Today, the UK recorded another 39 567 Covid deaths and 131 Covid cases.

Department of Health officials posted nearly 40,000 daily infections – down 3.36 per cent from 40,941 last Saturday – after Sajid Javid announced that two cases of the ‘monstrous’ new Covid variant were detected.

From 150 people last week, 12.7 percent has been lost in the 28-day period after being tested positive for Covid.

According to the Health Secretary, Omicron, a strain named by Omicron was discovered in Nottingham, Brentwood, and Essex. Both cases are believed to be linked to the possibility of traveling to southern Africa.

After the UK Health Security Agency verified the sequence, the infected persons and their families were instructed to self-isolate. 

Today’s Prime Minister, along with Chief Medical Officer (CMO) and Chief Scientific Advisor (CSAT), will host a Downing Street press conference at 5pm. This conference will outline new ways to fight the strain. Four more countries – Malawi, Mozambique, Zambia and Angola – will be added to the no-fly list on Sunday.

Following growing panic worldwide about this variant of the virus, Mr Javid banned all South African, Botswana (Lesotho), Eswatini Harare, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Eswatini flights yesterday.

Today, Health Secretary, speaking to journalists, hinted that further restrictions might be reinstated. She stated that the government has “always been very explicit that we will not hesitate to take additional action if it is necessary”.

Canada, the USA, and the EU all followed Britain’s lead to place travel restrictions for visitors to southern Africa. This was before the WHO added the strain (also known as B.1.1.529) to the highest possible category of concerning variants.

The Commons heard from Mr Javid on Friday about concerns that this variant might be more transmissible. It may also make vaccines less effective and may prevent Ronapreve (a UK Covid treatment) being able to work.

Britain’s Omicron infections were the result of a rash of Omicron cases across Europe. This morning, at least 61 cases of Covid entered the Netherlands via South Africa. Officials are sequencing tests to identify the new variant.

Europe’s first case of the variant was spotted in Belgium yesterday – despite the unvaccinated woman who caught it having travelled to Turkey and Egypt.

Both Germany and Czech Republic confirmed today that they had suspected cases. Initial sequencing in Germany suggests that a South African traveller was the one who had contracted Omicron’s virus. Officials will be awaiting the final sequencing of this virus later today.

And Australian authorities – who also banned travel to nine countries in the region – fear the variant may have already entered the country.

Another day of chaos caused by coronavirus 

  • A young, unvaccinated woman was the first European victim in Belgium.
  • Covid hospitalizations fell in the UK.
  • A report by the government concluded that you are not at greater risk from Covid if you go to the theatre, or watch a match on television than if your friends do.
  • South African experts said there was “every indication” that the vaccines against the variant were still working.
  • It was speculated that booster shots for adults would soon be approved by vaccine experts after this strain was discovered.

Another 39,567 Covid cases and 131 deaths were recorded in the UK today. Department of Health officials posted nearly 40,000 daily infections – down 3.36 per cent from 40,941 last Saturday – after Sajid Javid announced that two cases of the 'monstrous' new Covid variant were detected. The number of people who have died 28 days after testing positive for Covid has also fallen by 12.7 per cent from 150 last week

The UK recorded another 39 567 Covid cases today and 131 deaths. Department of Health officials posted nearly 40,000 daily infections – down 3.36 per cent from 40,941 last Saturday – after Sajid Javid announced that two cases of the ‘monstrous’ new Covid variant were detected. From 150 people last week, 12.7 percent has been lost in the 28-day period when Covid was tested positive.

Cases of Omicron have already been picked up in the UK, South Africa, Botswana, Hong Kong, Israel and Belgium. It is not yet known whether the variant arrived in the Netherlands yesterday but Dutch authorities are sequencing passengers' tests. There are also suspected individual cases being sequenced in Germany, the Czech Republic and Australia

Omicron cases were already found in South Africa, Botswana and Hong Kong. Although it isn’t known if the variant arrived yesterday in the Netherlands, Dutch authorities have begun sequencing passenger tests. It is also possible that individual cases may be being sequenced by authorities in Australia, Germany, and Czech Republic.

Britain has sequenced two cases of the Omicron variant in Nottingham and Chelmsford, Sajid Javid said today

Sajid Javid, today of Britain’s Omicron variant sequencing program, announced that two British cases have been sequenced in Nottingham and Chelmsford.

NOTTINGHAM: One case of Omicron has been found in Nottingham, where infections have been creeping up steadily in recent weeks in line with the national picture

NOTTINGHAM: A case of Omicron was found in Nottingham. Infections have increased steadily over the past weeks, in keeping with national trends.

BRENTWOOD: The other case was found in Brentwood, Essex, which has seen a broadly similar trend, recording 67 new cases on Wednesday

BRENTWOOD – The second case was located in Brentwood, Essex. This area has been experiencing a very similar trend and recorded 67 additional cases Wednesday.

South Africa recorded 2,828 new Covid cases yesterday, more than double the 1,374 recorded last Thursday, but infection levels have yet to skyrocket and no hospitalisations with the new variant have occurred so far. Graph shows: The seven-day average  for cases in the country

South Africa reported 2,828 Covid cases on Tuesday, which is more than twice the number of 1,374 that were recorded last Thursday. But infection levels are still high and the country has not seen any hospitalizations for the new Covid variant. Graph shows: The seven-day average  for cases in the country

All flights from South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho, Eswatini, Zimbabwe and Namibia were banned by Mr Javid yesterday

Yesterday Mr Javid ban all South Africa flights, Botswana Lesotho and Eswatini as well Namibian flights.

At least 61 Covid cases have been added to the Netherlands’ inventory since South Africa passengers arrived. 

At least 61 new cases of Covid have entered the Netherlands from South Africa as fears mount over the spread of the new super mutant variant.

Around 600 passengers arrived on two planes in Schipol Airport, near Amsterdam, from Johannesburg — the epicentre for the new strain — hours after travel bans were put in place. 

In the Netherlands, the passenger were placed in quarantine to await the results of an investigation by authorities. Some passengers complained about being without water or snacks for long periods of time. 

The Netherlands requires that all persons returning from the EU must show proof of either negative PCR testing 48 hours prior to their return or negative lateral flow tests 24 hours prior to their return. 

Name and contact information for the laboratory, doctor, or institute that performed the test must be included in the results.

Due to record breaking Covid levels, authorities in the country announced that some restaurants and bars will soon be closed. 

“We now know that 61 results were positive, and 531 were negative,” the Dutch Health Authority (GGD), stated in a statement.  

“Travellers with positive results will be kept in isolation in hotels near Schiphol.

“Once we have received positive tests results, our team is investigating quickly to determine if they’re the new type of concern. We’re now calling it Omicron.

All air travel leaving southern Africa was banned by the Dutch government on Friday morning. Hugo de Jonge, Health Minister of the Netherlands, stated that all passengers en route to the Netherlands will have to be quarantined and tested upon their arrival.

Two passengers on KLM’s flights from Cape Town to Johannesburg claimed that they were left waiting for hours on the runway. 

Javid announced this afternoon that he was launching targeted testing to identify and sequence positive cases from the affected regions.

“We have this information. We don’t know enough about it yet but from what we do know, the protections that we have – especially the vaccines – are hugely important.

“We will protect all the achievements we’ve made together as a nation. 

“We’ve made great strides since summer, and all this is being reviewed. And if necessary we’ll take additional action. 

According to Mr Javid, anyone who traveled in the past 10 days to any of the countries on the red-list must self-isolate by taking PCR tests.

The chief medical officer for England Professor Chris Whitty has stated: “We will continue working closely with the international comunity to quickly collect and analyse information regarding this variant in order to understand any increase in transmission or resistance to vaccinations.” 

This comes just as Johnson is preparing to enforce new travel restrictions on many countries.

Experts warn that Britain might be subject to restrictions again this Christmas. However, Prime Minister David Cameron hopes travel bans can prevent such a lockdown. 

Prof Whitty previously said he fears Britons will not accept another national lockdown to fight off the variant over the winter because of ‘behavioural fatigue’ caused by two years of restrictions. 

South Africa reported 2,828 Covid-related cases on Tuesday, which is more than the 1,374 that were recorded on Thursday. But infection rates are still high in South Africa and the number of hospitalisations due to the new variant has not increased.

Professor Andrew Pollard from Oxford was today optimistic that vaccines can be used to prevent serious diseases caused by the variant. 

Joe Biden said that the US will join the increasing number of countries closing their borders. He also stated that the pandemic would not stop until there are global vaccines. Kathy Hochul of New York was forced to declare a state emergency yesterday because Covid infection reached levels that were unprecedented since April 2020. 

Today, German officials confirmed that the suspected first case of Omicron was from someone who returned from South Africa.

Kai Klose (social affairs minister in western Hesse), tweeted that the Omicron variant had with strong probability already arrived in Germany. This was in reference to the strain discovered in south Africa.

Klose stated that testing on Friday of the South African traveller returning to Germany revealed “several mutations characteristic Omicron”

The person was isolated from their home because of strong suspicion. This is the final sequence.

Klose’s ministry reported that the person arrived in Germany at Frankfurt international Airport (the country’s busiest), according to Klose. 

Meanwhile, Sir Andrew today moved to calm fears in Britain, claiming most of the strain’s mutations are in similar regions seen in other variants so far. 

Passengers from KLM flight KL598 from Cape Town, South Africa wait to be screened at Amsterdam Airport, the Netherlands, yesterday

KLM KL598 passengers departing Cape Town (South Africa) wait for screening at Amsterdam Airport.

Red Cross health workers transport passengers infected with coronavirus returning from South Africa for a quarantine in a hotel in Schiphol, the Netherlands, today

Red Cross workers take coronavirus-infected passengers from South Africa to a hospital in Schiphol (the Netherlands) today.

A woman from the KLM flight KL598 from Cape Town, South Africa, queues for her Covid test at Amsterdam Airport last night

A woman from the KLM flight KL598 from Cape Town, South Africa, queues for her Covid test at Amsterdam Airport last night

Pictured: Passengers wait on their Covid test results at Schiphol Airport, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands last night

Pictured: Passengers wait on their Covid test results at Schiphol Airport, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands last night

Passengers sit in their seats aboard KLM Flight 598 on the tarmac at Schipol airport in Amsterdam after it landed from Cape Town, South Africa, yesterday

After landing from Cape Town in South Africa yesterday, passengers sat in the seats of KLM Flight 598 at Schipol Airport in Amsterdam.

Passengers from KLM flight KL598 from Cape Town, South Africa, wait to be screened at Amsterdam Airport yesterday

KLM Flight KL598 passengers arrive at Amsterdam Airport to check in yesterday

This chart shows the proportion of cases that were the B.1.1.529 variant (blue) and Indian 'Delta' variant (red) over time in Guateng province in South Africa, where the virus is most prevalent. It suggests that the mutant strain could outcompete Delta in the province within weeks

This graph shows the percentage of cases with the B.1.1.529 (blue) or Indian “Delta” variants (red). It was taken over the period in Guateng province (South Africa), where the virus has been most widespread. The mutant strain may be able to outcompete Delta within weeks.

We know a lot about Omicron. 

Scientists expressed concern about Omicron’s B.1.1.529 version, which has 30 variants. This is double what was found in the Delta variation. Not only do the mutations have features that can be found in other variations, but there are also new traits. 

Scientists in the UK first discovered this new strain after samples from South Africa, Hong Kong, and Botswana were posted to an online coronavirus tracking site. 

It was revealed that there were cases identified in Israel, Belgium and the United Kingdom on Friday. However, no cases are currently known in the UK.

Prof. Adam Finn is a member the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation. He told Good Morning Britain that sequencing has been done around Britain to see if there have been any imported cases. 

The new variant is being studied to determine if it may cause new infections in patients who have had coronavirus vaccines or other vaccinations.  

Director of the Rosalind Foundation Institute, Professor James Naismith has indicated that although the vaccines will still be effective and provide protection, the new variant will almost certainly reduce their effectiveness.

Pfizer/BioNTech have already produced a vaccine for Covid-19. They are currently studying how the new version can be evaded vaccines. 

According to him, BBC Radio 4’s Today program stated: “That shows you that, despite the mutations present in other variants, vaccines have continued prevent serious diseases as we move through Alpha, Beta and Gamma.

“At most, from a speculation point of view, we believe that the vaccine could still be effective against a new type for severe disease. However we will need to wait several more weeks before that confirmation is made.

“It is extremely unlikely that there will be a repeat of the pandemic we witnessed last year in an unvaccinated population.” 

Professor Pollard stated that a vaccine against Omicron can be developed’very quickly’, if necessary.

“The process of developing a vaccine is becoming more efficient, and if needed it can be done very quickly.” 

Experts from South Africa tried to stop panic about the variant yesterday, calling it a “storm in a teacup”. 

Sir John Edmunds, a member of the British vaccine task force said that travel bans won’t keep the variant from British shores. However, they could defer a surge in cases after the holiday period. This is to help protect the NHS against further pressure.

Omicron’s return to the UK is not possible, according to experts. 

Javid stated to MPs that while the world was concerned, vaccinations have put Britain in a good position.

Scientists suggested that the existing jabs might be altered to deal with this variant. Representatives from the World Health Organisation said it was too early to resort to “Plan B”, such as work at home and vaccination passports.

But news of the variant saw the FTSE 100 – the UK’s leading share index – suffer its sharpest drop since January, closing down at 3.7 per cent, spelling alarm for travel companies banking on winter bookings.

According to a senior source in aviation, there are’seriousjitters’ across the entire industry. He added: “There’s a huge question mark about Christmas. There is no doubt that the red list will grow, and this will result in a major knock on. 

Sources within government claim ministers want to limit travel in order to prevent restrictions at home. This could even mean a significant blow to the industry.

The original name of the strain was the “Botswana” variant. However, it was officially identified as an “variant of concern” by WHO last night and renamed to “Omicron”.

The discovery of it earlier this week is so important because there are around 30 mutations in the genome, some that could increase transmission risk. Experts described it as being the “worst” variant.

After the confirmation of the first South African case in Europe, the EU suspended all travel to the region. Britain had already put six nations on the travel ‘red list’ – and was poised to add two more last night.

According to a government advisor, the public must be “ready for the possibility” of Covid restrictions returning. Mail received this statement from a government official: “People shouldn’t panic.” 

SAGE expert Omicron claims that Omicron is not a tragedy. He also accuses others scientists of “hugely overstating” the situation. Vaccines can protect against severe diseases. 

Sage advises that the new Covid version is not a catastrophe and that some may have overstated the situation.

The World Health Organisation declared the so-called “Omicron” mutation as a “variant of concern”. This came after countries such as Britain and the USA closed their borders to six southern African countries, which is the suspected area of origin.

Whitehall panic erupted when the variant suddenly appeared this week. Downing Street scientists warned it could become vaccine resistant, and Sajid javid, Health Secretary, threatened to put lockdown back in place if necessary.

The EU suspended all travel to South Africa in an effort to contain the spread of disease. This was after the initial case had been confirmed. Britain had already put six nations on the travel ‘red list’ – and was poised to add two more last night.

However, microbiologist Calum Semple urged us to remain calm today and insisted that vaccines were’still likely’ to protect us from serious disease.

BBC Breakfast’s Sage advisor stated that he was in favor of new travel restrictions to South Africa and Namibia.

“Immunity” from vaccinations is likely to still protect you against severe diseases. 

“You might have a slight headache, nausea or feeling nauseous but you are less likely to die or go into intensive care.

Professor Semple stated that it was impossible to prevent the variant from reaching the UK but it is important to defer its arrival.

He said, “If we can slow the virus from entering your country it allows us to have more time for our booster campaign to be ahead of it.” It also allows scientists to learn more about the virus so that they can address any concerns.

When Prof Semple was asked what additional measures he considered to be advisable, he said that he supported compulsory facemasks on public transport and in shops, as well as hand washing.

Director of the Oxford Vaccine Group Professor Sir Andrew Pollard stated that it was unlikely that a resurgence of a pandemic among vaccinated people like what happened last year would happen. He also spoke out to Radio 4’s Today program, insisting that vaccinations can be used effectively in preventing severe disease caused by the Omicron variant. 

“That shows that, despite the mutations in other variants being present, the vaccines continue to prevent serious illness as we progress through Alpha Beta Gamma Delta,” he stated.

“At the very least, from a speculation point of view we believe that vaccines should continue to work against new strains for severe diseases. However, it is best to hold off until we get confirmation. The possibility of another pandemic in the vaccinated is extremely unlikely.

M. Javid said this week to the Commons MPs that the government ‘wouldn’t hesitate’ to take action if additional restrictions were necessary.

“One lesson from the pandemic is that we need to act quickly and in the most urgent circumstances,” the Health Secretary explained. “We are now entering winter. Our booster programme remains active, so it is important to be careful.

Asked if the Government would implement Plan B for winter, Mr. Javid stated that current policies’remain those I think we require at this point’.