Whoopi Goldberg, actress on The View has been removed for two weeks due to comments she made claiming that race wasn’t a factor during the Holocaust
Actress Whoopi Goldberg has been suspended from The View for two weeks over her comments alleging race was not a factor in the Holocaust.
ABC News President Kim Godwin announced her suspension Tuesday night, saying it was ‘effective immediately’.
Godwin tweeted, “While Whoopi has since apologized, she’s been asked to think about what her remarks have meant.”
“The whole ABC News team stands with Jewish friends, families, and colleagues.
The suspension came a day after Whoopi, 66, made the controversial comments on The View on Monday. She called Nazis and Jews “two types of white people” and stated that it was not about race but inhumanity because both were white.
She apologized hours later and again on Tuesday’s morning episode, but the original remark sparked immediate international backlash with everyone from the Israeli Consular General in New York to the Auschwitz Memorial and Antidefamation League taking offense.
Numerous ABC staffers called for her termination.

Kim Godwin, President of ABC News, announced Tuesday night her suspension. She stated that it was effective immediately.
Twitter user Whoopi apologized Monday night, stating that the Holocaust was about both’ race as well as inhumanity.
Today’s program featured me saying that the Holocaust was not about race but rather about human inhumanity. It is both. Jonathan Greenblatt, Anti-Defamation League’s president, shared the following: “The Holocaust was the Nazi’s systematic extermination of the Jewish People – whom they considered to be inferior races.” “I stand corrected,” Goldberg stated.
“The Jewish people all over the globe have had my support for years and I will continue to do so. It is my sincere apologies for any pain I may have caused. She said, “With my deepest apologies to Whoopi Goldberg.”
On Tuesday she apologized and interviewed The Anti-Defamation League’s CEO, before continuing to discuss other topics with co-hosts.
DailyMail.com was informed by a top ABC News source that the network is proving to be incredibly soft on Roseanne Barr’s remarks ahead of Tuesday’s The View show. This comes after it fired Roseanne Barr for making racist comments about Valerie Jarrett.
‘These comments are absolutely abhorrent and outrageous and it’s time Disney and ABC grew a pair and fired her,’ the source said.
‘Disney took swift action and fired Roseanne Barr when she posted the awful tweet about Valerie Jarrett, yet Whoopi made her vile comments on ABC’s air and they do nothing about it? Disney where is the leadership?
‘[Disney content chairman]Peter Rice must step in and perform his duties and fire Whoopi. What is the right thing to do? How does this send a message to our company? Why is there one rule for Whoopi Goldberg – who gets a pass on everything and another rule for everyone else?’ According to the source.
‘There is a blind spot on The View when it comes to anti-Semitism. They don’t see it as a hate crime.
They said that Monday’s comment was the latest in a series of offensive claims by Whoopi (who previously stood behind Bill Cosby)
“We were outraged that Whoopi was standing up for Bill Cosby, and ABC needed to make an announcement.” [legal analyst]Dan Abrams joined the program to assist her in understanding that Cosby’s views were very problematic.
This was in response to fifty FIFTY women making serious allegations about Mr. Trump.
“People are furious at news division, as it undermines credibility.”
Another source claimed that Meghan McCain, a former host of the show, had previously invited a victim to a Jewish hate crime to be a guest but was instructed by the station not only that the interview would take place online.
Piers Morgan was one of those who reacted furiously to Goldberg’s decision to remain on the show.
“Sharon Osbourne quit The Talk because she defended me from a false charge of racism. Whoopi Goldberg said on The View yesterday that the Holocaust ‘wasn’t about race’, which for Jewish people is about as racist a comment as anyone could make.
‘Bet she doesn’t lose her job,’ he said.
Osborne was dismissed from The Talk by CBS for his defense of Morgan against accusations that he was racist, because he didn’t believe all the Duchess, Meghan Markle said.
Many have said that Whoopi is similar to Joe Rogan who, as a Spotify podcast host and advocate for anti-vax ideas on his show, was criticised by musicians.
Spotify supports him by adding a content advisory to his shows. It ignores the demands of Joni Mitchell, Neil Young and others who threatened to take their music off Spotify because they did not agree with Rogan.
Rogan has not disclosed the status of his vaccines. While it’s not known if he supports or opposed to vaccination, his mere presence on a forum addressing the topic of antivaxxing is enough to, according to them, constitute disinformation.
Whoopi came back to The View on Tuesday and began the program with an apology.
“Yesterday I made a mistake on our program. It was something I tweeted last night, but I wanted you to get it directly from me. It is a personal responsibility.

On Monday evening, Whoopi tweeted an apology saying that the Holocaust was about “both” race and inhumanity
“My words caused so much pain for people that was not my intent. That is why I get it. Thank you for the information.
“I stated that the Holocaust was not about race, but about human inhumanity towards man.
“It’s about race, because Hitler and Nazis thought Jews were inferior races.
“Words matter, and mine are no exception.” I regret my comments and I stand corrected,’ she said.
She then went on to interview Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League, who spoke generally about anti-Semitism and why it is still a threat, before cutting to a commercial.
They then resumed their discussion on the ‘hot subjects’ of that day with Rihanna and her pregnancy.
MEGHAN McCANAIN: Whoopi needs to go – Her half-hearted apology about antisemitism is yet another example of the dual standards that television sets for conservatives as well as liberals
Since leaving The View six months ago, I have not seen a single episode.
My life is moving on.
There are many projects to be done, but this is my favorite column.
She insisted that she have her bunny rabbit shoes the other day and refused to take no for an explanation; I don’t have time for the old show friends.
But, I still feel disappointment when something is made viral by the TV show or published in the magazines that I read.
Although I do not expect nuanced and compelling political conversations from daytime television, I find it disappointing to look at the many embarrassing moments on a program I spent so much time trying to make more serious.
But the worst incident was not the interview with Kamala Harris, but yesterday when Whoopi Goldberg made a number of strange, inconsistent, and dangerous remarks about the Holocaust.
It was hard to decide if this column was worth it. I’m glad I moved on.
Although the show does not define me, it is a source of inspiration for many people. DailyMail.com has provided me with freedom and happiness in my professional career.

Although I do not expect compelling and nuanced discussions on daytime television, I find it disappointing to look at the many embarrassing moments that have occurred recently from a show that I spent so much time trying to make more serious.
After the pandemic, I was able to adjust my priorities and move forward.
It was simply too important to ignore what Whoopi just said yesterday.
Even as a View employee, I found myself deeply committed to the rising antisemitism of America.
In October, the American Jewish Committee published a report detailing America’s rise in antisemitism.
One in four American Jews surveyed said that they had been the targets of antisemitism over the past 12 months.
One in ten American Jews has changed their behaviour because of fear.
One in ten Americans has witnessed antisemitic events.
Eighty-two percent of American Jews believe that antisemitism is on the rise in recent years.
You can find even more shocking data. But anyone who has been watching over the past several years knows it.
Following their accusations of antisemitism, intolerance, and intolerance by their own members in January 2019, I called the Women’s March’s founders out live on ABC.
They refused to condemn claims that Jews were termites or the Holocaust never happened, and they also rejected statements being made comparing Jews to termites.
This was three years ago.
I was flooded with thousands and thousands of comments on social media that I will not repeat – but it was a baptism by fire.
The experience was eye-opening and made us realize the severity of antisemitism in the world.
That moment was when I realized how serious people can take rising antisemitism.
This is due to a cultural downplaying of the threats in media.
The FBI even downplayed Colleyville’s hostage crisis. During which British national Malik Faisal Akram seized Rabbi Charlie Cytron Walker and four other congregants, Colleyville was under siege.
The Bureau was reluctant to say the shooter was motivated by antisemitism – despite the fact that he was specifically targeting a rabbi and a synagogue.
Antisemitism can be considered the most socially acceptable form of bigotry.
Anti-Jewish hatred is an age old stereotype.
As with many hateful forms, it has been around as long as there have been human tribes.
It is different because, today, when many types of criticism or insult are called bigotry (true or false), actual bigotry against the Jewish people is not only tolerated, but even defended in ways that I find disgusting.
This is a fundamental aspect of leftist politics for many decades, especially the college variety.
The excuse is that it’s really about the Middle East or Palestine, or the friendly relations between Benjamin Netanyahu in America and the conservative politicians.
It’s all just excuses.
This is pure racism.
It is also obvious that there are different standards.
The View lectured me to many times. There is an assumption that cancel culture, or accountability culture, is truly ‘cancelculture’.
This seems to be an assumption that is quickly lost when it’s Whoopi who needs to be held accountable.
I am not calling for Whoopi Goldberg to be fired, if only because I don’t believe there is any universe where she could possibly do anything that could get her fired – she is the crown jewel of The View and a pop culture icon.
However, I believe this will be a teaching moment that can help millions of Americans understand why limiting the Holocaust to white people is ahistorical, antisemitic and insane.
As much as the Left loves to use Nazi imagery and comparisons, it is important that everyone knows the truth about the Holocaust and who was affected.
If you want to deny the Moon landing and question JFK’s authenticity, then call the Earth flat. But framing Holocaust in terms of a dispute between one “race” is not just dangerous, it’s also wrong.
I also think ABC and The View at large need to take a hard look at why some hosts — and let me be completely candid here – why some liberal hosts are held to an entirely different standard than anyone else.
Whoopi has said a slew of insanely-controversial and hurtful things over the course of her tenure at The View.
Some of these more famous ones are defending Roman Polanski, who raped a thirteen-year-old girl (calling it not rape rape’), and defending Bill Cosby when over 50 other accusers publicly came forward with their own stories.
The View provides protection to those with high status and age.
This is true for all liberal hosts.
Perhaps instead of making half-hearted apologies or bringing in experts from the space antisemitism, you could dedicate an entire segment on ‘Hot Topics to discuss why it was so offensive and potentially dangerous.
There are many people in the media world who won’t face the same consequences and repercussions as others.
If you’re conservative, there are double, triple and even quadruple standards.
It is an issue that ABC News has not yet faced, and it will only get worse.
Overpaid celebs with all access to education, who use their platform to spread bigotry, are becoming less acceptable to people.
From my experiences working in TV, I know that the most embarrassing things backstage are always exposed when the camera’s on.
All things considered, however, some people will still be covered by networks or executives for any bad behavior.
They aren’t Sharon Osbourne, Roseanne Barr.
Barbara Walters, one of America’s most prominent Jewish American women, founded The View.
It is not my belief that she intended to show one myopic view.
American viewers should be able to debate more on topics that are so important for understanding evil’s potential in the world.
For those of us who work to combat anti-Semitic forces within our country, it’s impossible not to remember what happened and why. We must see this as the evil that it really is.