Is HRT a viable treatment for dementia?
This may sound silly, but it has been so effective in treating menopausal symptoms such as forgetfulness. I thought it might be possible that scientists have tried this route.
Dinah Price, Caerleon, Newport.
This fascinating question is of immense scientific importance.
It’s a matter of great public health concern, with 5 percent of older women and 10% of over-75s showing signs of dementia.
You will be aware that the estrogen oestrogen drops during menopause. Already there is ample evidence to support the importance of oestrogen for mental functions.
For example, oestrogen increases the production of a chemical messenger, acetylcholine, which plays a vital role in the hippocampus — the area of the brain that is key to learning and memory.
There is concern about HRT’s role in dementia treatment with 5% of older women and 10% of over-75s showing signs of it (stock photo).
Oestrogen can also influence the glutamate chemical systems, which are important for the function of the hippocampus.
This is why women often complain about memory loss and brain fog after menopause.
By this logic, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) — specifically, oestrogen replacement therapy — would help to protect post-menopausal women’s cognitive function (and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, in particular).
My 30-year experience with HRT has shown me that my patients have felt better about their mental ability.
There is not much scientific data to back the claim that oestrogen supplementation preserves brain function after menopause.
One study by Stanford University, the U.S. in 2016, found no improvement in cognitive performance.
Dr Martin Scurr says that in my thirty years of prescribing HRT to patients, many of them have said it had improved their mental capabilities. Stock image
But as research demonstrates that regular exercise and a healthy sleep pattern protect brain function — and as we know that HRT benefits both — I think it may have a spin-off effect in terms of preserving brain function.
Also, while protection from dementia is not a direct result of HRT it can be secondary.
But what are the potential risks of HRT?
It has had a turbulent history, as readers will be aware. Major research connected it to breast cancer risk and other heart issues. These findings turned out to be false.
Even so, some women still hesitate to seek the treatment.
HRT can cause a slight increase in breast cancer risk in women who are on the drug. However, it drops when women stop taking the medication. Despite the fact that HRT is essential for women’s healthcare, more research is required to determine its impact on brain health.
Recently, you mentioned how frequent trips to the toilet could be due to your pituitary gland.
Since I was a teenager, I have been frequenting the toilet. I also suffer from recurring irritations due to mucus in my nasal area. Is there a connection?
Mary Sutherland Bridgend Perth
Hormones secreted by the pituitary gland play an important role in many functions of the body including urination.
It is possible that you think this is related to another problem. However, although it is located close to the nose it actually belongs to the brain. The nasal airways and the pituitary gland are located outside of the skull.
Although there’s no correlation between the symptoms you have, I believe they both cause concern. Therefore, I recommend that you investigate them.
These are both common issues and can often be solved.
Many times, a frequent urge to use the toilet is a sign of infection. Your first step should be to get your urine tested by your doctor.
Ideally, the laboratory will send a new sample, but some GPs may prefer to do a quick urine dipstick test right away.
They will look out for excess sugar (or glucose) in your urine. Excessive urination is also a sign you may have diabetes.
Commonly, frequent trips to the toilet are a sign of infection. Therefore, it is advisable to get your urine tested by your doctor (stock photo)
If there is evidence of other abnormalities such as blood traces or protein, your doctor will not send it to the laboratory.
These symptoms should all be investigated further as it could be an indication of a urinary tract infections or changes in the kidney function due to age.
Your nasal symptoms include thickening mucus, which is an indication of chronic rhinosinusitis.
The inflammation of your nasal lining and sinuses can be caused by a variety of factors, the most common being allergy.
The dryness of your lips at night, mentioned in the long letter, may also be an indication that you have congestion.
A nasal rinse is the best first solution.
To make it at home, add a tablespoon of normal table salt to 1 pint of boiling water.
Store this in the fridge, and use it twice a day for a few weeks — lean over a wash basin, tip some of the solution into the cupped palm of your hand and sniff it several times into each nostril.
This will end the inflammation cycle and you should feel better.
Send an email to Dr Scurr at Good Health, Daily Mail, 2 Derry Street, London W8-5TT email — include your contact details. Dr Scurr can’t enter into personal correspondence.
Please reply in a Allgemein Contextual and always Consult your GP if you have any questions. There are many health concerns.
In my view… Test the natural immunity of NHS workers
Although I firmly believe that everyone involved in healthcare should have the Covid jab —because I trust the science — rather than making it mandatory, as the Government now has, would it not be better to check the immunity of those NHS workers who have not decided to have the vaccine yet?
Covid vaccinations are not as effective or lasts for natural immunity. So why don’t we test those unvaccinated staff for the presence of antibodies?
If they have this proof of immunity, they wouldn’t need to be forced to be vaccinated — at the risk of losing their jobs, and putting the NHS under further pressure.