Cleo Smith was abducted from Australia by a man suspected of being obsessed with Bratz dolls. The man was later charged with abducting Cleo Smith, a four-year-old girl.  

Terence Darrell Kelly, 36 years old, appeared in court today to hear the charges. He was arrested in Carnarvon (Australia), on suspicion that he kidnapped the four-year old girl, who was found locked in a nearby residence.

Kelly walked into court nakedfoot and shouted at the judge, “I’m coming for YOU!” Journalists in the gallery were also informed by Kelly. He did no plead guilty to the charge and did NOT apply for bail.   

Although police have not provided any details on how Kelly abducted Cleo, or how she got from the campsite she disappeared to the house where her body was found, Kelly’s Facebook profiles paint a picture that Kelly is a very strange person.

Kelly used one account under the moniker “Bratz DeLuca” to describe his obsession with Bratz fashion dolls. This included images of his home filled with girls’ toys, and photos of him driving around town with them.

In one post, he wrote that he loved his dolls. Another said that he loves taking his dolls for drives, doing their hair, and taking photos in public. In a third post, he called himself a’mamma’s little brat’.

Kelly claimed that he was the father of several children, including at least one child, via several linked profiles. However, neighbours claim that he is not childless. 

Cleo, nicknamed “Australia’s Madeleline Mccann”, was photographed in mother Ellie Smith’s arms 18 days after she disappeared from the family tent during a camping trip. 

Kelly was linked to Kelly’s social media account. Kelly followed Ellie on her profile, and she used it to ask for help finding her missing fouryear-old daughter after she disappeared October 16. 

Terence Darrel Kelly, 36, has been charged with abducting four-year-old Cleo Smith in Australia, as social media profiles detail his obsession with Bratz dolls

Terence Darrel Kelly, 36 has been charged in the abduction of Cleo Smith, a four-year-old girl from Australia. Social media profiles reveal his obsession with Bratz dolls.

Kelly appears to have controlled several social media profiles on which he detailed his obsession with the toys, including this image which he captioned: 'Nothing beats chilling at home with my Bratz dolls'

Kelly appears to have had several social media accounts under his control, where he described his obsession with the toys. Kelly captioned this image: “Nothing beats chilling home with my Bratz dolls.”

One piece of footage showed what appears to be a room in Kelly's house filled with the dolls, many of which were still in their original packaging

One footage showed Kelly displaying what appeared to be a room filled with dolls. Many were still in their original packaging. 

As well as Bratz dolls, photos show Kelly was a collector of many other children's toys including Disney princesses (left)

Kelly collected Bratz dolls as well as Bratz dolls. (left)

Kelly was charged as Cleo was pictured smiling in mother Ellie's arms, the first time the pair have been seen hugging since she was rescued

Kelly was charged after Cleo smiled in mother Ellie’s arms. It was the first time that the pair had been seen hugging since Cleo was rescued. 

For every neighbor who identifies the suspect buying nappies, a $1m reward will be offered 

Campaigners call for $1 million reward for information about Cleo Smith’s whereabouts to be offered to a man who saw the suspect buying nappies just days before she was discovered alive.

Henry Dodd, who lives in the same street as Terry Kelly, claims he saw Terry Kelly buying Kimbies, a popular brand of nappy, in a nearby supermarket earlier this year, despite not having any children.

He also described Kelly’s behavior changes in recent weeks. He stated that he was speeding around in his car in the neighbourhood and had moved his dogs from his back garden to his front yard.

He said, “The other day, I believe it was Monday, he bought Kimbies in Woolworths, but we didn’t get on board with why he was doing so or for whom he was doing so.”

‘Up till now …’ 

Mr Dodd said that he’s been acting strangely lately. ‘He will get into his car and drive that fast.

“He doesn’t have his dogs at front [normally]He has his dogs in the back but he had his dogs in the front this week and he’s been acting strangely. 

Kelly was emotionless for much of his hearing, nodding to indicate he understood the charges  and taking long period of time to acknowledge his name.

Two police officers kept him safe at the dock and he wore his long black curly hair down.

Although police have not commented on the images taken from his Facebook profile, they previously stated that Cleo was playing with toys at the time she was found.

Cleo was also found by detectives. However, they refused to release video footage inside Kelly’s home for fear of influencing his trial.  

The tape shows officers using a battering-ram and crowbars in order to force open a door at a house in Carnarvon’s northern suburb. One officer can be heard saying, “We got her.”

One child can be heard saying “Hey Bubby” to another.

Cameron Blaine, a lead investigator, speaks to the girl three times and asks her for her name. 

Finally, she replies: “M-my name Cleo.” 

Blaine then captures the rest on video. Blaine asks Cleo if she is okay.

When the girl smiles and nods in agreement, he says to her: “We’re going take you to your mummy, and daddy. OK?” 

The sound clip was recorded as Cleo and her families met with Western Australia Premier Mark McGowan.

Jake, Cleo’s stepfather, welcomed the premier in freshly-painted white nails. It is believed that the toddler applied the polish to honor the special visit.

Cleo was described as a charming little girl by Mr McGowan who spoke to him about her school dog.

He gave her two police teddy bears, which he called Cameron and Rod after her detectives who led her hunt.

He also accidentally stepped on one of her Barbie dolls’ shoes and broke it. He joked that he owed her a new pair.

He said that it was a pleasure to meet her and that she was a bright, upbeat, and sweet little girl. “They are decent, fundamentally honest people.

Kelly is expected in court. Officers claim they aren’t looking for anyone else in connection to the case. 

The windows of the home are completely covered up – they are not visible to the public – and overgrown shrubs climb the walls of Tonkin Crescent’s housing commission home.

Junk was seen in Kelly's backyard on Thursday morning, as police still assessed the home

Kelly’s backyard was littered with junk on Thursday morning while police still assessed the house.

There is no sign of any toys or children's games - instead just a dusty bare yard dotted with rubbish and fence palings

There are no signs of toys or children’s games. It is just a dusty yard, filled with trash and fence palings.

Windows at the rundown property were blacked out as items were stored under an awning

The windows of the rundown property were covered with an awning, and items were kept under it. 

Cleo was on a family camping vacation with her sister Isla, stepfather Jake Gliddon (mother Ellie), and stepfather Jake Gliddon on October 16.

The family was staying at the Blowholes Campsite, 50 miles north of Carnarvon.

Cleo last saw Ellie at 1.30am. Cleo had been turning over in the overnight. Cleo woke up in the morning to find her daughter missing and the tent unzipped.

Cleo called police at 6.23am. This sparked a massive manhunt that included helicopters, drones, and dogs. Officers searched the countryside and coastline for signs of Cleo, fearing she might have wandered away on her own.

However, after extensive searches did not turn up any sign of the girl’s body, officers switched to the theory she had been abducted. 

After examining hours of CCTV footage, detectives interviewed other campers, searched satellite images, and dug through garbage heaps looking for the missing girl, a tip led them to the Carnarvon House. 

Police have yet to explain how or why Cleo was taken from the campsite or how she got into the locked house, which is just seven minutes drive from her parents’ house and two minutes from their headquarters.

Investigators have not yet revealed what led them to the house. However, they did say that a report of an automobile in the area was vital to their efforts to track down the girl.

Officers had spoken previously of trying to track down a car which was seen leaving Blowholes campsite in the early hours of the morning on the day Cleo vanished. 

Detective Blaine, who has been investigating the case since Cleo disappeared, stated that he first asked the little girl for her name when he found her. After three attempts, she finally answered: “My name is Cleo.”

Blaine revealed that detectives started to cry with relief when he realized they had found the missing girl. Then, he called Cleo and his parents to share the good news.

‘We’ve got someone here that wants to speak to you,’ Blaine recalled telling Ellie as he put Cleo on the phone, before adding: ‘Please start making your way to the hospital, we’ll meet you there.’

Cleo’s family was then reunited when doctors gave Cleo a checkup. Blaine stated that Cleo shouted’mummy!’ before the pair shared a hug, kisses, and hug.

He stated that it was a great honor to have been able to witness the reunion. When asked if that moment was the highlight of his career, he replied: “Without a doubt.”

Mother Ellie took to social media to express her relief. She posted a picture of her daughter and captioned it with: “Our family is complete again.”  

Cleo is pictured clinging to the should of a police detective as she is rescued from the house in Carnarvon in the early hours of Wednesday

Cleo is seen clinging on to the should of a detective while she is rescued from her Carnarvon home in the early hours Wednesday morning

Terry Kelly, 36, had only been at Carnarvon police station, in Western Australia, for a few hours on Wednesday before he was taken to hospital requiring medical treatment

Terry Kelly, 36 years old, had only been at Carnarvon station in Western Australia for a few minutes on Wednesday before he was taken into hospital.

West Australian Premier Mark McGowan is greeted by Cleo Smith's stepfather during a visit to the rescued girl in Carnarvon

Cleo Smith’s stepfather, West Australian Premier Mark McGowan, greets Cleo Smith during a visit at Carnarvon to meet the rescued girl.

Daily Mail Australia was allowed into the home of Neighbors to see Kelly’s fence. 

There are no toys or children’s games left behind. Instead, it is a dusty, bare yard with fence palings and rubbish.

All windows are blacked out and hidden from public view. Overgrown shrubs and bushes climb up the walls of the Tonkin Crescent housing commission home. 

Neighbors claim they are reeling after the revelation that the ‘quiet guy’ at number 18 is now at center of the biggest missing person’s crime. 

They claim that he used to keep two dogs in his backyard, but he moved them to the front of his gated home in recent weeks. 

Daily Mail Australia has heard from neighbours that Cleo was always right under their noses. 

Kelly’s 16-year-old neighbor said, “I have children around the same age,” 

‘I saw Kelly (coming and going). I didn’t interact with him much, he kept it to himself. It’s a friendly neighborhood, but he was closed off. 

The man claimed that he never saw dolls with his neighbor.  

“I have never seen anything like that.” I saw him driving up and down the street, or just hanging out outside (Woolworths), in town.

Officers from Forensics were seen working out of a tent made outside the house. They were busy coming and going from the today, while police tape was used to secure the area and the street. 

Authorities reportedly broke down in tears upon learning the heartwarming news that Cleo was safe. They say the youngster (pictured) was good as can be expected

According to reports, authorities were moved to tears when they heard that Cleo was safe. They claim the youngster (pictured above) was as good as they could have hoped.

Earlier on Thursday, Detective Senior Sergeant Cameron Blaine said police were not yet in a position to confirm reports of a toy room and the man’s alleged fascination with dolls. 

He said, “I think I’ve stated that the lights were on and she was playing,” “That’s all I want to say. This matter is still subject to the courts.

“There are some aspects of what we saw, and you know, that will be evidence. I don’t want anything to prejudice that.

However, police confirmed that they believe the accused took Cleo from the campsite ‘entirely by themselves’.

As soon as Kelly is interviewed by officers, charges will likely be filed later on Thursday. 

Cleo spent her first night at home with her mother Ellie Smith and her stepfather Jake Gliddon, her baby sister, and her father after her 18-day disappearance.

Cleo Smith, four, was found alive and well, 18 days after she vanished from her family's tent at the remote Blowholes campsite in Western Australia

Cleo Smith (four years old) was found alive 18 days after she disappeared from the tent of her family at the remote Blowholes campsite, Western Australia. 

Superintendent Rod Wilde stated that she had been examined at the hospital and is physically fine.

Cleo will be interviewed at the “appropriate time” by specialist child interviewers, but she is enjoying playing with her sister and getting cuddles from her stepdad and mum in the meantime. 

After meeting Cleo earlier in the morning at the family home, Mark McGowan, WA Premier, described her as a sweet and well-adjusted child.

“It was a wonderful experience to meet that little girl. She was sweet, friendly, bubbly, and playful. He said that she was charming. 

“Fundamentally decent, honest people, they were wonderful people and it was great meeting them and acknowledging what they have gone through.

“We have a long way to go, but they are on a right track.”


 By Olivia Day for Daily Mail Australia

Friday, October 15,

Cleo arrives at Blowholes campsite with her mother Ellie Smith, Jake Gliddon, and Isla Mae.

They arrived at sunset after a quiet night.

Saturday, October 16

1:30am: Cleo’s last sighting with her parents in the tent she shared, with her baby sister and parents, when Cleo asked for water.

6.23am: Ellie calls 000 and reports her eldest daughter missing while she continues to search the camp grounds.

6.30 am: The Carnarvon station police station dispatches the first two officers. They travel to Blowholes with sirens, lights, and as a matter-of-priority.

6.41 AM: Blowholes is sent a second police car, with two additional officers, equipped with lights and sirens.

7.10am: First police car arrives. The second arrives in a few minutes.

7.26am: Police arrive on the scene and create a protected forensic area that is taped to the public around the tent where Cleo was last spotted.

7.33am: A drone operator will be called to search the skies.

7.44 AM: A third officer car is dispatched for the Blowholes

8am: Cleo’s relatives and friends start to arrive to help with ground search.

Another group of detectives quickly searched Cleo’s home to ensure she wasn’t there.

They then move on to Blowholes where they stop cars from entering and leaving the region.

8.09am: A helicopter belonging to a local company arrived on the scene. It began searching for Blowholes.

8.24am: Police helicopter and volunteer marine searchers are requested to assist in the search.

8.34am: Blowholes’ entrance is blocked off by roadblocks. Detectives collect the names, addresses and registration details of anyone who comes and goes. Police search cars.

9.25am: Nine SES personnel arrive at Blowholes to help with the search.

Investigators, bounty hunters and officers from the Australian Federal Police have spent two-and-a-half weeks searching for missing four-year-old Cleo (pictured)

Cleo, four-year-old Cleo disappeared. Australian Federal Police officers, bounty hunters, and investigators spent two-and-a half weeks looking for her (pictured).

9.30am: Ellie in distress is greeted by detectives who stay with her for the rest of their day, while Cleo is hunted by other search teams.

11:15am: Major Crime Division Homicide Detectives are called and start travelling from Perth to assist in the search.

1pm: More Perth homicide detectives and search specialists are flown in.

3pm: Carnarvon officers, search experts arrive to lend their expertise.

Sunday, October 17,

Ms Smith uses social media to appeal for help in finding her missing daughter.

A Facebook post dated Sunday, January 45th, stated that it had been more than 24 hours and I have not seen the sparkle in my little girl’s eyes since then.

‘Please help us find her!

“If you see or hear anything, please call the police!”

Police suspect that Cleo was abducted.

Monday, October 18

Police release an image of the missing red and grey sleeping bag from Cleo’s tent.

Cleo’s biological dad is interviewed by police at Mandurah. He is asked to give a statement which he freely gives.

With the assistance of SES members and volunteers, the WA Police continue their hunt for Cleo. Officers are still searching for Cleo’s shacks and vehicles.

Tuesday, October 19, 2009

Cleo’s mother Ellie Smith, and Jake Gliddon, her partner, appear before the media and describe the moment they realized the little girl was missing.

Ms Smith claims that her four-year old would not have left the tent on her own.

Police release new photos of Cleo, and the pink-and-blue one-piece she wore the night she disappeared to assist with the investigation.

Investigators are urging anyone who was in the area or at the campsite on October 15th to contact police. 

Wednesday, October 20

Police have revealed that the zip of the tent was too high for Cleo, who was discovered by her mother hanging open at 6am Saturday morning.

Officers state that they have not ruled out reports from campers who heard screeching tires in the early hours Saturday morning.

Daryl Gaunt (Deputy Police Commissioner) confirmed that officers are looking into the whereabouts and activities of 20 registered sex offenders within the Carnarvon vicinity.

Thursday, October 21

Cleo’s location was announced by WA Premier Mark McGowan. The WA Government offers a $1million reward.

McGowan stated, “All Western Australians’ thoughts and prayers are with Cleo’s family during this unimaginable difficult time.”

“We are all praying for a positive result.”

The speed with which the reward was issued – within days of her disappearance — was unheard of.

Pictured: Police are seen examining rubbish left near the Blowholes campsite in remote WA

Pictured: Police inspect rubbish left near the Blowholes campsite, remote WA 

Monday, October 25

WA Police confirm that Cleo was at the camp site. This is based on CCTV footage taken from a camera placed inside a beach shack 20 metres from the tent where she disappeared. 

Tuesday, October 26

On Tuesday, detectives and forensic officers spent a lot of time at her Carnarvon home, 900km north from Perth. They left with two bags of evidence.

Although investigators had been to this home before, it was the first time that they conducted a thorough search inside with a forensics team.

Col Blanch, acting WA Police Commissioner, said that the search of their family home was a’standard practice and did not indicate that they were suspects with Cleo’s disappearance.

Wednesday, October 27

WA Police forensics Officers return to Blowholes Campground and collect soil samples from a variety of campfires nearby shacks.

The Australian Federal Police officers were drafted by the federal government to assist in intelligence and forensic investigations.

Friday, October 29

Police return to Blowholes camp to examine the area with drones.

Detective Superintendent Rod Wilde returns from Blowholes campsite to assist in the search for Cleo, as the search has reached the two-week mark.

He confirms that Cleo is being sought by both international and national agencies.

Sunday, 31 October

Cleo’s hometown was 5km away on Sunday when detectives went door-to-door.

Monday, November 1

Detectives search through rubbish heaps at roadside bins hundreds of kilometres away of the campsite she vanished.

The material was then transported to Perth where forensic officers, recruits and other personnel sorted through hundreds upon hundreds of bags looking for items that might have helped them find Cleo.

Officers ask for CCTV footage and dash cam footage within a 1000km radius from the location where the four-year old disappeared.

Police renew their appeal for more businesses in Carnarvon, to provide footage and go door-to door in an area of industrial land on the outskirts.

Her elated mother, Ellie, (pictured, with Cleo, her partner and younger daughter) broke her silence the morning Cleo was found, sharing a series of love heart emojis on Instagram

Ellie, her mother, is pictured with Cleo, her younger daughter and partner. Ellie broke her silence when Cleo was discovered, and shared a series love heart emojis via Instagram 

Wednesday, November 3

Cleo Smith is alive and well after two-and a half weeks of diligent searching. She was discovered in the early hours on November 3.

Col Blanch, WA Police deputy commissioner, confirmed that Cleo is alive. She had been reunited her with her parents just before 7am AEST.

“One of the officers grabbed her and asked her what her name was. He replied. “She said: “My name’s Cleo.”

Ellie Smith posted the following to social media: “Our Family is Whole Again”

Detectives are currently questioning a Carnarvon man.

On October 19, Ellie Smith (pictured) and her partner Jake Gliddon fronted the media for the first time and begged the public to report any information 'big or small'

Ellie Smith (pictured) with her partner Jake Gliddon appeared before the media on October 19. They asked the public to report any information, ‘big and small,’ for the first time.