This is the TWENTY SIX SIX point turn The daredevil driver makes use of all space while performing a frightening U-turn along the edge of Hong Kong’s highest drop.

  • A Hong Kong motorist makes a U-turn in footage filmed December.
  • In a blue person’s case, the carrier reverses and inches forward continuously 
  • The road runs below the cliffs, but they look close to the edge.  
  • A video clip by an expert showing how to turn on narrow roads is viral. 

The moment that a brave driver did a scary U-turn along a narrow mountain road is this. 

Footage shared in December last year shows a  motorist in a blue people carrier in Hong Kong reversing and then inching forward repeatedly.

One point, the wheel seems to almost go off of the dirt-track road while it hangs in midair.   

While the driver looks very close to a rock edge, it is in fact a road beneath which has been cleverly hidden by the angle of camera.

As the video shows, the motorist has just inches of room to maneuver the vehicle forward, inch by inch. This makes the most of the space available.   

He shows his skill and confidence as he moves the car closer to the edge so that there’s enough room for him turn the vehicle around.

This clip was shot by an expert for DrivingSkill and has been viewed over 18,000,000 times. 

This expert demonstrated how to do U-turns along a narrow road.   

This clip has been shared by Twitter and went viral.  

Footage shared in December last year shows a motorist in a blue people carrier in Hong Kong reversing and then inching forward repeatedly

A clip from December 2012 shows a Hong Kong motorist riding in a blue people carrier. He reverses and continues to move forward.

Marcus Bharat, social media user stated on Twitter that he believed it was more brave to pursue this goal than actually having the skills.

One other commented, “Please award him the bravery prize.”

Jyoti Singh stated that he couldn’t keep my eyes open because the stress almost killed him.

Plotakio Trionqui stated: “I’m impressed by his driving skills, but I’m most impressed by his insaneity.”

“Sometimes people can be happy and healthy, but they need to think of creative ways to make that happen.”

Showing his confidence and skill the driver moves the vehicle further back near the edge until there is enough space for him to turn the vehicle around and drive down

He shows his skill and confidence as he moves the car closer to the edge so that there’s enough room for him turn the vehicle around.
