A California woman has shared how she acquired a strong New Zealand accent after being in a car accident that left her in a coma for 2 weeks. This despite never having been to New Zealand.

Summer Diaz, 24, a 24-year-old Los Angeles resident, was struck by an SUV as she crossed the street last November 25. This caused her to develop foreign accent syndrome. It is a rare condition that causes brain damage and makes it difficult to speak.

‘I don’t remember anything about that particular day. I returned from my job as an autistic child advocate. Jam Press reported that I didn’t have parking at my apartment so I had parked elsewhere. 

Side effect: Summer Diaz, 24, developed foreign accent syndrome (FAS) after a car accident left her in a coma for two weeks last November

Side effect: Summer Diaz, 24, developed foreign accent syndrome (FAS) after a car accident left her in a coma for two weeks last November 

Trauma: Summer was crossing the street when she was hit by an SUV and rushed to the nearest hospital with a broken pelvis, a broken shoulder, and a brain injury

Trauma: Summer, who was crossing the street, was struck by an SUV.

“I don’t know what happened. However, I was apparently halfway across the crosswalk, and was hit by an SUV.”

Summer was called by the driver and taken to the nearest hospital. There, they discovered that she had suffered several injuries including a broken pelvis and shoulder and a brain injury.

She was placed in an induced state for two weeks. Because the accident occurred during the pandemics, her family members and boyfriend were not able to visit her.

Summer described feeling confused and disoriented when she woke up at the hospital.   

She said, “I could hear people saying, You’re at the Hospital, Summer.” They asked me to sign the letter and I was able to recognize signs. When I woke, I was unable to speak.

Looking back: Summer (pictured in 2019) wasn't able to speak vocally when she first woke up from her coma

Looking back: Summer (pictured here in 2019) was not able to speak vocally the first time she woke from her coma.

Not the same: When Summer (pictured in 2018) started talking again, she noticed changes to the way she was speaking, but she initially thought they were due to her being intubated

Not the same: When Summer (pictured in 2018) started talking again, she noticed changes to the way she was speaking, but she initially thought they were due to her being intubated

“I was able do the whole thing, and the staff actually asked me my parents if they thought I was deaf due to the sign language. My parents said no, however, I had learned how to sign through university classes.

Summer noticed subtle changes in her speech as she began to talk again. She initially thought it was due to her being intubated in a coma.    

“I pulled out my tubes after I woke up, causing some damage.” This caused me to develop dysphagia, which makes swallowing difficult. “I remember trying out to speak to people and my voice was different.

“Then, my boyfriend got special permission for me to visit him, and he has an accent similar to his English accent. I felt like he was speaking to me, and it was clear that I was trying to enunciate quite a bit. However, he said he couldn’t hear it.

“Then, I went to rehab, and my voice started getting better. I was working alongside speech therapists but my speech was still very slow so it was hard for people to hear what I was saying. People started to hear my accent more as I got stronger.

Support system: Summer's British boyfriend sent her text messages while she was in the hospital during the pandemic

Support system: Summer was in the hospital during the pandemic and her boyfriend from England sent her text messages. 

Exchanges: Summer was able to reach out to her friends via text message after she got her cellphone back

Exchanges: Summer was able to reach out to her friends via text message after she got her cellphone back

After getting her phone back, Summer was able send text messages to her friends. 

Strange occurrence: Summer chatted with her friends about her changing accents, which varied throughout her recovery

Strange occurrence: Summer chatted to her friends about the changing accents she had throughout her recovery.  

Summer’s new accent eventually became so strong that people would question where she was from because she didn’t have an American one.   

“Where are you from?” – My nurses would ask me. She wouldn’t believe me when i said, “I am from here”,’ she said. ‘I would tell them I was born in this country, but they would reply, “But your accent is different.” I had to explain it wasn’t my accent. I just started doing this.

Summer has had many accents during her recovery. Some lasted for a few hours, while others lasted for months. 

“I had a very British accent. It was close to my boyfriend’s for quite a while. I had a French accent at one time, and briefly I was Russian. It’s now settled on an Australian accent or New Zealand accent.

Summer has never been to Australia or New Zealand. However, people often assume that she was born there or raised there. 

Rehabilitation: After spending around a month in the hospital and in rehab, Summer was well enough to return home

Rehabilitation: After spending around a month in the hospital and in rehab, Summer was well enough to return home

Inspiring: She was also able to go back to college to finish the four classes required to complete her degree in psychology. She graduated in August

Inspiring: She was able to return to college to complete the four classes that she needed to complete her psychology degree. She graduated in august

Doctor's appointment: An MRI officially diagnosed Summer with FAS on August 9

Doctor’s appointment: An MRI officially diagnosed Summer with FAS on August 9

She said, “I went back at the fire station to see the people who brought my to the hospital the other night and give them cake,” 

“I saw the fire chief, and I could tell from the phone that he had an accent. But when I met him, he asked, “Is that an Australian accent or New Zealand accent?” I explained that it was New Zealand. He asked me where I was from and I laughed.

“One thing that was difficult for me was answering back when people asked about my accent,” she said. “Do I go with the accent they are referring to or do I tell them the truth and start talking about an entire incident with a stranger?”  

FAS can be treated with very little, but it is possible to get rid of it on its own. Summer actually loves having a new accent, and she is happy to wait and see what happens. 

‘If I get hit with a car, but manage to keep my accent, I’m okay with that. That’s what’s the best thing. She said that it was fun. “I was texting my friends constantly telling them I really wanted to keep it because accents are something I really enjoy.”

Summer was able, after spending about a month in the hospital as well as rehab, to return home.

Diagnosis: FAS is a rare condition in which damage to the brain makes patients speak with an accent that is different than their natural speaking style

Diagnosis: FAS (Far-Eye Syndrome) is a rare condition that causes patients to speak with an accent other than their natural speaking voice.

Aftermath: In addition to her new accent, Summer is unable to work long hours or stand on her feet for long periods of time. She relies on a wheelchair and a cane

Aftermath. Summer, due to her accent, is unable work long hours and can’t stand for long periods. She uses a wheelchair and a cane. 

Lesson: 'I almost died so I try to enjoy the things I want to enjoy and be kind to others,' she said. 'I appreciate art and books more and enjoy the company of my loved ones more'

Lesson: ‘I almost died so I try to enjoy the things I want to enjoy and be kind to others,’ she said. I appreciate art and books more, and enjoy the company and company of my loved ones.

She was able to return to college to complete her psychology degree and continue her outpatient treatment.

This enabled her to access the university library and conduct research about her condition. She was able to officially receive a diagnosis via MRI on August 9, 2021. 

Nearly a year after the accident, Summer’s accent has changed significantly. Her traumatic brain injury has also caused permanent disability. 

“I feel exhausted all the time. I have a permanent disability. She stated that she is unable to work long hours, that my stamina and ability to do simple daily activities are impaired, and that she can’t work long hours at work. 

“I rely on a cane for leg pain and a wheelchair to travel long distances or where I would need to be standing for a prolonged period of time.

“I have a caregiver who helps me with my daily household chores and meal prep. Every task requires energy. If I’m too tired, I can’t do some tasks later in the day or next day.

What is Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS)?

Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS), is a rare disorder that causes patients to speak with an accent other than their natural speaking style.

It is most often caused by a brain injury or head injury. Strokes are the most common cause.

FAS can also be caused by trauma to the brain, bleeding from the brain, multiple sclerosis, and brain tumors. 

It has been only 100 times recorded since its discovery in 1907. 

It can lead to patients having to say vowels in a different way, move their jaws and tongue differently while speaking to produce a different sound and even substitute words they might not normally use.    

FAS can last for months, years, or even be permanent.

“Certain aspects will improve over time but other things will stay the same.”

Her accent has also had an impact on her work with children with autism. 

She explained that she pronounces her name sum-mah often and sometimes it is so-mah. “I have had children get confused when my accent changes the next day. It has even led to them asking where the other Summer is because they don’t understand my condition.

“Learning how to navigate in the workplace with a disability has been difficult for me,” she said. “While there have been many negative aspects, it has made my health a higher priority.

“I nearly died” is how I describe it. I try to be happy and to be kind to others. I value art and books more, and I love the company of my loved ones.

“I see the accent, and what happened, as something that will forever be a conversation starter. And a story to tell.