The photos of Kate in Army fatigues show that she is finally ready to assume military duties. This also supports rumours she may be taking on more prominent roles with the colonelcy the Grenadier Guards.
Kate has finally decided to take the lead and keep the strong connections between the Armed Forces and royalty
Out of respect for Andrew who was removed from the position, the Queen has been putting off filling this role. But the Grenadiers would give Kate a warm welcome – as they did to their first female royal colonel, Princess Elizabeth in 1942. Andrew, a delusional fool, still believes he has the chance to get it back. But he needs to give up on his hope. According to one of the Bill Browns officers, “The boys wouldn’t wear that,”
This is a timely endorsement for Old Etonian Dominic West’s beleaguered heir, Charles. I love him. He is a strong force for good and an exceptional man. Dom would prefer cash or a royal check.
Boris Becker is not the first German celebrity to have been held in Oxfordshire. It was originally a Second World War internment Camp, but it temporarily held Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess before Winston Churchill took him to the Tower of London after his parachute landing.
Below, Duchess of York talks about Diana’s 25th birthday and says that Diana is her “best friend”. Their estrangement during the last year was not mentioned in Fergie’s 1996 memoirs. “Diana helped” she said, referring to her giving her her shoes.
Tatler society bible Tatler has been unfortunate in its timing. The new Social Power Index issue features Rupert Murdoch, Jerry Hall and ‘two the most powerful and connected people on earth’. They aren’t just confused?
John Simpson (BBC Remoaner-in Chief) will not stop complaining about Brexit. He made his latest faux pas on Unspun World, when he stated that “it’s been six years since the United Kingdom’s citizens voted to leave the European Union by a narrow margin.” The BBC actually found that Leave and Remain received 45 percent in their eve-of–referendum poll.
Miriam Margolyes claims that as Professor Sprout in Harry Potter, Miriam Margolyes trousered for more money than ever before in her professional career. She replies, “The intangible magical was when I went into the bank. Was there magic?”