It was the most chilling moment that a wild leopard climbed a gate 10ft high with a dog in its mouth.
The footage was taken in Chhatarpur in central India’s state of Madhya Pradesh in December and shows the jungle cat in action.
The pooch was seen behind a gate by the dog and it leapt into a courtyard.
The footage was taken in Chhatarpur (state of Madhya Pradesh), central India in December. It shows the jungle cats roaming in their neighborhood, before they grab the pup.
It seized the helpless dog and pulled it to its side.
When the leopard approached, the dog nervously backtracked from the gate.
The leopard grabbed the dog by the jaws, and then he walked back through the gates into darkness.
Although the dog was nervously backing away from the gate, it heard the leopard approaching and it grabbed the key before the animal could flee.
Camera traps installed on a Chhatarpur farm in June allowed for the capture of this sighting.
The farm was being criticized by locals for a possible leopard sighting. Camera traps were therefore installed.
Forest officials stated that they are currently scanning the area for pugmarks, but no pugmarks have been found.
Wildlife SOS also provided assistance to the forest department, who has previously been involved with animal rescues in this region.
In the same area, they had previously installed a trap box.
The leopard was reported to have strayed from the area by those who objected, however officials claimed it couldn’t be seen as the footage was shot at a distance.
Officials installed camera traps and cages to check for animals in the vicinity.