Britain’s first gay dads are set to welcome triplets after spending £1million on IVF and could make history again with three parents on the birth certificate.

Barrie Drewitt Barlow and Tony Barlow are Manchester businessmen. They spent their early years on Longsight, Wythenshawe and Wythenshawe Council Estates.

After building a profitable business, they became millionaires and were two decades earlier the first nation’s same-sex couples to have their twins named as parents.   

After £1 million of IVF treatment, they are to welcome triplets after an American surrogate was inseminated with three IVF embryos.

It’s possible that they can make history once again as their three parents will be listed on their birth certificates.  

After 32 years of marriage, the couple parted in 2019. Barrie has now been engaged to Scott Hutchinson (28).

The IVF process was performed by three different men. They may each be named on the birth certificates as they are believed to have the right to request a law change.

Manchester businessmen Barrie Drewitt- Barlow, 51, and ex-husband Tony, 56, are set to welcome triplets to their brood of six children after a surrogate was inseminated with three embryos. Pictured: The ex-couple with their twins Dallas and Jasper

After a surrogate with three embryos was implanted, Barrie Drewitt and Tony Barlow (Manchester businessmen), are about to add triplets to the family of six. Pictured are the ex-couple and their twins Dallas & Jasper. 

Barrie said to the Sunday Mirror, “It’s the most amazing feeling.”

“We are delighted. Families are everything.  

They will be joining their six other children, Saffron, Aspen and Dallas (22, Jasper, 17 Jasper, and Dallas), 11 and Valentina (15 months).   

Manchester Evening News reports that two of the three embryos have been frozen for up to 22 years.

Barrie, fiancé Scott (pictured left with Barrie) and ex-husband Tony were involved in the IVF process for the triplets and may all be named as parents on the birth certificate as lawyers believe they could call for a change in the law

Barrie, fiancé Scott (pictured left with Barrie) and ex-husband Tony were involved in the IVF process for the triplets and may all be named as parents on the birth certificate as lawyers believe they could call for a change in the law

They are Barrie’s and Tony’s offspring and form part of the clutch that leads to their three oldest children.

Valentina’s biological twin, the third embryo was frozen in 2019.  

Barrie was delighted and said, “I’m as excited about this baby as I am about the first.” 

He said he did not imagine the family would be welcoming more to their brood again but he is ‘so in love’ with his fiancé Scott and jumped at the chance.  

Barrie and Tony are said to be worth £100 million after they built up medical research company Euroderm and relocated to the USA. 

The men and their new partners live in the mansion in separate wings-Barrie and Scott and Tony and Brent. Pictured: The brood on Thanksgiving last year

They live separately in two wings, Barrie and Scott as well as Tony and Brent. Photo: Last year’s Thanksgiving brood 

After becoming Europe’s first surrogate couple, the 1999 event was a historic moment.  

Following a lengthy court battle they were named as “parent one” and “parent two” on their birth certificate instead of being listed as mother and father.  

They promise to make history and fight against the law by making it a point to name themselves parents two, three and three on the birth certificates.   

They also want to make three-parent families more common in society.  

Vandana Chitroda is the head of the family department at RIAA Barker Gillette. She said that Manchester-born fathers can call upon the UK to amend the law.   

Despite separating in 2019, the fathers of six still share a £6million, 10-bedroom mansion in Florida. Pictured: The men on their wedding day in 2014, five years before their split

Despite separating in 2019, the fathers of six still share a £6million, 10-bedroom mansion in Florida. Five years ago, the men were married.

She explained that “The law concerning surrogacy” is currently being reviewed. Barrie, Tony, and Scott need to seek to change the law so that a Parental Order can be issued in their favor.

It currently allows for two applicants. One must provide the genetic material (gametes) that will be used to make the embryo.

“It would be an extraordinary achievement for Barrie, Tony, and Scott to make the law change twice during their lifetimes. This would leave behind a fantastic legacy and legacy to the LGBTQA+ communities.

Despite separating in 2019, Barrie and Tony still share a £6million, 10-bedroom mansion in Florida. 

Barrie and fiancé Scott live in one wing of the mansion and Tony and his new partner Brent live in another part of it.  

All of them see themselves as one big family, happy, and loving.

They see themselves as a family bubble, loving and happy and have said that each man has given their blessing to their new relationships. Pictured: Barrie and daughter Saffron film for a German reality show

Their family is a bubble of love and happiness. They have stated that they see each other as their partners in this endeavor. Barrie and Saffron are filmed for a German reality TV show. 

Barrie and Tony were not bitter about their separation and they are still close friends.

Children think that it’s ‘awesome” to have siblings who’ve been on ice longer than 22 years.

The family’s baby news will mean an extravagant Christmas for them to celebrate.

Each child will have their own room and they’ll get a new car.