After the Covid pandemic, NHS Wales cancelled an MRI scan of a 15-year old boy to diagnose him with an incurable brain tumor.
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board cancelled Noah Herniman’s annual brain scan because of the severe pandemic.
Neurofibromatosis is a condition that causes tumours to grow on nerve tissue. He was later diagnosed with an incurable benign tumour in the brain’s core.
This Chepstow 15-year old is known for his remarkable contribution to fundraising from a young age.
His fundraising efforts for Llamau, Women’s Aid and other causes have been extensive.
As a fundraising teenager, he was amazed at the community’s reaction to his news about his brain tumor. They rallied round him and his family.
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board cancelled Noah Herniman’s annual routine brain exam due to pressures from the pandemic. He was later diagnosed with an incurable brain tumor. Pictured with his mother Shelley
Shelley Noah’s mother spoke out to WalesOnline.
“It was an absolute surprise. Nigel [Noah’s dad]Covid limited the number of people allowed to enter our home.
“Hintsight would show me that if we had known what was happening, we might have gone in together with Nigel, and Noah.
She described it as cruel because the entire family watched the game in the stadium, but they couldn’t go to the same doctor in order to hear the bad news.
Although it was shocking for his family, his mother said that her son was amazing. She also stated that he had asked the doctor about treatment options.
Noah asked his mom if chemotherapy could work for him or kill him.
Without the Covid pressures on the health system, it is likely that the 15 year-old would have been diagnosed as having a brain tumour by 2020.
The news was shocking to the entire family. However, Noah’s mother describes her son as extraordinary and says that she asked the doctor for treatment. Photo: Noah
Although he would have begun his treatment sooner, he now has an 18-month cycle of chemotherapy which he is only months into.
A benign tumour is not considered cancerous. They are usually not a cause of problems.
But they could be fatal if they push on nerves.
Noah cannot properly eat due to the tumor in his brain.
He has a tumour in his brain which controls swallowing ability so is being fed via a feedline.
Although he struggled to swallow for the past year, his mother did not believe it was a brain tumour.
She said that she doesn’t blame anyone for this predicament the family is in.
According to the mother of her 15-year old son, everything is on hold until 2020. Noah was not eligible for a scan because it was not urgent.
She talked to Noah’s GP but did not mention the possibility that Noah might have a brain tumour.
But she stated that the signs had already been there, as he’d been lethargic and not eating well.
Pictured is Noah on the Newport transporter bridge, December 2020. This was to raise money for Bullies Out.
The family believed it was due to Noah staying home at school during the pandemic.
His mother said that despite their current situation, and the fact that they are angry at what has happened to them, she doesn’t blame anyone.
Due to the stress caused by the pandemic, she said that there are many others in her family’s position.
She regrets not having pushed her family for scans sooner, but she believes they were more aware of the Covid pressures so it helped to make her less pushy.
Her sister is a nurse; her niece, nephew, and cousin work in hospitals. She has lost many friends due to the coronavirus.
However, the entire family knows that the scan may have changed their lives.
She stated that despite their circumstances, the family is ‘blessed” Noah had annual scans.
Pictured from the left: Noah (center), his brother Ashton Adams, Ashton Adams’ father (back right), and Noah (centre).
While it’s not known what Noah’s outlook is, she says they do know of others who are in similar situations.
His mother said that her son was remarkable. He has managed to raise funds for Women’s Aid over the Christmas period, even though he is being treated. Noah’s family and friends came together to cheer him on Christmas Eve.
As a replacement for church visits, the Severn Tunnel brass group came to Noah’s door and played carols. Friends and neighbors watched and sang along with the carols.
There was also a Doctor Who day organised for Noah by Chepstow School, which raised more than £2,300.
The Brain Tumour Trust was awarded the money and Children In Need received the remainder.
Family members are grateful and overwhelmed by the help they received.
An Aneurin Bevan University Health Board spokeswoman said that all routine scans were delayed in the NHS because of the outbreak. This has caused delays in diagnosis. It is with deepest regret that Noah’s health has declined. Our thoughts and best wishes are for his loved ones.