A ‘woke’ list of banned words for more than 30,000 civil servants drawn up by the Welsh Government has been slammed as a ‘bonkers misuse of public money’ by an  devolved administration which has ‘well and truly lost the plot’.

The ‘do not use’ list of politically-correct words and phrases which include – ‘Brexit’ and ‘HM Government’ is in an official A-to-Z guide compiled by the Labour-run Welsh Government for staff which has been funded by the taxpayer.

Workers are also puzzled at some exclusions in ‘Style Guide’, which was updated December 20, with more rules in Cardiff than the Westminster guide to civil servants crossing the border into England.

The Welsh Government has been criticised for a 'woke' revision of its style guide, which excludes words such as 'able-bodied' and 'Brexit' (pictured: The Senedd building)

The Welsh Government was criticized for revising its style guide in a “woke” manner, which leaves out words like “able-bodied” and “Brexit”. (photo: The Senedd building).

Andrew RT Davies, the Welsh Conservative Senedd leader, said the Welsh government had 'well and truly lost the plot' over its guide to civil servants

Andrew RT Davies of the Welsh Conservative Senedd Leader said that the Welsh government has ‘well, truly lost the plot’ over its guide for civil servants

A civil servant stated that some of the rules were absurd. They are simply words and phrases, which are used every day by everyday people.

“It’s a huge A-Z. The only thing missing is W, for woke. You are just starting to get so picky, if you allow me to say it.

Andrew RT Davies is the leader of the Welsh Conservative Senedd. According to The Times, the Welsh government had allegedly ‘well-and truly lost the plot.

The latest revision of the Welsh Government's style guide instructs over 30,000 civil servants about the terminology they should be using

Over 30,000 Welsh Government style guides have been updated to provide guidance for civil servants on the correct terminology.

Civil servants are advised to use 'non-disabled' instead of 'able-bodied' when referring to people without disabilities

When referring to persons without disabilities, civil servants should use the term ‘non disabled’ rather than ‘able-bodied.

He explained that only last week, ministers cancelled “women” from sexeducation in Wales. And now, they’re consigning Her Majesty and Brexit to the political correctness bin.

It’s both a wasteful and absurd misuse of public money. These nonsenses should be avoided by civil servants, who just want to continue their day jobs.

“And, to be honest, the Labour Welsh government should be tackling much more pressing issues, like the ongoing problems with our NHS and crumbling roads infrastructure. This continues to be an embarrassment for the nation. 

The latest style guide from the Welsh Government contains banned words 

These are some of the phrases and words that civil servants in Wales cannot use.

Below are exact words and descriptions as found in the Welsh Government style guides.


These should be avoided. Do not use it.


This is not a good idea. Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic are acceptable. You can refer to any other pages with the following terms: ‘ethnicity minority’ or “ethnicity minority communities”.


Brexit happened. You can refer to the period between 1 February 2020 and 31 December 2020 by using transitional. 


This is not a good idea. Use invisible impairment.


Use not. Disabled people and disabled persons are used in the majority of contexts. If you mean people with impairments in your context, use impairments. Example: “People with impairments are disqualified by society”


Avoid proforma. Simply state the intent of what you are using, in plain English. It is important to be specific with what you intend to do.

Special Needs

Avoid using. Based on the context, use additional access or learning requirements.


[Use this]. Never HM Government. 


It is not the right way to describe disabled persons. Everybody is vulnerable. Many people mistakenly refer to disabled persons as vulnerable. This is not a good thing and it does little to encourage equality.


These are the Welsh Government (or Welsh Parliament)

Source: Welsh Government Style Guide 

The current socialist regime at Cardiff Bay seems determined to impose awoke ideology on all of Welsh society.

Brexit is one of the items on this banned list. The staff are informed that Brexit has occurred. The transition period refers to the time that occurred between January 1, 2020 and December 31, 2020.

The Government of Her Majesty is also banned. It says: “UK government.” The guide never mentions HM government.

A second one is BAME. Staff are told to not say this. Black, Asian and minority ethnic are all acceptable. Use ‘ethnic minorities’ for any future references to the page.

The government also prohibits civil servants from using the words ‘Able-bodied” or ‘Vulnerable’. 

The text says, “Do not use that.” Do not use it if you aren’t disabled. 

The text adds that it does not refer exclusively to people with disabilities. Anybody can become vulnerable due to different circumstances at different points in their lives. Many people mistakenly refer to disabled persons as vulnerable. This is not a good thing and it does little to encourage equality.

This style guide includes an alphabetical listing for English civil servants. It also excludes words like advancing, fighting, countering and deploy.

For 32,440 Welsh Civil Service employees, the Cardiff-based Welsh Government prepared an official guide.

According to one civil servant, “If you ask an ordinary person on the street they will still refer to it as the Welsh Assembly.” However, we can no longer call it the Welsh Assembly. It must be Welsh Government or Welsh Parlament.

“It’s almost like having someone looking at you when you send emails. Big Brother to words and phrases.

Andrew RT Davies of the Welsh Conservative Senedd said that the Labour Government had ‘well and truly lost the plot’.

He stated that ministers had cancelled sex education for women in Wales last week. Now they are consigning Her Majesty and Brexit to the bin of political correctness!

It’s both a wasteful and absurd misuse of public money. These nonsenses should be avoided by civil servants, who just want to go about their daily work.

To be sincere, I believe the Labour Welsh Government is focusing on much more pressing issues, including the NHS’s chronic problems and the crumbling infrastructure that continues to cause embarrassment for the country.

The current socialist regime at Cardiff Bay seems determined to impose awoke ideology on all of Welsh society.