Scientists warn that some side effects from the Covid jab can be almost as severe as the early signs of the virus.
Researchers fear that it could lead to inadvertently spreading coronavirus. They recommend people isolate any symptoms they experience and have their blood tested.
The body may take up to 2 weeks to develop immunity to the virus. Vaccines are not effective in providing immediate protection. Even then, vaccines may not prevent people from getting the symptoms of the disease if they get it.
Side effects can include headaches, fatigue and fever. These side effects, according to experts at King’s College London, are early indicators of Covid.
While Covid can only be officially recognized in the UK, there have been surveillance studies that suggest it may cause dozens of other symptoms.
According to academics, 1 percent of those who had symptoms after receiving the jab were actually positive.
Professor Emma Duncan stated that ‘Vaccination is still extremely important to protect you, your family and the community against Covid.
‘However, if you do have symptoms afterwards, you should not assume that it’s just side effects of the vaccination although fortunately this was the most likely outcome.’
With the UK embarking on an extensive Covid booster programme, this warning is timely. There are increasing cases of the Omicron virus in Britain, which raises concerns about its spread in the country.
The chart below shows symptoms that people who were vaccinated reported within seven days of receiving their vaccine. The symptoms for those with positive Covid results are indicated by the orange bars, and the negative symptoms are shown in the teal. This shows that the majority of the cases were similar, and it is impossible to determine if someone is Covid positive or is suffering from a side effect. A * indicates a symptom for which there was statistical difference
The heatmap graphic above shows the likelihood of a person reporting a symptom from each of the seven jabs. Left shows results for people who were positive, and right is the result for those who were negative. Both are very similar
Part of the ZOE Covid study, the research examined data from 362,770 UK citizens who had been vaccinated in December 8 to May 17. All reported having at least one possible Covid sign within the first few days.
14.842 of these people completed a Covid testing, and 150 were later confirmed positive.
Scientists believe that people thinking they are only experiencing a minor side effect of the vaccine could actually be suffering from Covid (stock photo)
After examining the data the scientists, who published their findings in the journal eClinical Medicine, said there was no way to tell if the symptoms people reported were from Covid or a side effect of the jab, unless a test was taken.
Professor Duncan said: ‘You should check to make sure you don’t have early Covid, by getting tested.
“This is especially relevant now that the UK has high levels infection in its community, and while Omicron is still being discovered.
Additionally, she stressed the importance of vaccines taking time to get to work and encouraged people to take responsibility for their actions and have a test.
Professor Duncan said: ‘It takes time to develop immunity after vaccination; and if you are infected it’s important to know this – both for your own sake, so that you can receive appropriate care, and for the sake of other people, so that you can ensure you don’t pass it along to vulnerable individuals.
‘Being tested if you have symptoms – even if you’ve been vaccinated – will help stop the spread of Covid.’
Scientists did not comment on whether their results were different depending upon the vaccine type.
If you have symptoms such as a high fever or a persistent cough, a PCR Covid test can be performed for free.
According to the NHS the most common side effects from a Covid jab is a sore elbow at the site of injection, fatigue and aches and pains.
A person can take a temperature within a few days of their jab. The NHS advises anyone who does not feel better after two days that they self-isolate to get a Covid test.
These findings are coming at a time when Covid cases have been on the rise and vaccination is being emphasized more. The Government plans to give a third dose of vaccines to all eligible adults by January 31st.
Yesterday, the Department of Health registered 51,459 Covid new cases. This is five more than on Monday. It also marks the third week in which figures surpass the 50,000 mark.
There are fears the Omicron super-mutant Covid variant could have an effect on increasing cases.
Top epidemiologist Professor Tim Spector has claimed cases of the highly evolved variant were doubling every two days and that there were up to 2,000 infections already — six times more than the official count because only a fraction of tests are currently being thoroughly analysed.
According to Professor Paul Hunter (an epidemiologist at University of East Anglia), there have only been 336 Omicron cases in the UK. However, it is likely that more than one thousand Omicron cases are already confirmed.
This image has caused fear in scientists and prompted ministers at the UK to accelerate the rollout of booster vaccines. In England, mask mandates have returned. The graphic details 32 mutations in the spike protein of the Omicron super-mutant Omicron Omicron strain, which experts believe will lead to it being the most dangerous and resistant strain ever. This graphic was released by the nation’s leading variant monitoring team. It also shows how the strain is more advanced than the Delta strain. There are nearly five times the number of modifications to the spike.
London is experiencing the highest number of Total Covid cases. Most Omicron infections are linked to returning travellers who have flown into the UK.
King’s College London’s scientist who oversees the largest Omicron-symptom-tracking program in the country, has estimated that Britain would have Omicron cases in the next 10 days than any other African countries. This means there is no need to restrict travel.
Yesterday No10 advised that this variant was spreading within the US in different regions. There is currently a 336-person official count, but no one has been hospitalized. A separate data set shows the strain may be responsible for 1 in 60 new cases.
Scientists believe booster jabs will provide high protection against Omicron-related severe illness or death, even though vaccines are less effective in preventing it.
No10 last week announced that the booster program will be increased to 500,000 jabs daily and that it will offer an additional dose of vaccine to every 53 million British adult by January. This is to protect against any incoming waves.
But the scheme already appears to be stalling with just 290,000 delivered across Britain. On average, only 378,000 people are administered daily.