‘I just heard my husband screaming’: Moment father leaps into swimming pool to save his 14-month-old daughter from drowning after she climbs in while no one was watching

  • Bella, a 14-month-old Brazilian baby girl, almost drowned after falling into a pool in Brazil.
  • Her dad, Cleyton Alves Pinto, 38, heard her thrashing and jumped in to save her
  • Karlla Araújo, 28, posted video of the incident online to warn other parents 

This is the terrifying moment a toddler almost drowned in when she climbed into the family’s pool. 

CCTV footage captured father Cleyton Alves Pinto, 38, leaping into the pool in Matrinchã, Goiás, Brazil, to pull 14-month-old Bella out of the water.

Bella’s mother Karlla Araújo, 28, said she only realised what was happening when she heard Cleyton screaming. 

Karlla recently shared the video online of the scare on the family’s CCTV.

Karlla said that it all happened “very quickly.”

Crescer was told that she heard her husband screaming. 

She stated, “When she got there, she wasn’t crying, but calm.

“I believe she didn’t drink enough water.”

Karlla claimed that she and Cleyton Pinto, 38, spent the day at their pool with Bella, and Miguel.

The 14-month-old baby fell into the pool as her five-year-old brother sat reading at their home in Matrincha, Brazil

The baby, 14 months old, fell into the pool while her brother, five years old, was reading at Matrincha in Brazil.

Once she fell in she was unable to heave herself out of the swimming pool, in footage recently shared online by her mother

In footage recently shared online, her mother shows that she was unable for her to get out of the pool after falling in.

The baby immediately started thrashing her arms as she tried to stop herself from drowning

The baby started to thrash her arms in an attempt to stop drowning.

The family was shocked by a sudden gale, and they fled to shelter from the rain and wind. Karlla changed the clothes of her daughter and joined her father who was in a hammock.

She claimed that Cleyton didn’t realize Bella was back and wasn’t paying attention to her movements.

She said that he was still waiting for the rains to stop before covering the pool.

Her father, Cleyton Alves Pinto, 38, heard the sound of his child in trouble and leapt from his hammock to save her

He jumped into the pool where his child was floating, face down in the water

Her father, Cleyton Alves Pinto, 38, heard the sound of his child in trouble and leapt from his hammock to save her (left). He jumped into the swimming pool, where his child was still floating face-first in the water (right).

Cleyton saved Bella, although her mother Karlla Araújo, 28, said her daughter had since become afraid to even take a bath because of her experience in the water

Cleyton saved Bella, although her mother Karlla Araújo, 28, said her daughter had since become afraid to even take a bath because of her experience in the water

Karlla Araújo's 14-month-old baby daughter Bella almost drowned in Matrincha when she climbed into the family swimming pool when her parents weren't looking

Karlla Araújo’s 14-month-old baby daughter Bella almost drowned in Matrincha when she climbed into the family swimming pool when her parents weren’t looking

Karlla realized that her daughter was afraid of water and would even get agitated while being washed in the bath after the September 12 incident.

The video was uploaded online by her to alert other families to the dangers associated with swimming pools.

She said that God saved us from the worst, but that parents should be aware of this episode. 
