A clumsy Saint Bernard puppy was caught on video collapsing her owner’s swimming pool and flooding his entire back yard.
Recently-shared footage shows Gigi, a puppy aged one, trying to cool herself down at home in Corona California.
The 130lb dog attempts to get into the pool. She ends up standing half in and half out. She pushes down a section and water rushes past her to fill it.

Saint Bernard puppy Gigi is discovered collapsing her owner’s swimming pool and flooding the entire back yard in Corona, California

Gigi’s attempts to get in the pool leave her standing half-inside and half-out, as the water rushes past her to fill her yard.

Luke’s girlfriend Hannah Villegas laughs in hysterics as Gigi refuses to move out of the swimming pool
Luke Smith (18 years old) and Hannah Villegas (18 years old) are seen running out to their dog, who is proudly waving her tail and showing off her work.
In the video, Luke is heard shouting: ‘Gigi, stop!’
Gigi refuses however to move and stays half-submerged in water.
Luke explained that the original footage was shot in May.
“It was funny because it was funny because we were just talking about how much she loved swimming and how easy it was to get in and exit. We were wrong.
The 18-year-old college football star revealed that he was upstairs in the house before realizing what Gigi was doing. He instantly pulled out his smartphone to record her antics.
He was almost speechless when he saw his pooch, her front paws resting against the wall of the pool as the water flooded out.

Luke Smith, the owner, said that Hannah Villegas and he had just been talking about how much Hannah loved the pool and how she could get in and exit it with no problems. He added, “Boy, were we wrong!”
He recalled, “We were upstairs and heard water outside. So I walked into the kitchen and found water through the glass.
‘I instantly pulled out my phone to record what was happening.
“My girlfriend, I walked out to Gigi while standing half-way out of the pool. It was a flood.