lost her earlier attempts at marriage.
They had first met in a Snapchat chat three years ago and briefly dated for a while before they parted ways.
Claire stated that they had dated since Trey was 17 and I was 15. I was contacted by him via Snapchat and asked if I would like to kayak. We went kayaking together, and we became friends for the rest of that summer.
We separated when we were at different schools. To finish his high school, he went to Kentucky college. I attended a Georgia prep school.
“We never spoke for a long time, because we were in different states. But then, we reconnected over Snapchat and we just got married.
“The emotions we felt came back after we began talking again, three years later. Although we were sure to have shared feelings during those years, there was not much communication. We felt at ease and right when we connected again.
Whilst many have praised them online, there have been a number of negative comments from racist trolls who object to Clara and Trey being an interracial couple.
They chose to get married at the same time by a Panama City Beach company.
The couple was able to make the best decision for their own good, but they said that it was a very unique experience and would not recommend the same for others.
“We had our ceremony at the Florida beach. After the trip, we returned home to be married.
Clara believes that Clara was motivated to get married because Clara had lost her earlier attempts at marriage.
Clara stated that it was a feeling of ‘right time, right person’ when we split up because they moved from one state to the other.
“So, now that all was going well, we felt like it was the right thing to do. Even though it seemed crazy, I really wanted everything to go my way.
As a couple, they are still trying to adjust to marriage as young couples. They have moved in together.
While many people have complimented them on the internet, some have made negative remarks about Clara and Trey’s interracial relationship.
Clara explained that she had heard from naysayers on the internet who felt we were too young to get married. Many people still say that “We’ll all be there in two months when they divorce.”
“I feel like we shared a special situation. Our relationship was established years before we were married.
Although I wouldn’t advise it for everyone, it felt right to us.
Many people commented on the couple’s marriage and set time limitations.
“A lot was the feedback from people who were shocked we were an interracial pair.
“I was shocked by the reaction. Since I am not from a racist background, I did not expect this reaction.
“The internet critics can also have a positive impact on us. Because people are so diverse in their opinions, we get lots of views and make money. It works.
As they now live together, the couple is still struggling to adapt to their marital lives.
Some comments were supportive of the couple’s decision to get married in Florida.
Clara replied, “I would say that we are still in honeymoon phase.” Although marriage is not easy, it’s certainly possible.
“We did not have any premarital counseling, so it was difficult to come to an agreement when we had different views about things or how they should be done.
“We have very different standards about cleaning. The beginning was hard for us to get our families on the right track.
TikTok users had different reactions to the couple’s marriage, with some criticizing them.
One person commented, “Just wait till they divorce cause they only dated two weeks.”
One TikTok user said, ‘Let’s see how long you can last until you become a single momma to Jayden’. Another wrote, ‘Parents should be disappointed’.
Clara, Trey and other TikTok users resisted.
One said: “Beautiful couple. Ignore the hatred, they’re jealous.
One other said, “So much hatred towards you guys for no reason.” Let God do the rest.
TikTok user remarked: “This photo is breathtaking.” You guys look so happy.’