After searching for gay porn online, a cocaine-fuelled husband stabbed his wife 18 more times. He was convicted. 

Anil Gill (47) stabbed Ranjit in Ranjit’s living room in Milton Keynes before covering her corpse in a duvet, and hiding it inside their garage.  

She was killed by four deep stab wounds on her chest.    

In January 2013, the killing occurred as the couple was struggling in their relationship, drained by constant drinking, rowdiness, and drug-taking.

Gill was a constant shouter, hit, slapper, and on one occasion had even struck his wife around the head.

He had once kicked her ankle, and he also hit her with a plank.

Anil Gill, 47, stabbed his wife Ranjit (pictured) in the living room of their Milton Keynes home before wrapping her body in a duvet and hiding it in their garage

Anil Gill (47), stabbed Ranjit in her husband’s living room in Milton Keynes. He then wrapped Ranjit in a duvet, and hid it in their garage.

She was pushed down the steps by him after he threatened her with a knife. Ranjit was also threatened by him with a Japanese sword. He held a knife at her neck.

Luton crown court heard during the trial that Ranjit’s sister told Ranjit to quit her husband. He threatened her with a homicide if Ranjit didn’t.

The couple was at their Milton Keynes home by Beresford Close in the morning of 31 January after a long night drinking and taking cocaine.

Just before the murder, the husband searched the Internet for gay porn sites.

A neighbour heard a sound around 1am on Sunday morning. She was about to go to bed when she heard a loud scream followed by a “thumping” or “pounding” sound.

Charles Ward-Jackson, the prosecutor said that Ranjit was likely to have heard her being stabbed.

Gill murdered his wife. After cleaning up, Gill wrapped his body in black bin liners and a duvet for the next several hours.

The killing, in January of this year, came as the couple's relationship was floundering and dogged by heavy drinking, constant rows and drug-taking. Pictured: The couple's home after Ranjit's murder

In January 2015, Ranjit killed himself. The couple was in a difficult relationship that had been plagued by drinking and constant rowing. Photo: Ranjit’s house after Ranjit’s assassination.

He used bleach to wash the carpets in his living room and then he put the two knives in a plastic bag. At 10:10 a.m., he called police.

Gill, who was accused of murdering his wife this morning, was found guilty by the jury. He claimed that he had lost his self-control and behaved in a frenzy following an incident where she taunted him. His wife had already admitted that he was guilty of her manslaughter. 

Anyone convicted for murder must be sentenced to life.

Judge Mark Bishop is the only judge who will have to answer the question of how long the husband must remain behind bars in order for the parole board to release him.

The court found out that their marriage had started as a happy one. But, after he left his IT job, and her health problem, the things began to change.

After an altercation between the couples in 2018, the police visited their home. However, when the woman refused to reveal what happened, they did not take any action.

The jury heard that she started drinking to deal with her abuse, and she was involved in an affair in 2020 with a man who provided drugs.

Ranjit had called the hotline of a domestic violence charity towards the end, and the husband was looking at starting divorce proceedings.

Ward-Jackson claimed that both had taken excessive amounts of cocaine in the weeks preceding the murder.

According to the court, Gill had been taken into custody after being arrested. A psychiatrist nurse examined him and said that Gill didn’t drink or use drugs.

He said he was a co-conspirator of cocaine and alcohol the night before and that the mixture had made him a ‘killer’.

However, the prosecution stated that a hair sample from the husband was collected for analysis. It revealed cocaine traces. This indicated that he must have taken the drug between late December 2020 and late January 2021.