Lush Cosmetics will shut down certain social media accounts until they ‘take measures to ensure users are safe’.

On Friday, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram accounts will all be closed.

Chief inventor of Lush Jack Constantine said that the policy would be expanded to all 48 countries where the company operates.

Lush’s Youtube and Twitter accounts will still be operated by Lush, according to him. But he stated that the decisions made will be “reviewed again”.

Lush attempted to close down its social media channels earlier in 2019, but was unable to do so due to fear.

The company stated that it is’strengthened with all the latest information by courageous whistleblowers’ in order to protect youth from the “known harms” they could be exposed to through these platforms.

The cosmetics firm Lush will be shutting down some of its social media channels until the platforms 'take action to provide safer environment for users'. Pictured, stock image

Lush Cosmetics will shut down its social media accounts until they ‘take measures to ensure users are safe’. Image taken from a stock photo

Jack Constantine, chief inventor at Lush, said the policy will be extended to all 48 countries the company currently operates in

Jack Constantine is the chief inventor at Lush. He said that this policy will now be applied to all 48 of the countries in which the company has a presence.

Mr Constantine said the decision to shut down some social media accounts, particularly the Lush Cosmetics North America page which has four million followers on Instagram and 1.2million on Facebook, could see the company lose around £10m in sales’.

However, Lush felt the need to take matters in its own hands because the “serious impacts of social media” are being largely ignored.

Mr Constantine told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme the company may return if the platforms ‘change how they treat users’.

He said: ‘We’re not happy with what social media channels are doing in terms of not looking after its users.

‘It didn’t feel like a place that was safe for our customers to be engaging with us.

‘There’s always an opportunity for us to return if there’s a change with how they treat users.

‘They have a craving over the algorithm to constantly generate content regardless of whether it’s good for users or not.

‘They would need to change their algorithm so they aren’t forcefeeding more content that fuels bad mental health in a negative way.’

From Friday, the company will be closing down its accounts on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Snapchat. Picture, stock image

On Friday, Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram accounts will all be closed. Stock image. 

The company released a statement saying that Lush tried to get off social media like many other teenagers before it. However, our FOMO (fearof missing out on) is great and we end up back there, despite all our best efforts.

“So we’re back, again trying to make cold (plant-based turkey)

“We have tried it before, but 2019 has strengthened our resolve. All the recent data from the brave whistleblowers clearly shows the harms young people can be exposed to due to the algorithms used and the loose regulation in this area.

Constantine stated that his products were designed to make people “switch off,” relax, and pay attention. But, Constantine claims that social media companies have become the antithesis, and are using algorithms to keep people scrolling, and prevent them from relaxing and switching off.

The company added: ‘We wouldn’t ask our customers to meet us down a dark and dangerous alleyway – but some social media platforms are beginning to feel like places no one should be encouraged to go.

“Something needs to be changed.”

“We believe that platforms will provide strong guidelines for best practices and that we will see international regulations become law.

‘But we can’t wait.

“We are forced to act to safeguard our customers from any manipulation or harm they might suffer while trying to communicate with us through social media.

So Lush will cease using Facebook, Instagram TikTok, Snapchat and Snapchat until the platforms provide safer environments for users.

Mark Constantine, the co-found and chief executive of Lush said: ‘I’ve spent all my life avoiding putting harmful ingredients in my products.

“There are overwhelming signs that social media is putting us at serious risk.

‘I’m not willing to expose my customers to this harm, so it’s time to take it out of the mix.’