China committed genocide against Uyghur Muslims through forced sterilizations and abortions authorized by Beijing’s top officials. A London tribunal found this.
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people in Xinjiang have been incarcerated without any justification, the tribunal’s chair Sir Geoffrey Nice QC said on Thursday.
‘This vast apparatus of state repression could not exist if a plan was not authorised at the highest levels,’ he said as he delivered the tribunal’s findings.
Following hearing allegations of torture and rape at two evidence sessions, this year’s panel to investigate alleged human right abuses was able to publish their findings.
According to the panel, it is certain beyond all reasonable doubt that Uyghurs suffered torture. They upheld their claims of forced transfer, imprisonment and enforced disappearances.
The statement added that China’s President Xi Jinping, and senior officials, ‘bear primary liability’.
Beijing denies the findings.

China made Uyghur Muslims subject to genocide by forcing sterilisations, and possibly allowing abortions that were likely authorized by Beijing’s top officials. A London tribunal (pictured Thursday) found this out.
The World Uyghur Congress is the largest exile Uyghur organization and requested the creation of this tribunal. This group lobbyes for international action against China in protest at the allegations.
A 63-page report was issued by the panel. It stated that no evidence had been presented of mass killing. This is an international legal standard.
Although some Uyghurs had been killed in detention, Nice said comparisons with the Nazi holocaust were unhelpful.
The panel stated that it had been satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the Chinese Communist Party, (CCP), ‘intentionally destroyed a substantial part’ of Muslim Uyghurs in China’s northwest’ and ‘has committed genocide.
CCP created a comprehensive set of measures to optimise’ Xinjiang’s population to lower Uyghur fertility rates. These included birth control, forced sterilisation, and abortion.
Nice stated China’s treatment for the group was in violation of Geneva conventions. This means that it intended to demolish all or part a group physically or biologically. According to him, the main factor in the decision was suppression of births.

The report states that hundreds of thousands Uyghurs were forcibly sterilized, forced into reeducation camps, and then thrown in to forced labor camps. Pictured: Images of Uyghurs in a camp in China, released in 2017
“The Uyghur population in the future will be less than without these policies.” According to the report, this will lead to the partial destruction of Uyghurs.
According to the Genocide Convention’s usage of the term “destroy”, this is a prohibited act that must be proven as genocide.
Nice stated that many of those detained in China had been released following their indoctrination. It was part of a plan by the central government, which included the most high-ranking officials to reintegrate Xinjang and disintegrate Uyghur culture.
‘Hundreds of thousands of Uyghurs – with some estimates well in excess of a million – have been detained by PRC [People’s Republic of China]Authorities without any or any remotely adequate reason were placed under unconscionable cruelty and depravity.
“Sometimes as high as 50 were held in a 22 sq metre cell.”
The report claims that some victims suffered extreme sexual violence, including gang rapes, electric shock rod and iron bar penetration, and raped by men. According to the report, men paid for women’s entry into the camp.

China has placed sanctions against Sir Geoffrey Nice, the tribunal chairman who was accused of Slobodan Milosevic’s war crimes in The Hague at the UN tribunal. Pictured: Nice attends a press conference after delivering the verdict of the independent tribunal assessing evidence on China’s alleged rights abuses against the Uyghur people, in London, Thursday, Dec. 9, 2021

Beijing, which refused to cooperate with the tribunal’s findings, said that the congress had ‘paid for lies, bought rumours, and given false testimony in an effort to create a political tool to discredit China’. Pictured: China’s president Xi Jinping on December 3
Tribunal found evidence that enforce abortions were performed, women had their wombs removed against their will and babies killed immediately following birth. There was also mass enforced sterilization through IUDs. These devices are only surgically removable.
According to the report, hundreds of thousands have been removed from their families and placed into boarding schools. They have also destroyed mosques, banned religious practices, and bulldozed and rebuilt burial grounds.
Report also states that Uyghur were held in water-tight containers, tied with chains and kept immobilized for many months.
The report also pointed out the intrusiveness and inflexibility of the Chinese government, including mass coercion and intense monitoring and facial surveillance. According to the report, this means that parts of Xinjiang are now an open prison.
Nice stated that the tribunal wouldn’t have been needed if an international court was requested by countries, afraid of Beijing retaliation.
He also stated that it was imperative to understand the facts about sufferings of other people and the violations of international human rights.
Beijing, which refused to cooperate with the tribunal’s findings, said that the congress had ‘paid for lies, bought rumours, and given false testimony to try to create a political tool in order to denigrate China’.

Sir Geoffrey Nice QC, chair of the Tribunal, said that thousands, perhaps even millions of, people had been held captive in camps.
According to the foreign ministry, the tribunal lacks any legal qualifications and credibility. The hearings were deemed a political farce by the minister.
China has put sanctions on Nice after Slobodan Miloevic was convicted of war crimes by the UN tribunal at The Hague.
He acknowledged with the others that the testimony was from individuals opposed to the People’s Republic of China and the CCP.
They also reviewed thousands of pages worth of documentation from human rights organizations and independent researchers.
This panel found that Uyghurs up to one million had been unlawfully detained and subjected to cruel and inhumane treatment.
The statement stated that it had established beyond doubt the existence of torture ‘by, at, or with their consent or acquiescence, public officials, other people acting in official capacities, the PRC/or CCP’.
The court upheld all claims for imprisonment, forced transfers, enforced disappearances and sexual violence to the same standard.
‘The tribunal was satisfied that a complete plan to enact multiple interlinked Uyghur policies had been formulated and approved by the PRC.’ It added, claiming President Xi Jinping as well as other top officials ‘are primary responsible’.
Beijing has denied any violations and is afflicted by the Uyghurs’ situation.

Chinese Uyghur Moslem minorities protested in Urumqi (China) in 2009.
The United States called China’s treatment Uyghurs genocide and has begun a boycott diplomatically of Beijing’s upcoming Winter Olympics.
Boris Johnson, Prime Minister of Britain on Wednesday stated that Britain will join the boycott. This is likely to further fray relations after London has repeatedly criticized what it considers Chinese authoritarianism in Hong Kong.
However, the British government is refusing to call for China to be declared genocide for its treatment of Uyghurs. Instead, it insists it should remain a matter that a court will decide.
According to the Uyghur Tribunal, it does not have any powers to sanction or enforce and states and other entities are responsible for considering its conclusions and deciding whether they will act.
The findings come after China warned the UK, US, Canada and Australia they will ‘pay the price’ for a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.
Washington declared its boycott earlier this week. The US claimed it was prompted a China-wide rights violation and what it considers a ‘genocide against the Muslim Uyghur minority in Xinjiang.

China has warned the UK, US, Canada and Australia they will ‘pay the price’ for a diplomatic boycott of the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics (pictured, the Games’ logo at Shougang Park in Beijing)
In a frenzy of diplomatic goodwill on Wednesday, Canada and Australia followed the UK’s lead. Although the boycott did not prevent athletes from being sent, it angered Beijing who threatened retaliation Thursday.
Wang Wenbin, spokesperson at the foreign ministry said that the US, Australia, Britain, Canada and Canada have used the Olympic platform for manipulative purposes. They will undoubtedly pay the consequences.
France threatened to boycott the February Games, but France retorted that it wouldn’t do so because “sports is an entire world and must not be subject to political interference.”
But, the Kremlin criticised US moves and stated that 2022’s games must be free from politics. Russian President Vladimir Putin accepted the invitation of Chinese leader Xi Jinping.
Thomas Bach, President of International Olympic Committee said Wednesday that he was remaining politically neutral in this matter but stressed the importance of ‘the participation for the Olympic Games athletes’.