A new study has shown that eating a few walnuts per day can lower your blood pressure and weight, and reduce the chance of developing diabetes or heart disease.
Researchers at the University of Minnesota have discovered that nuts can provide miraculous health benefits. They did this by studying 3,300 people’s diets for over 25 years.
Walnuts are the only nuts that contain Omega-3 alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which the scientists said may explain the benefits. This fatty acid was previously linked to better cardiovascular health. However, they say that more research is needed to verify the results.
There has been research linking walnuts with lower blood pressure. It also suggested that they could prevent cardiovascular disease. These results have not been confirmed by rigorous clinical trials.

University of Minnesota scientists suggested that walnuts could lower blood pressure, because of their Omega-3 (stock picture).
In the study — published Wednesday in the journal Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases — the scientists analyzed data from 3,341 Americans who were about 45 years old.
Participating in the Coronary Artery Risk Development in Young Adults Study (CARDIA), which was conducted by the University of Alabama, between 1985-2015.
The initial interview was about the diet of each participant. They were then followed-up with every year for seven to twenty years.
Of those involved, the 340 who ate walnuts consumed about 0.6 ounces (19 grams) a day on average — the equivalent of seven walnut kernels.
They were also more likely to have a female and white background, as well as being highly educated.
In year 20 they were invited to a follow-up health visit. There, their BMI and activity levels were assessed.
Research showed that people who ate walnuts had lower blood pressure than those who did not.
Blood pressure measurements are shown as two figures, as the systolic pressure — or pressure on artery walls when the heart beats — and diastolic pressure — or pressure on artery walls in–`between beats.
Their blood pressure was 117.2/73.6 mmHg among those who didn’t eat walnuts.
It was however 116/71mmHg for those who had eaten the nuts.
Researchers found out that the second figure of diastolic pressure in walnut-eating people was lower.
However, neither of these figures was within the healthy range. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that any figure higher than 120 /80 mmHg is considered unhealthy.
The study found that 20% of walnut-eaters had elevated blood pressure, while only 22 percent did not.
Researchers also concluded that walnuts could lead to a lower level of weight gain, and higher-quality diets.
The BMI for those who didn’t eat nuts was 29.7. This puts them at the top of the obese range and 39% were considered overweight.
However, the BMI of people who ate walnuts was just 29. Only 35 percent were obese.
People who ate nuts scored higher in paper activity than people who didn’t.
Researchers also found that walnut-eaters have significantly lower fasting glucose, better risk profiles for heart disease and higher quality of their diet.
So-Yun Yi was a university PhD student in public Health who participated in the research. She said the results supported the claim that walnuts were a healthy food.
According to them, “Interestingly walnut consumers have a higher cardiovascular disease risk factor profile like a lower body weight index… than other nut consumers.”
Researchers believe that walnuts can help improve the health of the heart.
You may find that they also have a range of nutrients such as fiber, protein and magnesium. This could also help support your heart health.
Researchers stated that the findings were observational and suggested that more clinical trials be conducted to verify them.
Although it was unclear if other nuts had an effect, walnut-eaters tended to consume more nuts than those who did not.