One man, who suffered from the so-called “male menopause”, has shared how NHS doctors first told him that his symptoms were just a symptom of his condition. Then, he was diagnosed with low testosterone.

Ross Tomkins, 44, of Ponteland near Newcastle Upon Tyne, spent years suffering from memory loss, lethargy and joint pain but put his fatigue down to being a busy working father-of-two. 

Ross, who was in his 30’s at the time, was first diagnosed with low testosterone. A private London doctor prescribed iodine to Ross and he began testosterone replacement therapy. Ross noticed an immediate improvement in his overall health, energy and well-being.   

Ross is now determined to assist other men who are in the same situation as him and has founded Alphagenix to educate, treat and dispel myths about low testosterone in men.

Ross Tomkins, pictured, spent years suffering from memory loss, lethargy and joint pain but put his fatigue down to being a busy father before being diagnosed with low testosterone

Ross Tomkins (pictured), suffered for many years from lethargy, memory loss, and joint pain. But he put it down to his busy father life before he was diagnosed with low testosterone.

Ross explained to FEMAIL, “With the benefit of hindsight I now realize that these symptoms were present for several years prior to my first visit to the doctor.”

“It was a time when I could not sleep because I worked long hours to establish my business and train to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. I also had to take care of my two children.

“Unfortunately, neither my GP or any NHS endocrinologists could help me. One of the doctors even said that my symptoms were “all in my head”.

Ross was not only concerned about the joint pain, but he also described brain fog as his most severe symptom. 

He said, “When it was peaking, I recall driving home from work in a car and setting myself the simple challenge of trying to describe my car using as few words possible. 

“To my great horror, I could not get one word out. I tried holding onto the steering wheel and couldn’t pronounce the word.

After being diagnosed by with low testosterone a private London doctor, Ross, pictured with wife Joanne, was given iodine supplements and started testosterone replacement therapy - and immediately saw an improvement in his health, energy levels and overall wellbeing

Ross was diagnosed with low testosterone by a London private doctor. He received iodine and began testosterone replacement therapy. Ross immediately noticed an improvement in his energy, health and general well-being.

“In many ways, this was the turning point in my hormone journey. After discussing it with my wife, we decided to get an alternate opinion from outside the NHS.

Ross is a qualified physiotherapist and shares his daughter Isabelle (13 years) and her son Lincoln (1 year), with Joanne. He tried a variety of therapies to treat his ailments, including crystal therapy and meditation. However, he was unsuccessful.

Are there’male menopauses’? 

The NHS notes the term ‘male menopause’ is inaccurate because it suggests the symptoms are the result of a sudden drop in testosterone in middle age, similar to what occurs in the female menopause.

But testosterone levels for men decrease as they get older.    

Hormone replacement therapy can help with low testosterone. 

He discovered he was low in testosterone after he went to see Dr Willis, London’s private male physician. 

Ross received help from the doctor in understanding his endocrine system, and how important testosterone is to him.

Ross said, “Up to this point, testosterone hadn’t been mentioned, and they were focusing on my thyroid function,” 

“I will never forget the first time I saw Dr Willis. I didn’t know where to begin, there was so much that had occurred, including being told that I was imagining it. But he was attentive and once I finished, he advised me it was clear, my testosterone level was low and I needed natural thyroid medication.

“He confirmed his diagnosis with blood tests, and I was on the verge of recovery.”

Ross was then in his 30s and noticed TRT’s benefits almost instantly.  

“I can remember being amazed at how clear my thought was, the lack of pain in my joints, and lack of apathy, as well as finding new energy. It was almost like being a teenager all over again.

To maintain his hormone levels, the father-of-2 also changed his sleep habits and diet.  

Ross quit taking iodine-based supplements after several years and continued with TRT.  

Ross now wants to help other men in his position and founded Alphagenix, which aims to raise awareness of the male menopause (also called the andropause), treat affected men and to debunk the myths around low testosterone levels in men

Ross wants to make a difference for other men. So he founded Alphagenix. This company aims raise awareness on the male menopause.

Now he wants to help others with Alphagenix ( online tool ‘( helps men learn more about the consequences of having low testosterone. 

The initial consultation includes blood testing. Results are then sent to the client via a network clinics. An examination is held to review the findings. Treatment options, including injections, tablets and gels, are offered if necessary and if there are no contraindications.

A client could expect six appointments with a doctor and five tests to check their progress over the course of a calendar year.   

Clients also gain access to a private WhatsApp group which has health coaches, mindset coaches, PT’s and Nutritional Therapists on hand to answer questions.

Alphagenix is home to a group of private physicians provided by BMP Medical Ltd. They are all UK-trained, and have been registered with the General Medical Council. 

They are still employed in private and public consulting.