Little Loo-dini is saved by firefighters: Crews free a young boy from his toilet seat

  • Edward was rescued by firefighters after his head got stuck in the toilet. 
  • The Darlington Fire and Rescue Service and County Durham Fire and Rescue Service helped him.
  • After Edward became stuck, responders were forced to take off the toilet rim. 

This young man had high hopes to become a famed escape artist.

The boy’s head was stuck to the toilet rim and required emergency assistance from firefighters.

This photo shows him calmly despite the chaos.

Drained: It proved a long day for Edward. Firemen had to come to the aid of the boy and remove the rim of a toilet after his head became stuck inside

Edward was drained. It proved to be a difficult day. After Edward’s head got stuck in a toilet, firefighters had to help him.

Harry Houdini in 1900. If Edward had hopes of becoming a famous escape artist, it seems his dreams have been flushed down the drain

Harry Houdini in 1900. Edward Houdini in 1900.

Darlington Fire and Rescue Service and County Durham stated that Edward had been experiencing toilet problems and was rescued by Darlington Green Watch firefighters.

“He somehow managed to stick his toilet training chair around his head. But fortunately our crews were able to free him quickly!
