Perfectly confused! The moment a “dog’s head” appears on a roof, it turns out that the ‘dog’ is actually a cat with unusual markings

  • Carolyn Muylaert discovered the bizarre illusion in Rio de Janeiro Brazil.
  • The cat was first thought to have been a pet dog, but it quickly turned out to actually be an adult cat. 
  • The black cat’s tail with two marks on the back looked just like the nose and eyes of its dog companion. 

The discovery of the head of an unidentified dog’s head on top of a roof shocked a family.

Carolyn Muylaert from Rio De Janeiro (Brazilian) spotted this strange illusion and began filming. She was shocked to discover that it was actually a cat with unusual markings. 

This confusing video showed a headless dog staring at Carolyn and Carolyn’s mom, along with the body of its animal.

Carolyn made an attempt to make the animal scream, but it started to rise to show that it was really a white cat sporting black markings.

Video footage taken in Rio de Janeiro initially shows what appears to be the head of a dog without a body

In Rio de Janeiro, video footage shows the first time that what looks like a head is a dog’s body appears.

But after Carolyn Muylaert made noise to disturb the animal, it revealed itself to be a cat with a black tail, originally thought to be the dog's nose, and two black dots on its back which initially looked like the dog's eyes

But after Carolyn Muylaert made noise to disturb the animal, it revealed itself to be a cat with a black tail, originally thought to be the dog’s nose, and two black dots on its back which initially looked like the dog’s eyes

Carolyn zooms in to see what looks like the head of an unresponsive dog perched on a nearby roof.

Carolyn can be heard hissing just before the nose moves of the supposed dog and it is actually the tail of a cat.

Two black spots, thought to represent the eyes of the dog, have been shown to also be markings on the cat.

Carolyn, who was shocked by the footage, uploaded it to her Instagram account. It has since been seen almost 40,000 time.

One individual described the cat as “deepfake”, while another compared it to “catfishing”.

It is an analogy to an optical illusion made in snowy forests last winter.

It shows either a man walking through the woods or an animal running from the forest.

It was widely circulated by Facebook users around the world, and people were split with many believing it to show a small figure heading into the woods wearing a backpack.

This optical illusion left people 'disoriented' and 'confused' after it appeared to show a figure walking into the woods as well as a black poodle

The optical illusion caused people to be confused after the figure that appeared in it was a black poodle walking into woods.

On closer examination, the image was clearly of a black dog running toward the camera. 

It appeared that the tail of the dog was the back part of a human’s head at first glance. 

Many people were shocked to discover that the initial image they saw was incorrect after closely studying the photo. 

One person said, “It took me awhile to figure it out.”

A user noticed the dog immediately and wrote, “Why can’t you see him?” One user wrote: ‘Why can’t I see the man?

Some thought it was obvious, and one wrote: ‘I’m curious as to why people who saw a person running could not explain that the man in the run had a large dog head. 
