Prosecutors have submitted into evidence dozens of never-before-seen photos of the inside of Jeffrey Epstein’s  Palm Beach mansion. 

Epstein’s bedroom, bathroom, kitchen, and the table where the accusers claimed they gave him sexual massages are just a few of the photos. There are several drawings of naked women hanging from the walls. Also, there is a Ghislaine Maxwell drawing, which was known as the “lady in the house”.

Photos of Epstein’s and Maxwells’ desks were also shown. There were copies of the strict 58 page handbook. 

The FBI raided Epstein’s Palm Beach, Florida home in 2005. All photos are from that raid. 

There was however no evidence of any sex toys. Juan Alessi Epstein’s Housekeeper testified last week that they had cleaned up after Epstein’s massages. The photos appear to be sealed. 

As Ghislaine Maxwell’s six-day sex trafficking case is in its sixth day, this comes at a Manhattan federal judge.  

Prosecutors have submitted dozens of never-before-seen photos of the inside Jeffrey Epstein's Palm Beach mansion into evidence

A number of photographs of Jeffrey Epstein’s Palm Beach house have been submitted by the prosecution as evidence.

Also in evidence were photos of Epstein and Maxwell's desks, where copies of a strict 58-page handbook were kept

Photographs of Epstein’s and Maxwells’ desks are also on record, which contained copies of an exact 58-page handbook.

All the photos were taken when the FBI raided Epstein's Palm Beach, Florida mansion in 2005

These photos were all taken during an FBI raid on Epstein’s Palm Beach Florida house in 2005

Both Maxwell and Epstein had several desks throughout the home, as seen in these evidence photos

These evidence photos show that Maxwell as well Epstein owned several desks in their homes. 

A sketch drawing of Ghislaine Maxwell is seen hanging in a bathroom in Epstein's Palm Beach mansion

In Epstein’s Palm Beach home, a sketch of Ghislaine maxwell can be found hanging in the bathroom. 

Several women claim they were coerced into giving Epstein sexual massages at the home

A number of women have claimed they were coerced to perform Epstein home sexual massages.

Copies of a 58-page manual had to be kept in the kitchen desk, Maxwell's desk, Epstein's three desks and in the tables next to Epstein and Maxwell's beds

A 58-page handbook had to be saved in Maxwell’s kitchen, Maxwell’s desk and Epstein’s three desks. Also, copies of the manual should be kept at Epstein and Maxwell’s tables.

The 'household manual' told staff: 'Try and anticipate the needs of Mr. Epstein, Ms. Maxwell and their guests'; 'Do not discuss personal problems with guests'; 'Unobtrusive is the key'; 'SMILE!'; 'NEVER disclose Mr. Epstein or Ms. Maxwell's activities or whereabouts to anyone'

According to the “household manual”, staff were advised: ‘Try to anticipate the needs Mr. Epstein and Ms. Maxwell as well as their guests’. ‘Don’t discuss personal problems or issues with guests’. ‘Unobtrusive’ is the key. ‘SMILE!’NEVER reveal Mr. Epstein and Ms. Maxwell’s whereabouts to any person’

One of several desks in the home is pictured. A photo of Jeffrey Epstein's underage goddaughter sitting on his lap while he appears to be 'pulling her underwear' and biting her bottom was also allowed into evidence

Pictured is one of the many desks found in the house. Jeffrey Epstein also included a photograph of Jeffrey Epstein’s teenage goddaughter sitting in his lap, while he seems to be pulling her underwear and biting her bottom.

A red light in the hall of Epstein's home is seen in this evidence photo. Maxwell is said to have been the 'lady of the house'

 A red light in the hall of Epstein’s home is seen in this evidence photo. Maxwell, according to legends, was the ‘lady’ of the house. 

Several drawings of naked women are seen hanging on the walls in Epstein's Palm Beach mansion

Epstein’s Palm Beach residence has many drawings of naked females hanging on its walls. 

On Friday, Epstein’s massage table was unfolded in court in a dramatic moment during the trial. 

Maxwell, 59, is accused of procuring underage girls for pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. She has pleaded not guilty to all charges

 Maxwell, 59, is accused of procuring underage girls for pedophile Jeffrey Epstein. Maxwell, 59, is accused of procuring underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein. She has pleaded guilty to none

For the first time in their history, a detective placed the dark-green folding table before the jury. A police officer who conducted the search also confirmed that it belonged to Epstein. 

Epstein’s Palm Beach estate seized the massage table and a twin torpedo sextoy. Gregory Parkinson, a former Palm Beach Police Officer obtained the warrant which would allow him to search for the items.

He was quizzed by Assistant US Attorney Maurene Comey on Friday after examining the massage table and sex toy.

In black gloves, Parkinson took around 30 seconds to glance at the table, before heading for the witness stand. 

Maxwell, who stood about 10 feet behind her defence attorneys, did not appear to have any reaction. 

Once on the stand Parkinson confirmed that it was the same table he seized from Epstein’s mansion nearly two decades ago.

‘It’s from the second floor south bathroom, where the shower was,’ the former cop told the courtroom, adding that he recognized the table by it’s appearance, property number and ‘made in Vista, California,’ sticker.

After removing the tray from the detective’s hands, the investigator placed the folded table on the table. The prosecutor then took it to the table and it was left there until around 5pm when the trial ended.

Government exhibits show Epstein's pool and pool house at his Palm Beach mansion. Last week accuser 'Jane' testified that she was sexually assaulted in his pool house

The government exhibits reveal Epstein’s Palm Beach house and its pool. Jane, an accuser of Epstein’s sexual assaults in her pool house last week, testified to it. 

A study inside Epstein's Palm Beach estate is seen in this government evidence photo

In this photo from the government, you can see a study in Epstein’s Palm Beach estate. 

The kitchen desk and phone are seen in this evidence photo. Last week, housekeeper Juan Alessi testified that he would take messages for Maxwell and Epstein but was told to never disclose their whereabouts

In this evidence photo, you can see the phone and kitchen desk. Juan Alessi, Juan Alessi’s housekeeper testified last week that Epstein and Maxwell would receive messages from him but was warned to keep their locations secret. 

Epstein bought the property in 1990 for $2.5 million and used it to allegedly abuse scores of victims

Epstein purchased the property for $2.5million in 1990 and used it to allegedly abuse scores of victims.

In April, crews began demolishing the $18.5million Palm Beach mansion where Epstein allegedly  abused girls

In April, crews began demolishing the $18.5million Palm Beach mansion where Epstein allegedly  abused girls

Maxwell managed Epstein's properties, including his Palm Beach mansion, which several accusers have testified to visiting when they were underage

Maxwell was responsible for Epstein’s property management, which included his Palm Beach home, which many accusers testified that they visited when they were younger. 

Housekeeper Juan Alessi testified last week, 'From the day [Maxwell] came to the house she right away took over. She mentioned to me she was going to be the lady of the house'

Housekeeper Juan Alessi testified last week, ‘From the day [Maxwell]She immediately took control of the house when she arrived. I was told by her that she would be the lady in the house.

Built in 1952, it was one of a number of properties where Epstein groomed and sexually assaulted underage girls and women as part of a sprawling sex trafficking scheme, prosecutors said

It was built in 1952 and it was just one of many properties Epstein used to groom and assault underage girls and women, as part of an extensive sex trafficking program, according to prosecutors.

Epstein's massage table that was seized by the FBI in 2005  was brought into court on Friday

Epstein’s massage table that was seized by the FBI in 2005  was brought into court on Friday 

Alessi said that he saw 'pornographic tapes and a black leather costume' in a basket in Maxwell's bathroom

Alessi claimed that he found ‘pornographic tapes’ and a black-leather costume in Maxwell’s toilet.

A fellow Palm Beach officer, Sergeant Michael Dawson, took the stand following Parkinson. He noted that the officers ‘were searching for massage tables’ on that particular day in 2005. “We were searching for massage oils.” He said that he was looking for sex toys. 

After that, the prosecutor showed the jury an image of cardboard boxes along with a pair sexual toys. They were dubbed “Twin Torpedoes”.

Dawson confirmed that toys had been taken by the police from the home of the disgraced financier. 

Even though prosecutors were unable to clarify the reasons for the table and sextoys being brought in, Maxwell’s first accused testified that Epstein had used sex on Maxwell and physically abused her during “massages”.

She stated that her husband liked using vibrators with different sizes, and sometimes even back massagers, which were painful. 

Juan Alessi the 72-year old housekeeper, spoke out last week, saying that his part in Epstein’s job was to take care of Epstein’s massages. Maxwell had three scheduled them per day, and they were usually done in his bathroom.

When asked by the prosecutor whether he had ever discovered anything unexpected after his massages, Alessi replied that he did find a large dildo.Two heads and a large man’s penis. 

Alessi claimed that he put on gloves, ‘ran it underneath the water and put (the dildo) in Ms. Maxwell’s closet in (her] bathroom’. 

Alessi stated that he had seen ‘pornographic tapes’ and ‘a black leather dress’ within the same basket.

Then he claimed that he discovered two more sex toys three to four times: one that looked like a pillow and the other that looked almost as if it was an arm with a vibrating rubber part. He placed the items in Epstein’s dresser. 

Alessi testified, “I was supposed blind and deaf to speak nothing.” 

Maxwell added, “Never reveal” Maxwell’s and Epsteins “whereabouts or other activities.” 

Jeffrey Epstein’s House of Sin Staff Rulebook: The 58-page Palm Beach manual gives an amazing insight into Epstein’s world. From the $100 found in each car’s glovebox to the blue bath towels and the gun stored in a bedroom drawer, the rulebook provides a detailed guideline for Epstein.


High standards require that you present yourself well. It is important to make a good first impression.

• Personal cleanliness, good presentation, and a genuine and polite ‘aim to please’ approach are very important

• Try and anticipate the needs of Mr Epstein, Ms Maxwell and their guests

• Make guests feel pampered and welcome

• Do not discuss personal problems with guests

• Remember that you see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing, except to answer a question directed at you

• Unobtrusive is the key

• Wear the appropriate clothing. For dinner, wear dark blue pants with white golf shirts.

• Items in pockets must not create a bulge or be visible

• Do not address Mr Epstein, Ms Maxwell and their guests with hands in your pockets

• Do not chew gum

• Avoid using strong perfume or aftershave lotion. You could get an allergic reaction.


The handbook, which was used at Epstein's mansion in Palm Beach (pictured), Florida, was designed to give staff 'proper guidance to perform your duties to the best of your ability'

The Epstein mansion, Palm Beach, Florida (pictured), used the handbook to guide staff.

An 8,600 sq ft Parisian apartment near the Arc de Triomph owned by Epstein

Epstein has an 8,600 sq.ft apartment in Paris, near the Arc de Triomph.

The interior of one of Epstein's jets. He allegedly used the planes to shuttle teenage girls

Interior of Epstein’s plane. The planes were allegedly used to transport teenage girls.

The entrance to Epstein's New Mexico ranch where girls have said they were abused

Epstein’s New Mexico Ranch, where the girls claim they were abused.

Epstein was accused of abusing girls at his New Mexico ranch (pictured)

Epstein, pictured (pictured), was accused of sexually abusing women at his New Mexico ranch.

Miss Kellen (pictured right with Maxwell) has previously been described as Maxwell's 'lieutenant' in Epstein's circle of abuse and has been accused of playing a pivotal role in the scandal, helping to procure young girls

Maxwell (pictured left with Miss Kellen) was once described as Maxwell’s “lieutenant in Epstein’s circle of abuse. He has also been accused of being a central figure in the scandal and helping to procure young women.



A pair of large white towels are placed next to each other in the bathroom.

Use soap, shampoo, and bubble bath along the sides of your tub

Make sure water runs clear and hot

The water must flow to the tap, not the tub sprayer.

There are two fresh towels in the basin, and one next to it.

A fresh bar soap is placed right next to the basin

Replace your toothbrush every four weeks with an electric toothbrush

Put the toothbrushes in the clean glass just to the left side of your washbasin.

Toothpaste is more than ½ full

Above: Mouthwash


Cotton pads in round

Make sure to clean up and replenish any toiletries that are low.

Tissues (replace if less than ½)

Get out of your closets

Placement of photographs


Calcium twin tablet

Facial Moisturiser (La Mer), below

Babor Foam Mask

Kiehl’s Cucumber Toner

Kiehl’s Washable Cleansing Milk

La Mer Eye Balm

Below, Evian Face mist

Clarins Creme Masvelt Body Shaping Creme

Babor Body Peeling

Lancome Exfoliating Gel

Body Lotion (Frederic Fekkai, Clinique Deep Comfort Body Moisture)

Aquaphor Hand cream

Secret Original Solid Deodorant

Cotton pads in round


Toothbrush (Oral B/Hard)

Electric Toothbrush (Braun Ultra Plaque Remover)

Toothpaste (Arm & Hammer Dental Care and Mentadent)

Dental Floss (Johnson & Johnson Reach I Mint waxed), above 

Scope mouthwash

Sunscreen (Lancome Soleil SPF 30 Face Creme), below

Kiehl’s Lip Balm, SPF.

Soap by Lever 2000

Bubble Bath, Bath Gel, Bath Salts

Shaving cream and razor

Shampoo/Conditioner (Frederic Fekkai Technical & Apple Cider), below

Aquis Hand Towel

Mason Pearson Hair Brush, below

Babor Hand & Nail Repair

Nail polish remover (Cutex)

Use fingernail clippers to file


OB tampons (light & heavy)



As important is what you say as your actions. You must use good grammar and avoid swear words.

You do not say:



‘No problem’

‘You bet’


‘I dunno’

You do say:

‘Yes, Mr’

‘Of course, Ms’

‘My pleasure’

“It’s no problem at all”

‘You are quite right’

You can say the following:

“I’m very sorry, it won’t happen again.”

It was all my fault.

How to greet the guests after they have arrived in your room.

If you are not asked to, don’t expound on weather and other topics.


The way you answer the phone will make a lasting impression on everyone who calls.

You should not ever hit the receiver.

Calls should not take more than three rings.

If not instructed otherwise, DO NOT divulge Mr Epstein or Ms Maxwells activities to any person.

Notify Ms Maxwell if you receive strange calls or inquires by phone.



A/C at 60 degrees

On both the bedside tables, there are 2 lighted pen holders

Jeffrey Epstein Large and Small Notepads

Each bedside table should have a box of tissues (replace any less than 1/3).

Placing gun beside table drawer


Toothpaste is more than ½ full.

Shower exfoliating gloves – new pair

Massage: Three large, blue towels with one hand and one on the seat

You will need three large, blue towels as well as one hand towel for a massage in the towel room.


Gillette MACH-3 Razor, extra blades.

Shaving cream (Kiehl’s Close’ Shavers Squadron).

Secret Original Solid Deodorant

Lever 2000 soap Noxzema Plus Face Wash.

Facial moisturisers (Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Moisturizer, Bahar).

Aquaphor Hand cream

California Mango Lotion.

Shower gels and bubble bath.

Shampoo/Conditioner (White Rain coconut essence, Biolage, Nexxus Simply Silber).

Paul Mitchell Stickworks hair finishing cream

Peter Thomas Roth Sunscreen

J Kiehl Lip balm with SPF.


Cotton pads in round.

Toothpaste (Arm & Hammer Dental Care and Mentadent).

Toothbrush (Oral / Hard).

Electric Toothbrush (Braun Ultra Plaque Remover).

Scope Mouthwash

Dental Floss (Johnson & Johnson Reach I Mint waxed).

Baby Powder (Johnson & Johnson).

Mason Pearson Hairbrush.

Hair Comb/Tweezers

File and fingernail clippers



TIP: Make sure that guest rooms appear like the arrival guest was the first person to stay there.

You must have new sheets, towels, and bathrobes.

All lights work.

Television remote controls work.

The TV comes with instructions on how to operate the television.

You must set your alarm clock to the right time and date.

Jeffrey Epstein pen large and small notepads

Use eye masks at your bedside.

A small bouquet of fresh flowers.

If Mr Epstein indicates, gifts will be given.

Drinking glasses and bottles of water on the side table.

Variety of fresh fruits.

Side plate, fruit knife, napkin.

Torch equipped with fresh batteries

Clear out your closets. You must ensure that enough hangers are available that can be hung evenly.

A fresh bar of shampoo and soap for the shower and bathtub

There are two washcloths: one at the sink and another in the tub.

A fresh bar soap is placed right next to the basin

Replaces the left-hand washbasin with a new toothbrush and toothpaste

Clean drinking glass


It is operating.

Toilet paper should be replaced with a new roll. Make a V shape from the folded end.

The jury were also shown pictures of Epstein's £164 million property empire, including Little St James (pictured), his private island in the US Virgin Islands, worth around £50 million

The jury were also shown pictures of Epstein’s £164 million property empire, including Little St James (pictured), his private island in the US Virgin Islands, worth around £50 million



Reuse towels.

You will find enough toothpaste.

Refill any toiletries running out.

Other Bedrooms

Pillows, blankets, sheets, and bedspreads can be placed on a stool. Do not place pillows, duvets, bedspreads or blankets on the ground.

No dust on the telephone. No sticky spots. Cord should be properly hung.


Tidy magazines. Don’t keep fashion magazines that are more than 2 months old.


Polish marble counter tops in kitchen.

All expiration dates should be checked on foods in your refrigerator and pantry.

Napkins must be ironed and cleaned


Check that pool water temperature is between 82–88F


Take care of your desk but don’t throw out any papers.

A fresh bar soap is placed right next to the washing basin.

Change the toilet paper for a brand new roll. Make a V with the folded end.


Massage Tables – Wipe and sanitise

Fridge – Clean thoroughly. Get rid of any spoiled food. You can eliminate bad odours by placing a bowl full of plain vanilla extract-soaked cotton balls in the fresh food section.


Each car should have $100 placed in its glove box or center console.

Telephone directories for Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine and Maxwell.

Jeffrey Epstein Notepads, large and small with pens


Place in your pantry The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal Palm Beach Post.

Purchase the Daily Mail, shown here and place it on Ms Maxwell’s desk.

Box of matches to be placed by all the candles

All rugs should be straightened with tassels and fringe.


There are two sizes for Lady Ghislaine and Ghislaine Maxwell notepads.



• Glass of water

• Coffee

• 1 Sweet And Low, or Equal (sugar substitutes)

• Creamer filled with Half & Half, warmed in the microwave for 25 seconds.

• Mr Epstein will indicate what food he would like


• Maxwell House coffee served with milk

• Freshly squeezed orange juice

• Glass of water

• 1 Weetabix with sliced banana. Add milk and sugar to the side


• Pre-set table or breakfast trays for the number of guests present

• As guests arrive, inquire if they would like coffee, tea, or fruit juice

• Always make sure coffee is fresh

• Re-confirm guests have no allergic reaction to specific foods

• Take the breakfast order. Before you start preparing the breakfast, ask your guests if they are willing to sit and wait.

• Always serve from the left, and clear from the right if possible


When necessary, you will be required to be on ‘standby’ duty – making yourself available for any duties that need to be carried out. 

You should never travel further than an hour away from your base to ensure that you can respond quickly.

It means that if you get called, you will have to wait one hour before you can return.

• You could be called at any time, day or night.

• The security of the house, Mr Epstein, Ms Maxwell and their guests are your first consideration. A professional and calm approach is essential when dealing with a crisis.