An NHS doctor who suffered horrendous injuries in an acid attack by her former boyfriend will need more than £60,000 of medical treatment, her family have revealed.
Rym Alaoui (25-year-old junior physician) suffered life-altering injuries from her ex. He had disguised his self as a “fat suit” and threw sulfuric acid at her face while she was opening the door to her Brighton house in May.
Milad Rouf was 25, and she trained alongside her at Cardiff University. After pleading guilty, Rouf was sentenced 15 years.
Her devastated family spoke out for the first-time. They said that the young, caring, kind doctor faced years of painstaking surgery, but they were desperate to get back to their dream job at the NHS.
Dr Alaoui was left with serious burns to the face, neck and eyes. Her right eye has become blind and she is unable to shut her eyes at night.
Dr Alaoui has had seven surgeries, but she still needs to undergo years of laser therapy and skin grafts on the burn scars.
However, Dr Alaoui’s family says that the NHS cannot provide the complete treatment and it will be necessary to have the cost of the private care paid.
Sister Alya Alaoui wrote: “Anyone who knows her well knows how caring, kind and loving she truly is.

Rym Alaoui was a junior physician and suffered life-altering injuries from an ex who threw sulfuric acid at her as she opened her Brighton front door in May.

Milad Rouf disguised itself in a thick suit, before throwing sulfuric acid on his ex-girlfriend and colleague. He was seen on CCTV wearing an orange hooded jumper, blue jeans, white trainers and black face mask before the attack

A judge told Milad Rouf (above) she had no doubt he was a danger to women before sending him to prison for 15 years
“We want to offer her every opportunity to return to normal and carry on her work,”
She launched a fundraising campaign for her sister.
“Her injuries turned out to have been more serious than we anticipated at the time. Unfortunately, the NHS cannot offer full treatment.
“Rym” has sustained severe injuries to her neck, face, chest, and arms.
“She is still not able to see beyond her right eye.
“She has had seven operations so far. She’s had skin grafts in her neck, chest and eyes.
“Her doctors said she would need more in the months and years ahead.
‘The cost of this all is estimated to be over £60,000.
“This treatment includes the reconstruction of her neck and laser therapy to reduce scarring.
‘I realize that this is quite a large amount of money and would appreciate any help you can give me.
She stated that Rym’s small savings from being a NHS junior doctor only 10 months had been exhausted.
Our parents were the sole financial support she needed and they continue to pay for all her domestic and medical expenses.
“However, we as a family are struggling to make ends meet and would appreciate any assistance that we can get for my sister’s life.
In a statement read at Rouf’s sentencing at Lewes Crown Court Dr Alaoui said: ‘When I came to answer the door that day, a substance I now know to be sulphuric acid was thrown into my face.
“My entire life has changed since that horrible attack. Fear of financial ruin and future well-being is what I feel most.
“The attack caused severe damage to my right side eye, which is still difficult to see. Eyelid damage and injury to the skin of the neck, arm and face.
“I cannot move my neck or close my eyes. I’ve had five operations. I still have to learn how to deal with additional procedures.
I am not able to work, or lead a normal life. I was robbed years of my career, and of my youth. I felt a huge psychological impact on my loved ones and family.
“I cannot imagine how or why anyone could commit such an intentional attack.”
“The psychological effects of the attack have been devastating for me, my family, and our loved ones.
“I can’t even imagine why anyone would do such a terrible, premeditated act.
“It’s impossible to understand, reconcile with, or justify what’s going on inside his mind.”
Lewes Crown Court heard that Rouf had dated Dr Alaoui for several months during their time at Cardiff University.
Covid made it impossible for them to communicate and Dr Alaoui broke up with each other in March.
After graduating, Dr Alaoui was appointed as a junior physician at the Royal Sussex County Hospital.
Her ex-boyfriend, however, was furious and plotted to take revenge for the breakup.

Lewes Crown Court heard that Rouf and Dr Alaoui had been together for several months during their time at Cardiff University.

Police officers discovered a shopping list detailing Rouf’s disguise after searching Rouf’s Cardiff home.

Doctor Alaoui, a Brighton resident who was visiting Steine Gardens in Brighton at the time of the incident in May was exposed to the toxic substance. She was transported to hospital.
To disguise his gender, he used make-up, padding, and a mask. He carried sulphuric Acid in sealed soup mugs from Eltham, London, to Brighton.
Then he waited nearby the Old Steine house that Dr Alaoui owned, and at 4.15 p.m. he knocked.
As soon as she opened the door she didn’t recognize the man and he ran, throwing the sulfuric acid at the woman.
Further tests revealed that the bottle contained at least 60% sulphuric Acid.
The family hope to raise £60,000 on their gofundme appeal to help pay for the doctor’s future treatment.
Last night the appeal had already raised more than £30,000.
Donations can be made at: