MailOnline was told that soldiers from Belarus are making holes in Poland’s fence wire to let migrants through.
A local aid worker claimed that troopers approach the fence at night and then use cutters to create gaps for people to get through.
This has enabled hundreds to illegally enter EU since Monday. A police source said that 400 people crossed the border last night.
So far, refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq have said Belarus has done ‘everything’ to aid them to reach Western Europe. But aid workers claimed that “dozens” of these people are waiting in the woods to die so they don’t know how to get across.

According to aid workers, Belarus soldiers were seen cutting through Poland’s fence wire at night, allowing migrants to cross.

Refugees claimed that hundreds of migrants cross the border each night and Belarus is doing everything it can to assist them. (Photo: A woman standing at the border).

Aid workers claimed that “dozens” of people died waiting for the chance to cross despite the fact there were no crossings. (pictured: a child at the Belarus border camp).

Polish razor wire fences prevent migrants crossing into Europe from the Belarusian border.
Poland claimed it had arrested many migrants and that they are still looking.
According to the EU, thousands of migrants are camping at the border. This is part of a plot by Belarus in order to disrupt the bloc.
European leaders claim that Alexander Lukashenko lured vulnerable people to Belarus on the promise for passage to Europe. After forcing them to cross the border, they were prevented from going back to Belarus.
Polish border guards have blocked the migrants from entering Poland, and they are now left in freezing conditions with very little water or food.
According to the EU, this plot was a revenge attack on Lukashenko’s regime as well as for his support of pro-democracy protests.
MailOnline was informed by a Welfare Officer that Belarus soldiers had made holes in the fence for refugees.
“This is what happens every night. These people use wire cutters to make the cables and then they leave them on the ground, for everyone to see.
Elle added that hundreds of migrants had died while trying to get to Poland.
She stated, “There are still bodies of refugees in the woods.” It is unknown how many have perished.
“But the temperature drops below zero at night, we’re not surprised that people freeze to death,” he said.
According to a source in the police, 400 migrants have crossed into Poland from Bialowieza during Wednesday night through Thursday morning.

Numerous migrants are currently camped at the border of Poland and Belarus. They claim that the Lukashenko regime forced them there.

Pictured are children and women sitting at a campfire under freezing woodland conditions, separating two countries

In this photograph taken by Belarusian border patrols, you can see a pregnant lady
All people who don’t live in the village, including journalists and aid workers, have been barred from accessing it.
MailOnline received this information from a reliable source: “Last night, 400 illegally crossed the border into Poland. Yesterday, it was 200. Of course, the Belarus army supports them.
Moscow has backed Lukashenko who denies plotting and insists that migrants are genuine asylum seekers.
He threatened, on Thursday, to cut off gas supplies to Europe in the event that the EU increased sanctions against him.
Putin supported his ally, flying nuke-capable bombers above Belarus for the second day straight.
Putin and Lukashenko both state that they are concerned by the Polish troop movements close to the border. Warsaw claims there are 15,000 soldiers there.
Lukashenko has warned the situation could easily escalate into a direct confrontation, with Russian military expert Pavel Felgenhauer saying that Moscow would likely send its forces into Belarus in the event of a conflict.
If Poland was under attack by the West, then they would have to protect it. Poland is a member of NATO, whose members also have a mutual defense pact.
The defence minister of Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia – also NATO countries – issued a joint statement today warning that the situation risks boiling over.
The migrants crisis was mentioned by them as a source of potential provocations, serious incidents and possible spillovers into military operations.
Ukraine was not yet a NATO and EU member. However, it sent thousands more soldiers to the border in an attempt to protect itself from being a potential target of migrants.
According to the Interior Minister, Ukraine will send an additional 8,500 soldiers and officers and fifteen helicopters to protect its border with Belarus.

Europe claims that the migrants arrived in Belarus with the false promise to get into the EU. They were then left behind to die in the woods, without any way to return.

The freezing temperatures and little food for migrants force them to survive in harsh woods.

Polish border guards check vehicles for illegal migrants near the frontier. The locals are subject to fines and prison sentences for aiding them.
Denys Monastyrskiy stated that the new force would consist of 3,000 border guard personnel, 3500 National Guard servicemen and 2,000 officers.
He stated that the ‘interior ministry aviation, including 15 helicopters will be also on duty. This will provide mobility and transfer our forces, if required, to the border.’
Monastyrskiy stated earlier Thursday that the Ukrainian border police, border guards and national guard will conduct drills at the Belarusian border.
According to the statement, the minister stated that “To counter any potential crisis with migrants we will include all five structural units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, without exception.”
Ukraine is already fighting a proxy war with Russian-backed separatists on its eastern border, and has warned that Putin is massing troops close by.
The EU started a fifth round of sanctions today against Lukashenko’s government. It would include top officials as well as the Belavia state airline, which ministers claim is used to allow migrants in.
A follow-up sixth sanctions package could then be used to ban EU supplies from being used at Minsk National airport, while including assets freezes and travel bans for more members of the regime.
Senior diplomats said that the EU sanctions against Minsk could prevent EU funding, supplies and equipment from being available. According to the website, Lufthansa Cargo Germany is an air cargo and ground handler at Minsk National.
A summit is being planned by the 27 EU leaders. The bloc also considers whether it should use its funding mechanism to increase border fence construction.