The £100million fortune of a property tycoon has become embroiled in a legal row after claims his ‘materialistic’ former hairdresser daughter bullied him into leaving her almost everything.

Louise Reeves, who could get £80million under her father’s will, has been accused of ‘coercing’ Kevin Reeves into leaving her most of his fortune because she ‘likes money’ and ‘enjoys the trappings of wealth and power’, according to her brother Bill.

Her father, a Rolls Royce-driving property tycoon and multimillionaire, was a Rolls Royce-driving Rolls Royce-driving property tycoon. Despite his modest beginnings as an orphan, he built a huge personal fortune.

He was Mr Reeves four children but changed his will in 2014 to leave 80 per cent of his £100million fortune to his Toni and Guy-trained daughter, Louise, 35, the court heard.

Louise is currently locked in iShe was involved in a High-Court dispute with Bill, her younger brother. Bill claims she bullied her father, who had died at 71, to change his will and leave her most of his wealth.

Louise Reeves (pictured), who could get £80m under her father's will, has been accused of 'coercing' Kevin Reeves into leaving her most of his fortune as she is allegedly 'materialistic'

Louise Reeves (pictured), who could get £80m under her father’s will, has been accused of ‘coercing’ Kevin Reeves into leaving her most of his fortune as she is allegedly ‘materialistic’

Bill addressed the issue of the document’s validity and received support from Ryan McKinnon (24) his older brother. Lisa Murray is half-sister to the three siblings. She didn’t know her father until her 20s.

Louise who lived with Mr Reeves denied Louise that her tough father was scared of her. She instead insists that he He loved her because she was the heir of his empire and left her even more.

The court heard Mr Reeves had created a vast property investment business – worth up to £100m – in the Southampton area following his difficult start in life.

Louise’s lawyer Thomas Dumont, QC, said that despite having no privileges or benefits, he accumulated wealth through “his own ingenuity and hard work, and sheer force, of character.”

Kevin made a bequest to Mark in 2012. The remaining 80 percent were to be divided equally between Bill and Louise.

But in 2014, he signed a new will, leaving Bill only around £200,000 worth of personal effects, with the rest split between his daughters, with Louise getting 80 per cent and Lisa 20 per cent. 

It meant Louise would walk away with a vast personal fortune totalling up to £80m – as well as land and her father’s beloved Rolls Royce Phantom.

Bill (47) claims that his sister ‘Jekkyl & Hyde’ who he says ‘likes money and is drawn towards ‘flash items’ was the one behind their father’s decision to nearly completely eliminate him.

Property tycoon Mr Reeves (pictured) had four children but left 80 per cent of his £100million fortune to his youngest daughter, Louise, 35, when he died aged 71 in 2019, the court heard

Property tycoon Mr Reeves (pictured) had four children but left 80 per cent of his £100million fortune to his youngest daughter, Louise, 35, when he died aged 71 in 2019, the court heard

He told the court that the 2012 will, under which the three siblings would each have a share worth as much as £26.6m, should be ruled as their father’s final valid will.

Louise however has denied ever being Obsessed with money, she claimed her father wanted her most of his fortune. She had trained her for years to become his chief property heir.

Bill has claimed his father could not have fully understood what he was doing in changing his will so dramatically, cutting his inheritance from almost £30million to just £200,000.

He is accused Louise was a’materialist’ and used ‘undue influences’ to coerce their father into transferring the bulk of his fortune.

The court was told that Bill claimed Louise was their father’s ‘dominant and would often ‘fly into furies’. This eventually led to his death and he changing his will.

Constance McDonnell, Constance McDonnell QC was his barrister. She stated: “It is suggested that Louise had financial motivation to influence her father’s will.

She simply enjoys the wealth and trappings that come with wealth and power.

Louise was a frequent visitor to Spain, where she and her father would drive to look for villas.

Louise was challenged by Ms McDonnell in the witness box. She accused Louise being money-oriented and pointed out that Louise had once been with a flash multi-millionaire money-launderer.

She said, “Part of our case was you are materialistic.” “You are materialistic, you love spending money and flashy items.

Louise denied this accusation saying, “I don’t think so.”

Louise claimed that Louise and no one else would be able to do so. Could have forced her strong-willed dad to do anything she didn’t want.

Louise’s barrister Mr Dumont said that there is no evidence to prove that Louise coerced her father into altering his will.

He said that Bill Ryan and Ryan’s cases on undue Influence were somewhat ironic.

“When Kevin started his company, Louise was one of the reasons he included her in his affairs. This was in sharp contrast to his two sons.

“When the time came for her father to die, Louise followed all instructions. This too was his position up until the end.

According to him, a number of witnesses came forward, and they spoke about Kevin’s tough nature in business as well as when it was related to his family. He also said that Kevin could have been influenced by his younger daughter.

He said to Mr Justice Michael Green, “He [Mr Reeves]He was tough and plain-speaking. And he was always willing to take on any challenge.

Louise is locked i n a High Court row with her brother Bill (pictured), who claims she bullied their ailing father into changing his will and leaving her the vast majority of his riches

Louise (pictured) is in a High Court dispute with Bill, her brother. Bill claims that Louise bullied her ailing father to change his will so she can inherit the majority of his wealth.

Kevin was a hard worker. He was sharp, smart and quick-witted.

“He was naturally suspicious of professional and would have watched his lawyers and other professionals closely to make sure he understood what they were doing and what he desired.

“Kevin was no fool” Kevin’s illness in 2014 didn’t change anything.

But Bill’s barrister Ms McDonnell said the case was not about how Mr Reeves was in business, but how he was at home with his family.

He was subservient to Louise. She pointed to one witness who said that he was ‘frightened of his daughter’ and didn’t want to deal with the stress.

She said that Kevin had witness evidence that his exterior personality did not reflect his inner strength and that he was susceptible to giving in to pressure when other people stood up for him.

Ms McDonnell argued that Louise’s ‘controlling’ behaviour ‘behind closed doors’ should not be ‘under-estimated’ and said the only reason why Mr Reeves would have changed his will is because he found it ‘impossible to defy’ Louise. 

She added: ‘Independent witnesses who knew Kevin well reacted in shock when they became aware of the contents of the 2014 will, because it was so improbable that he would knowingly and voluntarily have left virtually nothing to Bill and nothing to his grandchildren.’

Dumont claimed that Kevin was clear in saying he would cut his child out because Bill is already financially secure and doesn’t require anything else.

Mr Dumont also argued that Mr Reeves had five years after the 2014 will was drawn up to raise the alarm if it had been the result of pressure from his daughter and was against his wishes.

Louise’s lawyer also claimed that Mr Reeves wasn’t kept “under lock and keys” and that he saw many people when he was at his office every day, as well as family members and business associates. However, he did not alarm any of these individuals.

Urging the judge to uphold the 2014 will, he added: ‘Not once did he try and distance himself from Louise. He never tried to be alone with Louise. 

“He didn’t try and make excuses for her, or even include her in his transactions with her. 

Continue to test the waters.