Detectives have confirmed that Cleo Smith did not abduct her by the sex offender, and they found out that the four-year old is ‘physically OK’, having spent more than two weeks away.
The missing four-year-old was found at 12.45am on Wednesday alone in a bedroom in a locked and rundown house in the Carnarvon suburb of Brockman in Western Australia.
The police had already rushed down the door to save the little girl before Detective Sergeant Cameron Blaine asked her three times for her name.
Detective Superintendent Rod Wilde confirmed that Rod Wilde, the 36-year-old man being interrogated about her disappearance, was not on the sex-offender’s list.
When asked by a reporter if he had any information about his reputation as someone who has an ‘unhealthy’ interest in children, he said that police ‘haven’t received that information.

Police say Cleo Smith is physically OK. The four-year old is being released from hospital and returned to her family

Police claim the 36-year-old suspect in custody was not previously on a sex offender’s registry despite locals saying that he had an unhealthy interest’ in children.
After being examined at the hospital, Cleo was able to be reunited with her family. Police have confirmed that she is not physically injured.
Detective Superintedent Walde said to reporters, “She is out hospital, back with her family.”
After receiving a tip-off late Tuesday night, he said that the decision to raid the home of the man was made ‘rapidly’ and set the wheels in motion for his rescue.
It happened quickly, as these kinds of things go. We plan around this. It is part and parcel of the operation,” Det. Sept. Wild stated.
“We have planning if you identify a subject. We have a set list of things we go through.
“The team was managed well and did a great job. They didn’t sleep, they worked all night. It was a wonderful outcome.

Detective Superintendent Rod Wilde confirmed that Rod Wilde, the 36-year-old man being interrogated about her disappearance, was not on the sex-offender’s list

After Cleo was reported missing for 18 days, the WA Police released her first photo.
Det. Sgt. Blaine, a policeman who found Cleo first, said that he asked for her name three different times to confirm it was the missing child.
He said, “I just wanted to make absolutely certain that it looks like Cleo, it certainly looks like her, I wanted it to be her,”
“What’s your name?” she asked. I asked her three more times and she didn’t respond. She then looked at me and replied, “My name’s Cleo.” That was it.
“Then, we turned around and walked outside the house. Shortly after, we got in the car. The officer I was with called Cleo’s parents and said, “We’ve got someone here who wants to talk to you.”
“They were ecstatic.”
Cleo cried out “mummy” when she returned to her mother after 18 days of not seeing her family.
Blaine described Blaine’s little girl as an “energiser bunny” and confirmed that she was not physically injured when she was found.
The sergeant was asked if it was his best moment in his career and replied that it was.

When asked if it was the most memorable moment in his career Detective Sergeant Cameron Blaine replied, “without a doubt”.
Cleo, 4 years old, was described as healthy and safe. She was taken to the hospital immediately for further tests. Jake and Ellie were overjoyed to reunite her with Cleo.
Cleo was taken from her parents’ tent at Blowholes campsite on October 16th, by a 36-year old man who was not there when it was raided.
Police feared that the girl was being spirited away across the country. But instead, she was right under their noses, just 3km from home and 75km from the campsite.
Detectives are still investigating whether Cleo was in the house during her disappearance.
Detective Superintendent Rod Wilde stated they are currently not looking for other suspects and that the abduction appeared to have been ‘opportunistic.
Police previously shared a photo of Cleo, who was beaming and tucked into a hospital bed after being rescued.
When Mr Wilde was asked which officers shed tears after hearing that the four year-old boy had been found, he replied that they all did.
‘Most definitely. It was an incredible moment, especially when you consider that we were all on such an emotional high. It was amazing.
Cleo was probably already in her house when her stepfather Jake Gliddon and mother Ellie Smith woke up at 6am to discover she was not lying next to them and their baby sister Isla in Blowholes camping grounds.
Residents of Tonkin Crescent, where she was imprisoned, admit that they didn’t connect all the dots and report key clues which could have led to police finding her home days earlier.

Cleo Smith’s home was visited by her neighbors, who revealed the signs they missed.
Police struggled to find these clues and eventually received a tip-off Tuesday night that contained’really crucial information about a car’.
Detectives confirmed the claim with phone data and ‘a lot forensic leads’. The house was raided just hours later.
Sahntayah McKenzie recalls hearing a little girl clinging one night. But she didn’t think anything of it.
“Not last night, not the night before it… I heard a little girl cry, but I didn’t think it was Cleo. She spoke to the West Australian.
“I didn’t think it would happen in this small neighbourhood, a lot people know each other.”
Police were called to the address by neighbours who saw the suspect buying nappies.
One of them stated to Seven News that she became suspicious after seeing the suspect purchase Kimbies nappies at a supermarket.
She said, “The other day, I believe it was Monday, we saw he in Woolworths buying nappies, but we didn’t get to know who it was or for what purpose he was buying them.” ‘Until now.’
Nine was informed by a neighbour that he had seen the man being strangely behaved in recent days. He was driving along the streets with his dogs, and he had been arrested.

Sahntayah McKenzie recalls hearing a little girl cry in her bedroom one night. But she didn’t think anything of it.
Henry Dodd said that he’s been acting strangely lately. He will drive so fast that he can get in his car.
“He doesn’t have his dogs at front [normally]He has his dogs in the back but he had his dogs in the front this week and he’s been acting strangely.
Sahntayah McKenzie recalled how She heard a little girl crying in her bedroom one night, but she didn’t think much about it.
‘Not last night, the night before it… I heard a little girl crying but I wouldn’t expect it to be Cleo,’ she told the West Australian.
“I didn’t think it would happen in this small neighbourhood, a lot people know each other.”
Henry Dodd claimed that police drove for hours up and down the street before entering the home.
Neighbors described him as quiet and said that they didn’t expect him involved.
He stated, “Everyone who knows that person that lives in that house, wouldn’t think that it would have been him,”
“We were shocked that it was him,” he said.
Another neighbour told the Today show: ‘S**t, she’s been that close.’
Another local described him as an ‘oddball.
‘He is a very quiet guy, bit of an oddball… definitely wouldn’t have picked him… it has completely derailed me,’ Rennee Turner said.

Police broke into a locked house in Brockman, Western Australia, at 4 AM to rescue a four-year-old boy.

One neighbour Henry (pictured) said he had spotted the arrested man behaving unusually in recent days, hooning through the streets in his car with his dogs in the front seat
‘I’d heard whispers… I kind of figured the police might have had an idea of what was going on, because I have never seen such a massive amount of cops here for so long.’
Others claimed that he bought food in recent weeks that he doesn’t normally buy and that he moved his dog from the backyard to the front yarn.
Neighbors who witnessed the dramatic raid by police described how Cleo was taken to safety.
‘We stood back and waited but after that, we saw someone, on the detective shoulder. Henry Dodd shared his thoughts with Seven News that they thought it might have been the little girl.
“I moved closer to the detective’s car and saw her in the back with the detective. He was holding her. They put her in the back. I ran over and saw her there. She looked at my face, a little scared.
Mr. Dodd stated that he was shocked to have been only metres from her during the nationwide hunt for her.
He added, “I can’t even believe it and get over that she is just one house down from me and locked up here for a few weeks,”
“Going on three more weeks, she is directly across from us. I have little sisters …’
Col Blanch, Deputy WA Police Commissioner, said Tuesday night’s tip was what allowed detectives finally to track down Cleo.
He stated that he had collected all the data – phone data, witness statements DNA, fingerprints, CCTV, and rubbish along the highways – everything.
“The million-dollar reward allowed us to collect even more from the public. Everyone was willing to help us.
“There were car movements, there was phone movement, there were antecedents, people, the puzzle fit the pieces.
“We had to find that needle. They acted in a heartbeat last night when the needle was found in the haystack.
The crucial tip-off was the final piece of a puzzle in a case that had been frustrating and evaded detectives. It made it seem impossible for Australians to believe that Cleo would ever be found alive.
Police stated that Cleo smiled at her rescuers when she arrived at the house. This moment was captured on police bodycam footage, which brought a tearful look to his face.
“I’ve seen it.” It’s etched in my brain for all of my life. It is impossible to look at this and not feel it in the heart. Unbelievable moment,” he said.
“I saw detectives that had worked for 18 straight days, 24/7 see Cleo in the room, and just their faces. The care that was shown immediately, the cuddling and asking of her name, her little voice.

Cleo was located 75km from her home in Carnarvon in Western Australia.

Cleo is now safe and sound in the arms of her stepfather Jake, and her mother Ellie (pictured together).
Daily Mail Australia understands that Cleo’s mother was contacted by a local police officer to report the shocking news. She is currently in hospital for evaluation.
Hours later, Ms Smith posted on Instagram: “Our family is complete again.”
A close family friend shared the message Ms Smith had sent to her loved ones earlier to let them understand that she is a beautiful girl.
She wrote that she was awakened at 4.50am by my phone going insane and saw the words Cleo is safe and home.
She’s alive, well, smiling, so it is a wonderful, wonderful result
‘Seeing Ellie saying her ‘beautiful girl is home’ is nothing short of a miracle.’
In a local Facebook group, a concerned local suggested people in the small town remove ‘missing’ posters and stickers to prevent the family from suffering any more trauma.
But the youngster’s mother Ellie Smith commented on the post to let people know it was unnecessary.
‘Cleo has seen her photo. She thought it was beautiful,’ Ms Smith wrote.
Cleo’s biological father Daniel Staines, who lives with his parents about 1,000km south of Carnarvon in Halls Head, said he is ‘overjoyed’ that the little girl was found alive.
‘We are all absolutely overjoyed at the good news this morning and so happy that Cleo has been reunited with her mum and dad,’ the Staines family said in a statement to The West Australian.
‘Thank you to everyone who helped look for her and bring her home, particularly the WA Police, SES and the Carnarvon community.’
They sent Cleo, her step-father Jake Gliddon and Ellie their ‘best wishes’.

Commissioner Dawson reportedly broke down in tears upon learning the heartwarming news. He said the youngster (pictured) was good as can be expected

Cleo’s mum Ellie Smith broke her silence on Wednesday morning, sharing a series of love heart emojis on Instagram after her daughter was found alive and well
What happened to Cleo in the house where she was held captive for more than two weeks, without her family, but psychologists said she would have a long road to recovery.
Police Air Wing PC12 picked up the suspect, who has no relation to Cleo’s family, from Carnarvon and landed at Perth’s Jandakot Airport late on Wednesday morning.
Police Commissioner Chris Dawson was on board the plane and will spend the day meeting with police involved in the rescue and checking in with Cleo’s family.
The police chief broke down in tears upon learning the heartwarming news. He said Cleo was as good as can be expected.
‘I saw the vision, Cleo is a beautiful little four-year-old girl,’ he said.
‘She’s as well as we could expect in the circumstances.She’s well, smiling, so it’s a wonderful, wonderful result.’
He said Cleo’s parents are emotional, but doing well.
They are strong people. They have great support around them,’ said Commissioner Dawson.
“It’s a great result today, but it’ll be a difficult journey for them.”