One writer from the BBC’s Bafta-winning show The Revolution Will Be Televised has called Australia a “wasteland” that the world should get rid of.
Heydon Prowse is also well-known for his environmental activism. In a viral video, he described two of the country’s main exports, ‘brunch’ and ‘casual racism’.
In an interview with Political Joe the 40-year old Londoner stated that “it’s a culture and physical desert.”
“They are quite good at brunch. They are known for their main exports, casual racism and brunch.
Prowse is half-Australian and made the remarks while criticizing the country for not taking action to lower carbon emissions, close down coal plants, and combat climate change.

Heydon Prowse, a writer and producer of the BBC’s Bafta-winning show ‘The Revolution Will Be Televised’ has called Australia a “wasteland” that the world should get rid off.

Prowse from London (40), described Australia in a conversation with Political Joe as a ‘cultural and physical desert’
Scott Morrison, Australia’s prime minister, made a commitment to the country to zero net carbon emissions by 2050. But there is a lot more to be done.
Morrison claimed that technology, such as green hydrogen or solar power can help the country reach its goal without the introduction of taxes.
Australia ranks among the top emitters of greenhouse gases by population. Australia will continue to build more coal-fired power station, which has been a disappointment for the UK.
Prowse mentioned that Australia is still an important contributor to carbon emissions during the interview.
“Isn’t their per capita carbon emission level comparable to that of the US?” He stated. “They drive in SUVs.”
After mocking Alok Sharma (presidend of the COP26 Climate Summit in Glasgow), Mr Prowse criticized Australia’s deputy prime Minister Barnaby Joyce.

Prowse stated that Australians are good at breakfast in a viral video. Their two major exports are brunch and casual racism. (Above is a file of Sydney’s diners

After The Revolution Will Be Televised was named Best Comedy Program in 2013, Mr Prowse received his Bafta Award. Also, he has presented the BBC Radio 4 documentary Green Inc
Sharma felt visibly more emotional after last-minute amendments were made to November’s climate pact.
China and India insist on reducing the commitment to “phase-out” coal.
“May I apologize for the manner this has been conducted and that I’m deeply sorry,” Mr Sharma stated.
“I can understand your sadness but, like you’ve noted, I believe it’s vital to protect the package.
Ms Joyce charged Mr Sharma with trying to close down the industries of “other countries”.
‘You know, it annoys me … what’s the guy’s name? Joyce asked the ABC if it was the Chairman Sharma of Glasgow.

In the past, Mr Prowse (pictured above) also made prank calls at high-profile people.

Scott Morrison, Australia’s prime Minister, stated that his country could reach its target by using technology like solar power and green hydrogen and without having to introduce any taxes. However, he didn’t announce any funding or new initiatives. (Above: Wind turbines in Canberra
“He was with his camel, and, oh!, I’m nearly crying. I just can’t handle this.
Mr Prowse was critical of Joyce for ‘taking the p***’ out of Mr Sharma before warning Australia needed to take stock of its own commitment to tackling climate change.
“I don’t understand what Australia offers to the planet right now.” He said.
After a TikTok clip of Mr Prowse’s interview, Australians found his comments to be very popular.
The users of social media quickly stepped in to defend their country.
One individual commented, “Umm Aboriginal cultures and Torres Strait Islander cultures?” This is the oldest known culture.

Australia is not interested in nuclear power, but Morrison said that he would build more coal-fired power station in Australia. A move which will be disappointing allies like Britain, who wants to get rid of coal worldwide.