Justice Secretary Dominic Raab vented his anger at BBC presenter Nick Robinson by mouthing ‘f**k off w****r’ during a stormy Radio 4 interview, it was claimed last night.
Sources say Mr Raab muttered the riposte after the veteran Today presenter repeatedly interrupted him as they clashed over the handling of last summer’s Afghanistan crisis.
Robinson, an ex-BBC political editor, apparently didn’t hear Robinson’s barb because the men were at different studios last week for the radio interview.
Both he and his former foreign secretary were being recorded during exchanges.

Justice Secretary Dominic Raab (pictured) vented his anger at BBC presenter Nick Robinson by mouthing ‘f**k off w****r’ during a stormy Radio 4 interview, it was claimed last night
And well-placed sources told The Mail on Sunday that Mr Raab could be seen making the foul-mouthed diatribe in fury at Robinson’s dismissive tone.
One said last night: ‘Raab must have forgotten that although it was a radio interview, he was also on camera.’
Last night, the Justice Secretary refused to make a comment.
Senior Tories are already gunning for ‘imperious’ BBC presenter Robinson after he told Boris Johnson to ‘stop talking’ during a Today interview in October.

Robinson, ex-BBC’s political editor (pictured) apparently missed the barb since the two men were in separate studios to record the interview on the radio last week