One mother went viral after revealing the way her husband is treated when she’s alone with her six-month old child. She claimed that he was treated as a hero for basic parenting.   

Bakery business owner Chloe Sexton, 27,  from Memphis, Tennessee, shared a video to TikTok revealing that her husband Tyler faces ‘Daddy Privilege’ while looking after their son Theodore – a term used when men experience praise for doing the normal duties that are expected of mothers.

Chloe, speaking to TiKTok explained that Theodore often goes with her to work with her. 

However, her husband was allowed to take the day off from work to help her. He was then praised and treated as a hero.    

She explained that she had a funny story to tell about father privilege in her clip, which has over four million viewers.

“You know, if you have been following me for awhile that I am a business owner. My husband is employed. My husband is employed and has his own business. That’s it! 

“Well, our bakery needs to purchase certain wholesale ingredients every week at Restaurant Depot. 

“You have seen me make videos where I am wearing Theodore (or being pregnant) and buying 400 pounds flour and 100 pounds butter. That’s about once a week. The list goes on and on, like — it’s a lot,’ she went on.

“So last week, the day that I normally do it, my spouse had the day off so he decided to do it for me. But he also had the baby the same day. 

‘When I tell you, the way that this man was treated like a hero — a hero.

A mother has gone viral for revealing how her husband gets treated differently when out alone with their six-moth old baby claiming he's treated like 'a hero' for doing basic parenting.

Bakery business owner Chloe Sexton, 27, from Memphis, Tennessee, shared a video to TikTok revealing that her husband Tyler faces 'Daddy Privilege' while looking after their son Theodore - a term used when men experience praise for doing the normal duties that are expected of mothers.

Chloe Sexton (27), a Memphis bakery owner, posted a TikTok video in which she revealed that Tyler is experiencing ‘Daddy Privilege” while caring for their son Theodore. This term refers to men who are praised for performing the expected duties of motherhood.

“Mind you these same people also see me every week. One of the clerks recognized me. The cashier asked, “Hey, are you a TikTok?” “Yeah, I have …”,” she replied.

“I am a strapped woman with seven-months pregnant baby, and I have to haul 100-pound flour bags in my Subaru back.” Meanwhile, I’m getting a whole lotta… “nothing to see here” ‘Just a woman doing woman things, busting her a**.

“But my husband? My husband wears the baby. He goes to Restaurant Depot with mommy and it’s like, “Oh, my God, look at me!” You work so hard, Oh my God! 

‘He [my husband]She said it was “Honestly, it’s a bit embarrassing”.

‘Somebody walked past him and said, “Oh my god, that’s a whole-a** baby!” 

Taking to TiKTok, Chloe explained how she often takes Theodore with her (pictured together) when she works and runs errands, including going to wholesalers where she has to pick up 400lb bags of flour and butter with a baby strapped to her - adding 'no one blinks an eyelid' But when her husband had the day off work and helped her out, he was 'treated like a hero' and praised.

Taking to TiKTok, Chloe explained how she often takes Theodore with her (pictured together) when she works and runs errands, including going to wholesalers where she has to pick up 400lb bags of flour and butter with a baby strapped to her – adding ‘no one blinks an eyelid’ But when her husband had the day off work and helped her out, he was ‘treated like a hero’ and praised.

‘Yeah, it’s his… He’s not an hero. He’s just a father, just a parent, doing the same s*** I do every week,’ she went on.

Numerous parents commented, saying that they had experienced similar situations.

One wrote, “The floor is literally at the feet of fathers. It’s so sad.”

Another added, “Greatness is something women should expect but not be appreciated.”

One third added: “Mothers have to be obligated. Fathers are privileged.” 

The fourth said: “I understand.” Dads must stop thinking basic parenting is worthy of praise and applause.

Speaking to BuzzFeed , Chloe said that she was 'lucky to have a husband/life partner that is a self-proclaimed feminist' and found the experience 'embarrassing'. Chloe and Tyler are pictured

BuzzFeed spoke to Chloe, who said she felt ‘lucky’ to have a man/life partner who is a feminist and that the experience was ’embarrassing. Tyler and Chloe are shown here

 Speaking to BuzzFeed, Chloe said that she was ‘lucky to have a husband/life partner that is a self-proclaimed feminist’ and found the experience ’embarrassing’.   

Her typical day included her getting up at 6 a.m.45 am to make breakfast for Theodore, and Mason (7-years-old) before they head off to school.

She then take Mason to school and goes home to bake,  before taking Theodore to childcare and heading to her local wholesale source for ingredients.

She then spends many hours making giant cookies, cleaning out a commercial kitchen and using breast pumps. Finally she picks Mason up from school and gets started with the homework and dinner cooking.  

Dozens of parents were quick to comment saying they'd faced similar experiences. 'The bar is literally on the floor for fathers, it' so sad,' one wrote.

Many parents commented, sharing similar stories. One parent wrote that the bar was literally set for fathers and it was so tragic.

According to my view, “daddy privilege” refers to the subtly superior role men play as parents which allows them to be praised for just being a parent. Did you feed the baby? You are a wonderful dad. Did you hold the baby as mommy was bathing? She elaborated. 

“So kind of you!” Did you pick up dinnerware? You picked up something for dinner. What could your family live without you? All the small ways that mothers go above and beyond what is expected of them, then fathers are praised for just showing up.

Chloe also stated that she believes it is important that society realizes that men are no longer the only breadwinners of the family. Women should be celebrated equally for their childcare work.